Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1762

For example, the two pillars of Anluoxian and Orobos were eliminated as the shields of the followers after the rebellion.

The three pillars of Gein, Gushin, and Elligar that continue to debate with the heroic spirits are also treated as special treatments and exist alone.

As for Barbatos's side, Qiye turned him into Marquiri Sorgen.

His opponent is Gen Raimitsu, played by Sakura.

It's not all Qiye's evil taste this time.

There are more eggs left for the movie fans. Perhaps only HF fans can see that this scene is pinching his HF.

In the HF thread, Lord Chong died in Sakura's hands. This time, Lord Chong's vest also died in Sakura's hands.

Having said that, the scene designed by Qiye is not lazy.

The duel between Raiden and Insect is also quite exciting.

This ensures that passers-by audiences can have a good movie-watching experience even if they can't see the stubbornness.

Qiye always believes that the final battle of "Endgame" is the best battle scene for both passersby and fans.

First of all, the action design of this battle is very exciting. Even passersby fans who have never watched a Marvel movie can watch the venue very enjoyable.

For Marvel fans, this battle is almost a treasure trove.

Beginning with the Big Three fighting Thanos, and finally Iron Man snapped his fingers.

All the lines in this battle have only two functions-either to advance the plot or to play the role.

There was not a word of nonsense in the whole battle, which shows that Marvel's intentions for the arrangement of this scene.

Qiye also moved closer to this aspect when designing the overall plot for "The Final Chapter," but the final result depends on the results.

It's just that Qiye, as the person who created Fate in this world, if even he can't do it, then no one in this world can do it.

In the set, several cameras are cleverly distributed in the field, and they are busy recording every picture in the middle of the set without interfering with each other.

Shonan, who is driving the camera stabilizer, hides on the other side, taking close-up shots of some actors at any time.

The shooting was not coherent, and the longest shot was only about ten seconds.

Sakura in a big breasted tights and her three stunt doubles will rotate from time to time.

Unlike a long-range follower like Gama, Yuan Laiguang uses lightning, but is a melee follower.

So in this battle scene, this big breasted female warrior has to show all kinds of sword skills.

It's just that there will definitely be a gap between the plot of the movie and the shooting.

Sakura herself certainly does not have the skill of Yuan Laiguang, she is only responsible for showing off her face and sexy figure in front of the camera.

Almost all other difficult fighting scenes are done by doubles.

Anyway, after the post-montage editing process, these shots will have no problems.

Thanks to Yuan Laiguang's long-haired personality, Qiye can use stuntman as much as possible in this scene.

Anyway, Yuan Laiguang's play uses fake breasts. With long hair covering the face, the audience can't tell whether this is a stand-in or a main actor.

Of course, Qiye can still tell the difference by herself.

After all, Ying's big ass, no matter its shape or texture, has already been deeply imprinted in Qiye's mind.

pS: I saw the news that Kanna Hashimoto will play Huang Yueying in the Japanese historical comedy movie "Three Kingdoms New Explanation".

Although this makes Michan look forward to the Japanese version of "Three Kingdoms" even more.

But since Huan Nai played Kagura last time, Mi-chan has been unable to go back.

By the way, the director of this "Three Kingdoms" movie is also the director of "Gintama"._

Chapter 954

"Predecessors, many CGI images have already produced prototypes."

During the filming intermission, Zhi found Qiye and introduced him to the special effects progress of the film.

"The composition of several battlefields is almost complete, and some details need to be confirmed by you."

Holding the documents in his hand, the organization reported the progress of various affairs to Qiye.

"The location crew led by Sugiyama has already arrived in France and will be back next month according to schedule."

"In addition, the California state government is very happy that the crew can stay in Los Angeles for filming and offered us a 9% tax refund."

Although Los Angeles is the benchmark for the American film industry, Hollywood is the signature of American entertainment culture.

Countless film companies are located in this city.

But since the beginning of the last century, Hollywood crews have become more and more interested in filming abroad.

The reason is simple. The cost of shooting in California is rising, and many other places abroad have good tax refund policies.

No one likes being taken advantage of, so the exodus of the crew has become an inevitable result.

In the beginning, there were only a few crews, but now more than one-third of Hollywood crews like to shoot abroad.

This is a big blow to the California government. Taxes and other things are second, and employment is the government's heart disease.

Therefore, in order to reverse the continuous exodus of Hollywood crews, the California government has also begun to adjust its policies in the film industry.

The crew not only has relevant subsidies to apply for, but can even apply for preferential tax refund policies that have never been enjoyed before.

But Qiye was not very satisfied with the California government's offer.

"I remember "Miss Team 3" got 10% back then?"

"Yes." Zhi nodded.

"Then we also want this number."

Although the 9% tax rebate discount is a lot, since there can be more discounts, why not make it.

"I see, senior." Zhi nodded.

Anyway, he is not the one who will be arguing with the California government at that time. Of course, Zhiye is responsive to Qiye.

Qiye briefly said a few words to Zhiye, and then sent him away.

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