Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1706

Because Qiye is really too busy now.

After the final draft of the script and the drawing board were determined, the special effects production of "Warcraft Battlefront" began before the shooting.

The movie has only been released for less than a year. If we don't start special effects production now, it is estimated that it will be too late.

Even, in order to complete the special effects shot as soon as possible, action scenes will be filmed at the end of the seven nights.

Like the last "Camelot", most of the shots in this movie will be shot in the studio.

The last film was complained by some film critics as "Jerusalem in the studio". Qiye estimates that this time "Warcraft Battlefront" will continue the nickname of the previous film and is called "Mesopotamia in the studio". Up.

pS: Zhu Jun, I now have new ideas.(?)

Chapter 922

From the beginning of the "Warcraft Front" project, Jiufeng Entertainment's publicity department has never been idle.

Even during the preparation period, Qiye would let them jump out from time to time, reveal some news to the outside world, and maintain the topicality of "Warcraft Front".

For example, Shi Shi vomited bitterness to the media during interviews more than once, saying that his physical training was "inhuman".

"I hate this movie. It doesn't eat well, and I have to do more than 3 hours of physical exercise every day. A certain director is too cold-blooded!"

Although this is for propaganda needs, the style is not exaggerated.

In order to be qualified for the image of Jin Gu, or Enqidu, the two ceremonies made great efforts.

In order to maintain weight and body shape, Shiji has to eat a lot of high-protein foods every day.

These foods are not like cakes, steaks and the like, but light chicken breasts, eggs and milk, as well as vegetable salads to supplement vitamins.

It looks good, but the problem is that these things basically don't contain seasonings or sauces.

Except for a small amount of salt, these foods don't have any seasonings. Even vegetable salads don't have any seasonings. There is nothing like salad dressing, Thousand Island dressing, and vinaigrette.

It is healthy and not unpalatable, but it has no oily water and has a light taste, which makes it tasteless after eating.

This is no less than torture for the style.

It's no wonder that Shishi sighed in front of the media. This is her real experience.

The things that people like to eat are often unhealthy things.

And the current style has never been so eager to be unhealthy.

Although Shi feels that she is living in dire straits at this time, the effects of her exercise and nutritious meals are still very significant.

By the time the film started, his chin was as sharp as the knitting.

If at this time, Shiki dressed up as a weaving, it is estimated that Qiye would not be able to tell the difference so quickly.

In fact, there is still a way to distinguish quickly. Qiye only needs to shout "Knitting, show me women's clothes", and you can definitely know whether it is knitting or style in front of you.

If it is Shishi, she will probably hook up with Qiye.

On the contrary, if it is weaving.Qiye estimated that she would probably be asked to kneel on the computer motherboard for a day.

Therefore, even if he knew the method of discrimination, Qiye didn't plan to use it.

Injure the enemy a thousand, and hurt yourself 800.

Qiye didn't intend to embarrass herself.

In July, Qiye led the main members of the crew to Burbank's studio.

After a long and busy preliminary preparations, "Warcraft Front" officially started shooting.


On an ordinary Monday morning, when the sun had just risen, dozens of trailers and trucks drove to the relatively empty location studio in Burbank.

Under the command of Qiye, the staff got out of the car one after another to start the intense preparations before shooting.

Since a lot of work has been completed a few days ago, the setting work has been completed, now more is to lay out the lights and adjust the camera position.

While waiting for Shonan to adjust the camera, Qiye asked Sugiyama standing behind him: "Has the reporter contacted by Jiufeng come?"

Sugiyama hurriedly replied, "I'm on the way here. I guess I will be there in 10 minutes."

As the associate director of the crew, Sugiyama needs to manage many things in the crew.

If Qiye is the general planning in the team, then Sugiyama is the executor who implements Qiye's order.

After one director experience, Sugiyama paid more attention to the work of the deputy director.

He hopes that he can learn more from Qiye, so that he can go further at the director level.

In fact, Qiye is very satisfied with Sugiyama.

After all, when he himself first started, he encountered various difficulties.

There is often a very big difference between learning and practice. You can understand and learn many things, but there will be various problems when you practice.

Sugiyama was able to insist on finishing the film, which is already very good.

However, Qiye didn't express too much of Sugiyama's satisfaction. He still wanted to be a strict teacher.

After hearing his apprentice's answer, Qiye nodded slightly. He glanced at Sugiyama from the corner of his eye, and then said, "Don't lose your own workout, remember to stay in shape."

When the "Warcraft Front" is over, the next "Final Chapter" is about to debut.

As a veteran star in the Fate series, Sugiyama will certainly not miss this event.

"I know."

Sugiyama has heard of some of his teacher's plans.

"Let Barrie coordinate with the media reporter." Qiye began to explain the work, "After I finish shooting the first article, let the reporter come in."

Today is the first day of filming for the crew, and the nature of publicity is greater than the actual shooting.

The main thing is to let the movie characters appear for reporters.

After receiving Qiye's order, Sugiyama left.

The preparations for the crew are still going on, and Qiye continues to be busy.

Not far from the outside of the studio, some of the invited reporters have gotten out of the car.

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