Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 165

There are a total of 32 advertising spaces in the Super Bowl midfield. According to the calculation of 1.9 million US dollars, the organizer of the intermission alone will have 60.8 million US dollars in advertising revenue.

Almost exactly the production cost of a "Goblin Slayer".

"It's really a robbery that doesn't make much money."

This expensive price made Qiye feel sore teeth.

Although it is not the money he spent, there is a cap on the cost of the "Goblin Slayer" announcement.

The more invested in the Super Bowl, the other places will be reduced accordingly.

"Fortunately, it is cheaper than the $5 million in 2017."

Qiye could only comfort himself in this way. Although it was a bit of Ah Q, after all, the purchasing power of money in 2002 and 2017 was fundamentally different, but at least it could be somewhat comforting.

Just when Qiye was thinking about a match and not a match, the Super Bowl midfield advertisement finally began.

The most eye-catching of this year's Super Bowl midfield advertising business is definitely Budweiser.The advertisement of this drunk horse to New York silently pays tribute and condolences to the victims of last year's major event in the simplest way.

In fact, it's not just Budweiser. The core theme of this year's Super Bowl halftime show is to mourn the disaster of last September.

For example, in the U2 band's performance, a heart-shaped stage was specially designed to commemorate the victims.When the band sang "Where the Streets H**e No Name", Bono also showed a jacket with the American Stars and Stripes in tribute to the victims.

In terms of movie trailers, "Spider-Man", "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones", "Ace Powers 3: Golden Ally" and other movies that will be released in the summer file have appeared in succession, even at the end of the year. Both "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Cavalry" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" have released their own special trailers.

"It seems that the film adaptation of "Saint and the Brave" is not going to be advertised in the Super Bowl." William said with some contempt to his friends. "Even the Super Bowl is the best publicity period. After that, I really don’t know what to say."

The specific release time of "Goblin Slayer" has not been announced, but according to the [Next Summer] marked in the previous trailers, it can be seen that the release time of this movie should be between June and August.

As for the beginning of the summer holiday in May, because of the relationship between "Spider-Man" and "Star Wars", normal people will definitely not choose this time.

But when the last commercial appeared, William immediately stopped talking, because the three golden triangles that appeared in front of everyone directly indicated which movie trailer it was.

A female voice full of magnetism and haziness was accompanied by a very epic background sound.

"When the world is still in chaos, before the lights of the stars are lit."

"Three goddesses of gold came to this world."

The picture on the screen gradually brightened around the three triangles in the center, and a mural appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone saw that the previous three triangles were just above the heads of the three goddesses, and the content of the picture was the picture of the goddess creating time.

This fresco looks very old and seems to be carved on a certain ruin.

"The goddess of strength, Ting... raised her powerful arms of flame, nurtured the land and created the red earth."

"The goddess of wisdom, Nalu... poured wisdom on the earth and gave the world all the order deep in the soul."

"The goddess of courage, Farola...with her abundant soul, she created all life in the world that follows order."

"After the three goddesses established the Hailar continent, they disappeared, leaving only the sacred triangle."

"just now……"

The scenes began to switch, and the goblins that appeared first were all kinds of goblins. They were extremely ugly, but extremely vicious.

The screen lens began to zoom out, more and more goblins appeared in the lens, and soon these brown-green things occupied the entire screen.

These goblins screamed all kinds of screams, seeming to want to swallow everything they saw like locusts.

The camera pulled to the other side of the battle against the Goblin Army. There were adventurers wearing all kinds of armor. They were gearing up to fight the Goblin Army.


A tall goblin with a double-edged great axe in hand made the sound of a legion attack, and countless goblins began to flood the adventurers like a tide.

At the moment when the two military formations came into contact, the picture turned back to darkness.




Accompanied by heavy footsteps, the picture slowly brightened, and a troll several people tall appeared on the screen.

It opened its mouth and let out a foul breath, and standing across from him was a warrior in simple armor.William, who has seen the movie setting, knows that this is the protagonist of this movie-the goblin killer.

I saw the warrior raised his sword and launched a charge towards the monster that only reached his thigh.

At this time, the voice-over sounded again.

"The new legend has begun!"

The TV screen suddenly turned white, and the golden sacred triangle flashed by in the dazzling light, and then a big "Saint and the Brave" logo appeared, and the subtitle "Goblin Slayer" was displayed below. .

Then came the movie's release date on June 28.

At this point, the whole trailer is over.


pS1: Catch up, no grunt!


pS2: The Super Bowl preview has now risen to $5 million, which should be the most expensive advertising space in the world.Think about someone who can get more than 100 million US dollars in advertising space during the intermission, and then look at the salted fish of Mijiang himself..._(:з∠)_


pS3: 500 stones, 4 treasures for the Rabbit King, 1 treasure for the Chief Division Officer.Who are you two five stars?!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 127 Trailer Response

After the Super Bowl preview of "Goblin Slayer" ended, the Super Bowl game officially began.

But many people's minds are no longer on the game.

"Well, it looks like the effect should be good."

Qiye nodded, he was very satisfied with the trailer he made.

In order to show as far as possible that his movie is a big production, Qiye specially selected two scenes with the most visual effects in the movie.It seems that this trailer is obviously not lost to the masterpieces of "Spider-Man" and "Lord of the Rings" in terms of visual effects.

Thinking of this, Qiye picked up the phone and directly dialed the international long distance to Japan.

"Shion? Are you watching TV?"

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