Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1754

At present, the outline of the "Final Chapter" script has been basically completed, and the beginning and ending scripts have been officially finalized.

Now the focus of the debate is mainly on the middle section, that is, the part where the followers fight the Demon Pillar.

The current movie duration of "The Final Chapter" is set between two and a half hours to three hours.

Among them, from the Temple of Time to the appearance of the followers, the opening scene of this period is scheduled to be about 20 minutes.

At the end of the movie, it faces Getia, Matthew sacrifices, Fufu's soul chasing, and the doctor blew himself up until the end, Lixiang and Matthew watch the sunrise.

At least 40 minutes should be given for this part of the plot.

In this way, the fighting scenes of the followers in the middle of the movie are basically divided between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours.

This part of the content seems simple, as long as the followers hit it.

But how to play the Demon Pillar, will all the enemies of the Demon Pillar cause aesthetic fatigue, how to distribute the literary and action scenes of this part of the content, which characters should play the emotional bridge, and so on.

These seven nights need to be carefully considered with the screenwriters, and then the best solution is given.

Therefore, Qiye prepared a separate script for the middle part.

But unlike the general script, this script only has a framework and outline. The motives and behaviors of each character in the film must be filled in by Qiye and the screenwriters.

So the writing of the outline was made into a cloze question by Qiye and other screenwriters of the Fate series.

Several people arguing in the office for 3 weeks before finally finalizing the script.

Then Qiye used this script as the main axis, and split the script into countless character scripts based on actors.

There are too many actors involved in this movie. In order to keep the script secret, Qiye simply learned how to deal with Fulian 3 and 4 in his previous life.

That is, each actor can only get the script that belongs to them, and only a few core creators, including Qiye, can access the complete script.

After finishing this part of the work, Qiye's next task is to pull the film.

He took out "Avengers 1", "Avengers 2" and "Captain America 3" and watched them repeatedly.

What do you see?Watch the team action scene.

There was no team-to-team battle scene in the movie before seven nights.

Even if there is, it is the scene of the army fighting against the sea monsters in FZ.

Neither team members cooperate with each other, nor highlight any particular role in the picture.

It can be said that this kind of action scene between teams is one of Qiye's shortcomings.

In the past, Qiye was able to fool it with some small skills such as Kai Wushuang, an important character.

But this time it is impossible to fool the past.

There are so many main roles, and each one will play a huge role in the team.

Joes Weiden has always been a low evaluation in the director circle, but the team action drama he directed is really a leader in Hollywood.

In particular, the long shots of the two teams fighting in "Reunion 1" and "Reunion 2" perfectly demonstrate the concept of a "team".

Although many of them are spliced ​​by special effects, the audience can clearly feel how a superhero team should fight.

In this regard, the more you pull the film in Qiye, the more you can feel that Joss Weiden is better than himself.

But this also aroused Qiye's aggressiveness, and he decided that he must shoot a better team action scene than Jos Weeden.

In fact, in Qiye's view, the script structure of "The Final Chapter" is actually more like a disaster film.

If the Magic King and his Demon Pillar are regarded as a natural disaster, then the resistance of the followers can be refined into the reaction of different people against natural disasters.

In the end, the protagonists overcame the disaster and ushered in a better future, a perfect Happy End.

Well, Qiye knew that Chaldeans became worse in chapter 2.0.

But at least at the end of "The Final Chapter", the audience thought so.

In this way, the theme of the movie is actually very simple, which can be said to be very clichéd.

But it is precisely the type that the public likes, and Qiye will not superfluous, adding useless things to the movie.

From a plot point of view, for example, it is to highlight the theme of the movie and ensure the purity of the movie.

In fact, the real reason lies in commercial considerations.

The gathering of multiple followers in the Fate series will not only increase the appearance rate of highly popular followers, but also increase the popularity of second-line followers by the way.

As long as the quality and publicity of the film are guaranteed, it is difficult for such a film to lose money.

And this is also the key factor that makes the film universe series more profitable than a single series.

At the same time, in order to attract new and old fans into the theater, this time "The Final Chapter" naturally chose to let all the old actors return.

Concentrating so many big-name actors into one movie is already very incredible in itself.

With such a luxurious lineup, even if the audience is allowed to enter the cinema to count the stars, it is estimated that many people are willing.

Currently, Jiufeng Entertainment has proposed an initial budget of US$200 million for the "Final Chapter".

However, Qiye is estimated to be insufficient, and will definitely continue to increase in the future.

Qiye even suspects that the cost of "The Final Chapter" is likely to exceed "Little Circle" as the most expensive movie in the world, including the cost of publication.

Fortunately, movies like "The Final Chapter" are never the norm, otherwise Jiufeng Entertainment may have to be dragged down by this huge production cost.

At the end of July, Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment finally completed the tedious preparatory work of "The Final Chapter".

In order to celebrate this unprecedented film, it is very likely that there will be no one in the future.

Jiufeng Entertainment held a grand press conference for film project approval in its North American headquarters building.

As a very rare commercial giant in Hollywood, "FGO: Final Chapter" will bring together ancient heroes familiar to everyone, including King Arthur, Heroes, Jeanne of Arc, Qin Shihuang, King of Conquerors, Holmes, and others.

For such a star-studded movie, its press conference naturally attracted a large number of media reporters.

From the local "New York Times" in New York to the "Los Angeles Post" on the west coast;

From the "Oriental Morning Post" in the Chinese Dynasty to the "Le Figaro" in France;

From "The Times" of the British Isles to "The Secret Treasures of Movies" in the Japanese Islands;

Almost the world’s top news media have sent reporters to participate in this world-renowned press conference.

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