Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1714

Despite this, Shion and Qiye are not very panicked.

Ziyuan doesn't panic because Jiufeng Entertainment has made various public relations during its development in recent years, so it doesn't care about these small companies.

Qiye is not very familiar with the company's specific operating procedures, but he knows the future trend.

In the future, Da Dizi will occupy one third of the North American film market.

Even so, there was no monopoly of the Dadizi defendant's industry.

Although the development momentum of Jiufeng Entertainment is very strong, it has not yet reached the level of Disney in the future, so there is no need to worry.

Moreover, the current environment in the United States is no longer what it used to be, and monopoly prosecution has become increasingly difficult in this country.

If you remember correctly, Qiye remembers that by the time of 2019, Disney also applied for the cancellation of the law that movie companies cannot set foot in theaters.

Although he hadn't seen whether this law could be cancelled before Seven Nights Crossing, Disney was proud to mention that this was a signal in itself.

Try it before 2000. If Disney dared to say it was demolished by the government every minute.

Therefore, although there are various voices condemning Jiufeng Entertainment in the industry, Qiye is not in a hurry.

These people eat too much lemon sour, and after a while they know that it's useless to play so, they will naturally go away.

But whether these small companies will be hated by Ziyuan, Qiye will not care about it.

From the time when he was making console games in the last century, the Jiufeng family has always held a grudge.

The careful deeds of Mr. Jiufengpu are still circulating in the game industry.

Qiye didn't think Shion would be more generous than her grandfather.

In fact, there is no need for Shion to do more. As long as the [See Moon] on-demand share of these film companies is reduced by 5%, it will let them know who is in charge of this era.

This is the advantage of mastering the distribution channels, directly grasping the lifeblood of others.

Compared with these little troubles, Qiye is more concerned about the special effects production of "Warcraft Front".

"Warcraft Battlefront" involves a lot of special effects shots, but Qiye did not particularly abuse the special effects during production, but was very restrained.

Qiye didn't want her movie to become a naked dazzling movie.

Although Hollywood's large-scale special effects movies are indeed show off, and most Hollywood directors also have a hobby of show off.

But Qiye doesn't think this is correct.

The most typical example is Michael Bay, a director who uses bombardment to vulgarity.

Qiye believes that the main reason for this dazzling skill is that it is the best way to reflect the burning of funds.

You can see that there are so many explosion shots and so many light and shadow special effects in our movies. This is enough to prove that our movie investment is spent on steel blades.

This kind of thinking is not only very common in Hollywood, even viewers often have similar ideas.

In the early years, Qiye had similar thoughts.

Especially when shooting FSN, he used almost all the scenes that can add special effects and explosions.

But with the growth of experience, Qiye's concept began to change.

The more movies he made, he discovered that this kind of dazzling technique for highlighting special effects is actually no different from that of countless people in Qiye's previous life who liked to post to Moments.

It's just that the director is showing off these special effects pictures that need to be built with thousands of dollars.

This kind of psychology is actually quite normal.

Of course, Qiye also likes to pretend to be forceful, but he has been out of low-level taste, and he will not be as conspicuous as those vulgar directors.

Qiye, who thinks he has grown into a high-grade commercial director, naturally has to find a way to be more restrained.

Therefore, the current Qiye's thinking in making special effects scenes has changed.

If Qiye made these special effects shots in the past to highlight special effects, now Qiye is trying to incorporate special effects into the shots to make them "natural".

Qiye no longer needs special effects to attract audiences. His name and Fate's influence are the biggest reasons why audiences buy tickets to enter the cinema.

The most obvious example is that viewers now always say "Let's go to a Fate movie" instead of "Let's go to a special effects movie."

This transition is a hurdle that every commercial film director must overcome.

When a director is just in his early days, he naturally needs to use his most proud show off skills to attract the audience.

However, the tastes of the audience will continue to change. Directors who only stick to their own "three axes" will one day be abandoned by the market.

Qiye didn't want to be abandoned, so he could only constantly try to break through himself.

This time, "Warcraft Front", Qiye did not use any new special effects technology.

But in the use of special effects, Qiye still tried new methods to keep the audience fresh.

After all, technology and special effects are just a means of telling stories. Special effects are used to help the director complete the picture in his mind.

If you don't even figure this out, then the director's achievements will be nothing more than that.

After finishing the first cut and general special effects production of Tim’s battle, Qiye returned to the crew to continue filming.

During his absence from the crew, Shanshan has already taken the crew to complete the first half of the film where Lixiang and Matthew first arrive in Uruk.

After Qiye took over the crew again, he immediately started the action scene with Gorgon.

"Hunter! The light is 10° to the right, and the brightness is slightly brighter."

In the studio, Qiye observed the brightness of the shooting scene through the camera lens.

After the lighting engineer named Hunter hit the angle to his satisfaction, Qiye immediately said: "Okay! Just keep it as it is! The actors are in place!"

Under Qiye's order, several actors reached their positions in the set at their fastest speed.

When the filming started, Scarlett Johansson, wearing a motion capture suit, appeared first in front of the camera.

"I thought it was something, isn't this the ant I've let go?"

In front of the green screen, she looked down at a group of people in their costumes with a contemptuous look.

Scarlett was standing on a platform slightly higher than the dog breed and others.

However, the height of this platform is still not comparable to the Gorgon in the setting.

Qiye built this platform just to make Scarlett more natural to lower her head and look down at the sight of the dogs and others.

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