Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1662

"Looking at it this way, I feel that "Man of Steel" is even more pitiful..."

Although I don't know how much the surroundings of "Man of Steel" can sell, judging from box office performance, it will definitely not exceed 300 million US dollars.

No matter how you look at it, "Man of Steel" is completely inferior to "Da Qin" in terms of commercial performance.

But for such a movie, the top of Warner Corporation actually celebrated it.

Lily really sympathizes with Warner's senior management, how she was bullied by the two big monsters in front of her.

You know, when Lily first entered the entertainment industry, Warner relied on the "Harry Potter" series to become famous and the most popular time.

After only a few years of hard work, she was bullied and turned into an angry little wife.

But there is something worse than Warner.

"Star Trek: Dark Unbounded", which was released in the same week as "Man of Steel", had a North American box office record of just over 200 million.

Even if "Star Trek" has many diehard fans and subsequent DVDs and peripherals sell well, it is destined that this film cannot compete with "Da Qin" on the same stage.

Based on the current situation, Lily thinks that the film that is most likely to defeat "Da Qin" is actually "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" released in June.

[This is the legend that only Jiufeng can defeat Jiufeng?

Lily sighed again at the two great demon kings in front of her.

[I hope I will not be investigated by antitrust in the future...]

A film company that has been outside for less than 10 years has managed to dominate the North American box office charts.

It is estimated that no film company in Hollywood has thought of such a magical plot.

Qiye looked at his watch and stood up first: "You continue to eat, I will go to the studio to see the afternoon preparation."

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Lily quickly put down the fork in her hand, picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth.

"I'm done."

After speaking, Lily waved to Shion and followed.

"The relationship between the two of them seems to be going well."

Shion looked at the background of the two people, and when she saw Lily taking Qiye's arm, her mouth twitched.

After silently taking pictures of the two and sending them to Ryan, Shion began to enjoy his own lunch.

"Um... this spinach doesn't taste as good as mango."


The filming of the crew of "Camelot" soon began in the afternoon.

Basically, the shots during this period of time were mainly shots from Camelot Santos.

Under the arrangement of seven nights, literary dramas were filmed in the morning and action dramas were filmed in the afternoon.

This is also why the crew will rest early in the morning of Qiye.

If you don't finish the preparatory work, there is no way to start the action scene.

For the look of the Lion King in the movie, Qiye did not follow exactly what it was in the game.

The Lion King in the game only has one set of clothes, which is not convenient for Jiufeng Entertainment to have more surroundings.

So Qiye designed two sets of clothes for Ryan.

Except for the white cloak and silver armor in the final battle.

What the Lion King wore in the early stage of the movie was naturally the blue tights and red cloak that appeared on the card surface of the game.

These two sets of clothes are really two extremes from the point of view of design. One is for actual combat, and the other is purely for actual combat.

Because what I'm shooting now is an action scene, so Ryan is of course not wearing tights, but silver armor.

The silver-white armor carefully crafted by the prop set has a strong style of ancient European knights.

And in order to highlight the combat side, many spikes are specially designed around the armor.

This makes even a slender Ryan after wearing this suit, he will not appear thin, but rather aggressive.

Of course, such clothes are mainly made of lightweight polystyrene.

If it is really made of metal, it will be too heavy.

It's not that Ryan can't move after putting it on, but that the crew and the wire can't bear this weight.

Similarly, this armor does not have any comfort to wear, and it is very inconvenient to move.

Even in the practice before shooting, Ryan has worn this armor to practice walking more than once.

But the actual shooting is still very difficult. Every few minutes of shots, Qiye has to let Ryan rest for a while.

Fortunately, Qiye prepared several sets of the same item armor, and also specially prepared stunt doubles for Ryan.

A few people take turns in the battle, but it is enough to ensure the crew's shooting progress.

Moreover, the Lion King came here with a helmet when he first started fighting. When Qiye used his avatar to take these shots, he didn't even need to modify the shots, so he could use it directly after shooting.

But Ryan himself didn't like this suit very much.

At the end of the afternoon's work, she ran to Qiye and complained a few words.

"This suit is really difficult to move around." Ryan complained.


Qiye nodded, his attention was all on the video material of the monitor.

Seeing Qiye's reaction, Ryan chuckled twice.

"This suit is really difficult to film. The stuntman and I are tired and sweaty every time."


Qiye nodded.

"Sure enough, you think you should finish filming this set sooner, right? Qiye, you should prefer my blue suit, right?"

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