Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1630

Take that picture and show it to others, saying that it is a twenty-year-old young man, there will be no problems.

But the director didn't want the audience to see the first emperor so early. Everyone could only see a faint figure through a hazy layer of gauze.

"Does the so-called still holding Pipa half-hidden arouse everyone's curiosity?"

Feng Dapao nodded slightly; "This kid really understands the culture of the celestial dynasty."

"Um... why do you say this, so a little... nasty?" The bald head snapped at Old Feng Nu.

"Stop talking nonsense and watch a movie!"

At the request of Emperor Shi, Mustako took his servants by a rocket express and flew directly from Xianyang to the village where the Chaldeans were.

Kakuko changed the appearance of the literary girl who recalled the scene in Chinese quietly, and used a fluent Beijing film to mock Gudako.

Probably the meaning is: you are defeated, hurry up to die for the old lady.

Kakuko wanted to come, although the other party was crowded, but her followers were in good condition.

Neither Musashi, Leonardo nor the Third Prince on the Chaldean side could exert their full combat effectiveness.

It is not a problem at all to let King Lanling pick three.

I don't know that during this time, the Chaldeans were not waiting and doing nothing.

After knowing that he was going to face a powerful empire this time, Gudazi called for a servant with the help of Shadow Border equipment.

At first, Gudazi and Leonardo tried to summon the local servants, but they failed.

So the two could only change their way and summon the Moske trio from the Heroic Seat of pan-human history.


It is the rebel three swordsmen: Mordred, Spartacus and Jing Ke.

So the scene where one person singled out three people, in a blink of an eye, turned into a crowd of six beating one person.

Strictly speaking, this should be the first action scene of "Da Qin".

But just as it started suddenly, it ended a bit suddenly.

King Lanling was a powerful follower, but there were too many followers across Chaldea.

However, the FGO Kakuko Interlude has not yet been announced, and fans don't know that this battle has nothing to do with more people.

Even if we change the staff, we still fail.

Maybe the mustard young child is very strong as the true ancestor, but if you talk about the master's ability alone, the old mustard is a simple dish.

Fortunately, Qiye didn't show these in the movie, which was a bit of face for Lao Ke.

Outnumbered Kazukiko can only choose to retreat strategically.

But how about the northerners are more sturdy.

Even if she retreats, Mustard Nako will not forgive anyone, nor forget to throw a series of Zuan dialects to Chaldea before she leaves.

When the first emperor saw the defeat of Mustard Hinako, he paid a little attention to the Chaldeans and his party.

In order to test how many catties there are on the Chaldean side, the first emperor sent the Qin Empire's ultimate weapon, the Kuaiji Zero Style, which is Xiang Yu.

The decision of the first emperor made Kazukiko very excited, and the audience also saw Kazukiko's third face after the literary girl and the grumpy old Kazuki-the ultimate fan.

At the premiere before, those female fans saw what Qi Ye's expression was like, and now Lao Jing sees Xiang Yu's expression.

Because the first emperor said it was rather vague at the beginning, Mustard Cinazi called out "Master Xiang Yu."

Everyone thought what kind of handsome Xiang Yu would be, and then everyone saw the six-armed man, Ma brother, appeared on the stage.

"This is exactly the weird aesthetic..."

Ma Zhongbo complained about Ms. Mustard's behavior.

A pretty little girl, how come she likes such non-human beings?

Ma Zhongbo, who is already an adult, inevitably thinks of content that is inappropriate for children.

For example, girls riding horses...

pS: The official history does not record information about Yu Ji's birthplace, cemetery, ethnicity, etc.

There are two folk sayings, one is from Yanji Town, Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, and the other is from Changshu, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

However, these two statements personally feel a bit far-fetched.

In Xingyue's setting, Laoju is from the country of Yan, because the shape of her Lingshu resembles Xiaozhuan's "yan".

In other words, Laojia is from Hebei now, that is, a big girl in Beijing.23333

Chapter 883

From the beginning of the film to the first encounter between Xiang Yu and Chaldea, about 50 minutes have passed.

Except for the two battles between Chaldea and Lanling King and Xiang Yu, "Da Qin" hardly has any action scenes.

This is rare for Qiye, where the action scenes are always very dense.

But the audience in the theater did not feel dull at all.

Even if there were no particularly big battle scenes, they still watched mesmerizingly.

The feeling of pushing away the fog and revealing a little bit about the Great Qin Empire simply made the audience want it.

For example, a collection of heroes named "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" in Lishan.

There is also Han Xin's description of the several battles of the Great Qin Empire when he debuted.

All these made the audience feel the power of Da Qin from the side, and made up the picture of Da Qin tiger ben fighting the world.

What foreigners would think, Ma Zhongbo didn't know, but he himself shouted awesome.

The only regret is probably that the film did not capture the process of Da Qin's conquest of the world.

If there is such a movie, it will definitely be the number one epic movie in his mind.

But the "Da Qin" in front of me is not bad, a big figure in history, foreseeable scenes, majestic music, heavy texture and ups and downs.

Especially, when the First Emperor negotiated with the Chaldeans and his party, he showed them the orbital Great Wall floating in the air.

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