Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1696

Although Gilgamesh is not a villain in some other extraterrestrial stories, he also has a group of diehard fans.

It's just that this ratio is really not too much compared to the overall Fate fan base.

But fortunately, when Qiye was shooting UBW and FZ, he didn't write Gilgamesh too unacceptably.

When the time comes, the publicity before the movie is released should not be a big problem for Kyrgyzstan to promote it in a positive direction.

Just as the absolute protagonist of the film, it is not enough to just say good things to Gilgamesh.

He must be strong and able to gain the audience's sense of identity.

Whether the audience can identify with the image of the king on the screen is the key to the success or failure of this film.

FGO's game scripts, especially the seven singularity scripts of 1.0, are basically selling feelings to old Fate fans.

After all, this was originally a game of Karma Leek, so naturally it should follow what Leek likes.

This is why the eight singularities of the prologue are counted. The main characters of each singularity have either appeared in the previous Fate story, or they have changed their vests and wandered out.

However, compared with the first few peculiarities, the following five, six, seven, three peculiarities did not directly copy the characters, but were redesigned.

Sure enough, FGO's script has been more attentive since the fifth singularity.

As for the feeling of the seventh singularity, it is undoubtedly Shining and Rin.

Obviously, from a commercial point of view, "Warcraft Battlefront" is prepared for fans of these two characters.

For Rin, Qiye basically don't have to worry.

Whether it's the cute Istarin, or the later Elein as an important plot tool.

Basically, there will be no problems when handing it to the adult queen.

But Gilgamesh is not necessarily so.

In order to highlight this role image, Qiye had to design Shining in the script to be more three-dimensional.

Game scripts and movies are different carriers. Of course, Qiye can't just copy the game scripts directly.

In order to create a perfect image of Shan Yulu, Qiye went back to look at the FSN and FZ scripts she had written more than once.

What was the annoying character of Shining at the beginning? Qiye needs to be changed in "Warcraft Battlefront".

However, this kind of modification is naturally based on preserving the sparkling characteristics, such as Tsundere, Tsundere, and Tsundere.

People's expectations of popcorn movies are actually pure.

Unconstrained imagination and brilliant action scenes are the reasons why the audience paid for the tickets.

It can be seen from this that the audience does not have high expectations for the script.

But no expectation does not mean no requirement.

Also, since this film is an outpost of "The Final Chapter", it will inevitably be involved in the subsequent story.

Qiye must carefully consider in what way to properly draw out the suspense of the following story.

Simply adding an Easter egg will definitely not work.

But in the same way, like the "Superman vs. Batman" next door, it is even more difficult to paste the Justice League Easter eggs directly on the faces of the audience.

In order to make the script of the movie smoother and less fanatic.

Qiye even became Bai Juyi.

He pulled out Ligelite, the only person around who was not a Fate fan, and asked her to read the script.

Qiye will immediately modify anything that Lijieli doesn't understand.

Qiye paid so much attention to the script for a reason.

Now that CG is becoming omnipotent, the various magical abilities of the producers are not a problem.

At the same time, the audience was amazed by the gorgeous special effects just like a few years ago.

Things are rare and expensive, and special effects are now worthless, so naturally they are not as popular as before.

Although audiences still go to commercial movies for special effects, they are also picky about things other than special effects.

Despite the current Fate's influence, Qiye has made a purely brainless popcorn movie, and there must be many people who bought it.

When creating this series, Qiye did not deny that it was to make money.

But since the creation of the Moon World, whether it is due to the responsibility of a month chef or for the reputation of his own director, Qiye will make the film as perfect as possible.

This is an obligation that only he himself understands.

Miss reporter in a swimsuit.jpg

pS1: Looking at the news, Germany asked 53 countries and regions to conduct polls on the comparison of epidemic control between China and the United States.

Only three countries and regions feel that the United States is doing a good job: Bangzi, WW, and the United States itself...

Is it so practical?_

pS2: The Japanese service is currently being reproduced last year, which can be regarded as a suitable picture.

But this time for the re-engraving is actually from the 8th to the 29th, a full three weeks.

Is there currently a longer re-engraving activity than this?(ω)

Chapter 917

When Qiye was working on the final script writing, the other two core characters of FGO's script group, Ai Lei and Lao Xu, also moved into the studio at the same time.

Some scenes that he was not very good at, Qiye left them to deal with.

After making so many movies, Qiye is of course very clear about her strengths and weaknesses.

He will not be so arrogant that he thinks that any scene he writes can touch his heart.

Basically, during the finalization of the script, the three people will sit together and negotiate peacefully to achieve the most ideal results.

For example, Ai Lei is mainly responsible for some easy and funny scenes and lines to invigorate the atmosphere; Lao Xu is also responsible for throwing knives and adding warmth to the script; Qiye is responsible for the overall control by herself.

This kind of mutual cooperation turned most of Qiye's adaptations into practical plans on paper.

The first is the change in Gilgamesh's image. The original gleaming and cheesy shape was abandoned and replaced by the familiar image of a virtuous king.

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