Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1752

Under the condition of post-sharing, Lily's pay for "The Final Chapter" is only 30 million US dollars.

Although the pay is very high, Lily alone will play most of Altria's face followers.

In this way, Lily, who plays multiple roles alone, is still a relatively cost-effective actor.

The opposite of Lily is Scarlett Johansson.

When filming FSN, Scarlett's salary was only 1.5 million US dollars.

However, by the time of "Warcraft Battlefront", the widow sister played less than half an hour, but received a salary of 9 million US dollars.

And this time "The Final Chapter", Scarlett's agent has already called out a basic salary of 15 million US dollars to Jiufeng Entertainment for her!

Faced with this offer, Qiye really wanted to greet all the female relatives in the house of the lion's open agent.

pS: The actor’s overpaid is a different matter.

From the perspective of an actor, the higher the better.

But from the perspective of the producer, it is naturally better to be lower.

As for traffic stars, in fact, from a market perspective, the high remuneration paid by the film party to the actors actually counts the traffic that the other party can bring.

As for whether the remuneration is worth it to the film party, it is the final income from watching the movie.

I can't say that other Hollywood actors are popular, right?╮(╯▽╰)╭

After all, only the market rejects this type of actors and makes their films lose money.

This is the fundamental way to change the bad mood of the industry._(:з∠)_

Chapter 948

In fact, Scarlett Johansson’s agent is not the only one who speaks loudly.

Johnson's agent also broke the price of 15 million US dollars.

Qiye really wants to say that you are thinking of peaches.

Johnson's Conquer King has a good popularity, and it is also a very memorable feeling for Fate Chef.

But in any case, Johnson's King of Conquest is not worth so much money.

Qiye couldn't have spent tens of millions of dollars on actors for several shots.

The agent naturally knew the rules in the circle, but his request was to increase Johnson's time in the movie, preferably to half an hour.

Qiye didn't have much to say about this whimsical guy, and could only bypass the agent and Johnson thoroughly.

On the phone, Qiye didn't mention the amount of film pay, but told Johnson his position in the "Final Chapter" and the approximate time of departure.

Qiye believed that Johnson would understand the meaning of these words.

Don't look at Johnson's body shape as having muscles in his head, but he is not a fool.

It would be better to say that you can make a good mix in Hollywood and have a good evaluation. No one is an idiot.

Sure enough, after this phone call, the broker took the initiative to lower the offer, allowing the negotiation to continue.

In the end, the price set by the two parties was 5 million US dollars. For a character with only a few shots, this price must be expensive.

But in terms of feelings and actor status, Qiyedao doesn't think the price is high.

Perhaps some people think that Qiye discovered Johnson and made him a Hollywood star with the role of King of Conquer.

That being the case, Johnson should be grateful, and even take the initiative to lower the pay, and even appear in friendship.

This idea is destined to be wrong and immature.

Perhaps in the East Asian entertainment industry, there will be similar things.

But in Hollywood, a commercial entertainment circle, business is business.

The actor's pay is never greatly reduced because of friendship or anything.

Even if the actors agree, the union will not agree.

Not to mention the star teams around Johnson, such as public relations, agents, and so on.

These people's income depends on Johnson's income commission. How could they sit back and watch their customers' interests suffer?

As for friendly guest appearances, I really don't need to pay.

But it was basically just a few shots showing the face.

Not to mention whether the relationship between Nanya and Johnson is so good.

Even if it is really an iron buddy like weaving, this kind of commercial appearance still has to follow the rules of the industry.

So, Qiye knew from the beginning that the actors' pay was definitely not cheap.

Commercial cooperation is commercial cooperation. If you don't pay real money, why would the other party willingly come to the crew to make a movie?

Fortunately, Lily, Rin, Gawain, Yumi, and Inukai, the more important actors in these roles, are all from the line of Jiufeng.

They use Jiufeng's internal plan for film remuneration, and don't need to spend too much money.

Even these people are the first actors to sign with the crew.

In order to achieve the effect of the promotion, Qiye asked the public relations department of Jiufeng Entertainment to announce the contracted actors of "The Final Chapter" in batches.

So, in mid-June, an article entitled "Knight King Signed "The Final Chapter", Fate followers finally gathered after many years!"The report came out.

The report clearly stated that the main actors who participated in FSN have signed contracts with Jiufeng Entertainment and will appear in the "Final Chapter".

This is also telling all Fate fans around the world that the footsteps of "The Final Chapter" are near, and this legendary work is coming soon.

As the producer and deputy director of the FGO series, Ryogi-ori also accepted an exclusive interview with The New York Times.

"The Final Chapter" is a very special movie. It will be the biggest hero gathering movie in film history."

"All the classic heroes in the Fate series, including Altria, Gilgamesh, Ku Churin, the King of Conquerors, and Matthew, etc., will unite and fight against the destructive magic king Solomon."

After confirming that Solomon was indeed the last enemy of the movie, this interview also triggered various discussions among fans.

The most talked about first is how strong Solomon is the magic king.

As the final BOSS of this epic series, Solomon has released very little information.

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