Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1628

Because the two masters of Musta Hinako and Gudako were here, Chaldeans and the audience subconsciously thought that this would be a very dangerous environment.

Many viewers thought that Daqin was in a period of war at this time, and the two previous masters were involved in the war.

It is precisely because of this unexpected contrast that the expressions on the faces of the audience are synchronized with the appearance of the characters on the screen.

Since no risk was detected, Leonardo and others had to get out of the chariot to observe.

"It's so beautiful..."

Looking at the golden wheat ears under the sun, Qin Jue sighed.

"It just looks pretty on the screen."

Little Mustard put her arms around her arms, and she thought of very bad memories.

When filming on the edge of the wheat field, she suffered a lot.

Especially the bites of mosquitoes, she couldn't accept it at all.

Of course, the rest of the audience in the theater has not experienced the experience of Little Mustard.

Such a beautiful picture makes everyone yearn for.

After sighing, the audience also became confused.

There is no trace of mechanized farming in such a vast field, which is a bit unreasonable.

But when I saw the local villagers, the confusion became even stronger.

If you have never paid attention to "Da Qin", you may only think that Da Vinci and others have come to ancient times.

But the audience at the premiere is not that kind of passerby audience, even if they are not enthusiastic fans of Fate, but the relevant information about the movie is still known.

As a work that occurred in an environment in the early 20th century, it should be a modern style.

We must know that many people predicted on the Internet that Daqin was launching the first world war in this parallel world with Europe.

But what is shown to everyone on the screen now has the feeling that this is the state of Qin BC.

"So what kind of country is this?"

The audience and the Chaldean members who arrived here had the same questions.

In the previous FGO works, although historical distortions have occurred, they are not as confusing as this time.

Just when the audience was at a loss, Miss Arong could see that some doorways were coming.

"So that's it..."

The corners of Miss A Rong's mouth slightly twitched, and she finally knew the storytelling routine of Qiye.

The huge amount of information at the opening was completely blind to the eye, and the various settings in it were all "flesh bones" for Xingyue's senior fans.

The audience will be very excited if they can understand.

Because the settings of longevity species and imaginary numbers have a strong flavor of shape.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, as long as you can feel the tension of the Chaldeans and his party when they rush out of the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

In this way, the audience can synchronize with the Chaldeans on the screen and increase the sense of substitution.

"Is this the magic called the director?"

Miss Arong muttered to herself, the arc of the corner of her mouth showed that she was in a very good mood at this moment.

Observing the surrounding audience, watching them unknowingly, being pulled into the movie by Qiye.

Miss Arong's face couldn't help but flushed.

"Sure enough, director Qiye."

Miss Arong commented in a respectful tone.

pS1: The chapter name is taken from Xiaobitchi’s treasure animation.

Because they run away after hitting someone, they are called hit and run.╮(╯▽╰)╭

pS2: Cut, the teacher is very strict today.

Constantly asking questions, there is no chance of codewords._

I can only give up today and wait until tomorrow.

I hope that tomorrow's class teacher will not ask questions all day long in class.

Sure enough, Mi Jiang is a bad student.(*/ω*)

Chapter 882

Just like Miss Arong thought, although the opening of the movie did not have special action scenes and special effects scenes.

But the wonderful plot is enough to attract fans to watch it patiently.

This kind of storytelling style that pushes through the fog has the feeling of watching a detective film, and it is close to the final truth bit by bit, so that the movie can be watched even if there is no action scene.

Under the "seduce" of the couple, Leonardo and Romani, the Chaldeans and the local villagers resolved their misunderstanding.

"This fits Qiye's position quite well~"

Looking at Romani, who was chatting and laughing with the "unsophisticated" rural women through the holographic projection, Lily in the seat rolled her eyes and uttered.

"After all, Director Qiye is very kind when he laughs."

Hearing Qin Jue's words, Lily gave a tut, and then stopped speaking.

Under the two public relations between Leonardo da Vinci and Romani, the Chaldeans and his party quickly became one with the villagers.

Later, through the other party's guidance, I saw the huge building floating in the sky-Afang Palace.

This shows that the country's cutting-edge technology is very developed.

But it had a huge contradiction with the primitive and backward life of the villagers.

Although Da Vinci and his party didn't know that the name of the building was called Afang Palace, this building that had never appeared in human history indicated that the environment they were in was obviously a unique point.

Since it is a special point, it needs to be restored. This is the responsibility of being a member of the Chaldeans.

But before that, they must first find the two missing masters.

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