Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1731

In the crown of the sword, although the plot of Tefu mentioning the concept of death is important, it can actually be fooled with any reason.

The reason why Qiyehui retains his grandfather is still from a business perspective.

Letting grandpa with huge popularity appear in the movie can generate commercial benefits.

It is as if the role of Optimus Prime in the personal film "Bumblebee" has no decisive effect on the advancement of the script.

But the producer still kept the big pillar and let it appear in the movie, the purpose is also to consider from a commercial point of view.

In this way, the movie script of "Warcraft Battlefront" was already very commercial when it was written by Mushroom.

Funny characters, pretending characters, emotional characters, almost all of the characters on the stage have a clear commercial positioning.

I felt this way when I played Chapter 7 in Seven Nights in my last life. Except that Ilei didn't model, the script of Chapter 7 was perfect.

Of course, this perfection is from a business perspective.

From the perspective of the effect of the film, Dahe's performance is very perfect.

It’s not something that any actor can try. Once it’s not done well, it can only bring counterproductive effects to the audience.

But Dahe's performance is very natural. She is obviously a middle-aged woman, but the word "meow" in a mouthful does not make people get goose bumps, but makes people feel very intimate.

More importantly, this seemingly funny character is very powerful.

It is much stronger than a character who is also a goddess, but always loses the chain at critical moments.

I don’t know if it’s the Toosaka family’s ancestral [Chain off at critical moment] attribute is too popular.

Those old Fate fans even feel that Istarin's capture by the protagonist group is completely normal.

"Sure enough, no matter how handsome Rin is, he still has to eat it once or twice."

Many viewers were not surprised at what happened to Rin.

But other audience members noticed that when Istarin killed the skeleton soldiers, his hair color changed from black to gold.

"But what happened to the blonde Istarin in the end?" an audience member asked in a low voice.

"Perhaps it's a super-increasing state?" His companion speculated irresponsibly, "Isn't it often in Japanese anime? When the protagonist breaks out, his hair will change from black to gold, and his power will double. Now."

"The one you are talking about is "Dragon Ball", right?"

His companion immediately clapped his hands and said in surprise: "Yes! That's right! Kiryu Qiye likes this kind of tribute the most!"


Lily, who heard the discussion between the two, let out a chuckle. She stabbed her arm and said, "That's not bad. Sister Rin, you can perform this Super Saiyan show with Sister Ai Lei in the company's annual meeting."


Rin wished to learn Qiye to give Lily a head.

Compared to audiences who are really entertaining, the focus of film critics is completely different.

Kenneth Turan glanced at his watch when Lixiang dreamed of Solomon.

So far, the movie has been shown for an hour.

Although some jokes and humor are interspersed, the overall plot is very full.

To be precise, Turan hasn't seen a movie with such a plot volume like "Warcraft Battlefront" for a long time.

Regardless of the action scenes, Turan feels that it is possible to make a movie just for the plot that has been developed so far.

However, this part of the plot volume only reached one-third of the "Warcraft Front".

This makes Turan wonder how much Kiryu Qiya's ambitions are to make this movie.

"So, what kind of story does this director want to tell?"

Turan changed his sitting position, "So far, Kiryu Qiye's rhythm, narrative, picture and thinking processing are all in place, and they are quite good."

"Next, let's see how he plans in the middle of the movie."

For now, the plot volume of "Warcraft Battlefront" is very sufficient.

But "Warcraft Battlefront" is shown in the summer as a commercial film with a production cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is not enough to have enough plot volume, but also scenes that can ignite the audience's emotions.

The first purpose for the audience to enter the cinema is for the exciting fighting and wonderful special effects of the movie, not for the actors to perform the plot.

Although "Warcraft Battlefront" has a series of action scenes from the beginning of the movie, these are just a small play, far from the big scene in the eyes of the audience.

Therefore, after Lixiang, who returned to Uruk again, rushed for reinforcements because of the large-scale offensive trend of North Wall Warcraft, the first major action scene of the movie came.

The protagonist group that led the Uruk soldiers forward was very smooth.

They used a variety of tactics, under the leadership of the followers to eliminate the Warcraft in an orderly manner.

But after Gorgon's debut in this situation, the original joyous atmosphere took a turn for the worse.

When Gorgon, who occupied the entire screen, appeared from the ground, the audience realized that this was the big scene they wanted to watch.

"It's so big..."

Asuna sighed at Gorgon on the screen.

Although it is not an IMAX screen, she can still feel the strong aura emitted by Gorgon.

"Yeah, it's really big and round."

Shi Zhifeng looked up at Gorgon on the screen and whispered in agreement.


Asuna has reason to believe that what the two of them just said are definitely not the same thing.

So Asuna turned her gaze to her husband.

"Do you think it's big?"


With Gu Lenghan, he hated the bastard Shi Zhifeng in his heart.

In the end, after a long time of weighing between death and death, Hegu replied: "How about we will buy this suit later?"

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