Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1619

The Wei Ting sisters went south while playing.

The two parties agreed to meet in the magic city and then return to North America together.

As for why we should choose Mordu TV instead of Princess TV, the main reason is that the time has not come.

Good things will naturally be put at the end, and the same goes for interviews.

If you are now appearing on the highest-level TV programs, what program will Qiye go on when the movie is released?


At eight o'clock in the evening, Ma Zhongbo turned on the TV on time to watch a filmmaker interview show on Mordu TV.

As a historical movie lover, he is no stranger to this show, and it can even be said to be quite familiar.

Because this show often has actors he likes participating in it, many of which are quite big.

For example, the emperor's professional Uncle Hu Ming, or the prime minister of Tang Dynasty who shaped a generation of Ming Dynasty Zhuge Kongming.

But whether it is the two who are on the show, or the Ma Zhongbo who is watching the show.

They probably wouldn't expect that in a few years, Uncle Ming and the prime minister will make their debut in the ghost animal district, and they will become popular again with the new model of the new era.

However, today's program is not an interview with a domestic star, but a heavyweight foreign guest-Kiryu Qiye.

The Malaysia-China Expo is also watching this episode because I want to know more about the movie "Da Qin".

This movie has been swiped on TV shows too many times recently, so many people who don’t know much about the movie know that such a movie will be released this year.

Although various programs have blown up the movie so much, Ma Zhongbo himself does not believe it very much.

Even if you are interested in this movie, there is still a difference between interest and recognition.

He still doesn't think Kiryu Nanaya, a foreign director, will make the movie well.

This is why he chose to watch this show, because he wants to see how Kiryu Nanaya himself evaluates this movie.

"As a famous Hollywood director, how much halo he has? I don't think I need to introduce more! Let us welcome this great director who is loved by fans all over the world with warm applause!"

On the screen, the host was very excited.

After all, he is on the same stage as the world's No. 1 commercial director. If he is not excited, it is really nonsense.

As the host of a filmmaker talk show, Kiryu Nanya is likely to be the highest-ranking filmmaker he has ever interviewed.

And there will definitely not be more than Qiye status in the future.

Outside the screen, Ma Zhongbo, who saw Kiryu Qiye's debut, smiled slightly.

Of course, Ma Zhongbo has heard of Kiryu Qiye's name, but he is not very familiar with Qiye, who loves the historical movies of the celestial dynasty.

However, after the interview started, I saw Kiryu Qiye being easy-going and communicating in Chinese from beginning to end.

Ma Zhongbo feels that this director is really interesting.

Soon, this interview entered the topic.

The host talked about Qiye's new film "Da Qin", the official name in the celestial dynasty should be "Beauty under the Red Moon".

The program first broadcasts a movie trailer that has been broadcast 10,000 times on other occasions.

Then, the host asked Qiye's questions.

"I want to ask, why did you choose the subject of Qin Shihuang?" The supporter asked curiously, "Our country has many ancient dynasties. What made you make a decision?"

[Because of Daqin who was selected in the game script of the previous life.

Of course Qiye would not answer that way.

In fact, Qiye also thought about this issue when he was planning the early stage of FGO.

Eventually he found that after thinking and thinking, Da Qin was the most suitable one.

"In ancient times, the only famous dynasties in the world were the Qing and Qin dynasties. If you want to make films about the celestial dynasty, you can only choose between these two dynasties."

This is the truth. If you want to make a movie, you must choose a familiar subject.

Just as "Samurai", a Japanese element that is most familiar to European and American audiences, was added to "Shimozuoku", it is impossible for Qiye to come up with a dynasty that has no reputation in Europe and the United States.

In fact, with this major premise, Qiye didn't have much choice.

In the Qin Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, and the Qing Dynasty, this was actually a situation where one of the three was chosen.

"The Qing Dynasty has appeared in too many film and television works, and the image of the Qing Dynasty in European and American society is not very good."

"FGO wants to show the most glorious moment of human civilization, so the Qing Dynasty is not very suitable."

Qiye briefly talked about the reasons why he did not choose the Qing Dynasty.

"The Qin Dynasty will let Europe, America and the world know it because of the terracotta warriors and horses, a miracle in human history."

Qiye said with a serious expression: "But I want to let the people of the world know more, and hope that people all over the world will know what a glorious past and brilliant civilization the celestial dynasty once had."

"Through these tiger tanks?"

The host pointed to the screen behind him with his hand, and the screen just switched to the tank army of the Qin Dynasty.

Because these tank-like weapons have a tiger's head, the word "tiger tank" has been spread in the movie "Da Qin".

"Yes, it depends on these tiger tanks."

The host originally thought Qiye would deny it, but he didn't expect the other party to admit it.


Seeing that the other's eyes were staring, Qiye smiled and replied: "Qin Chao in the movie has developed for more than 2,000 years, anyway, don't you allow others to open tanks?"

Qiye vomited mercilessly: "I remember that in novels about Internet traversal, don't the protagonists usually get out the steam engine before they die?"

"I didn't expect Director Kiryu to even read online novels..."

"Yeah, I really like to get inspiration from these places."

Speaking of Qiye, she turned her head and glanced at the poster behind her, "But who actually came up with the name "Tiger Tank", it feels quite appropriate."


Qin Jue almost sprayed out in the background.

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