Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1768

After all, for Jiufeng Entertainment, the cost of film production has been earned back.

Although the movie had to spend money when it was released, "The Final Chapter" had already begun to generate revenue at that time.

The overall financial pressure is about no.

This is simply the empty glove white wolf, earning a movie for nothing!

pS: Don't talk about Qiye cheating.

Compared with a certain consortium, Qiye is really a conscience.╮(╯▽╰)╭

You must know that there are three versions of the MK85 of the SHF series of the B consortium "Reunion IV".

A regular version, a final decisive version, and another is the recently released version of Soul Limit.

I originally thought that the two versions of HT were enough to cheat, but I didn't expect Bandai to be even better this time.

Although the one-to-six ratio of SHF and HT is totally incomparable.

But in terms of the size of the two... you know._

Chapter 957 Followers, gather!

Qiye didn't know that he had already made money back from filming "The Final Chapter".

After all, the major sponsors don't pay so fast, Jiufeng Entertainment has not reported the sponsorship fees to him.

Qiye is currently focusing on filming the battle between Lixiang and the King of Man Getia.

Usually, the final action scene of a movie is undoubtedly the main selling point.

Especially large-scale commercial films will basically spend the most budget on the final action scenes.

But "The Final Chapter" is an exception.

The last fight in the movie is not a gorgeous duel of some followers, but a confrontation between two humans.

Even though the Super Saiyan who disappeared from this half of Gaetia didn't look like a human at all.

But since he was said to be a human in the setting, Qiye also regarded him as a human.

Don't look at the game where the player brings a group of followers to beat Renwang, but in the plot setting, Lixiang singles out.

Then Lixiang, the human being, simply delayed the battle until Gaetia used the tenth ring to destroy himself.

However, when this battle broke out, no outsiders saw it, and it was Lixiang alone who reported it.

The facts are really interesting.

Maybe Gudazi's tearing of Gaetia by hand is really not a stalk.

However, in the setting of Qiye's script, it will definitely not be the spoof plot of the chaotic evil hand tearing the first beast.

Lixiang and the King of People will fight hand-to-hand on the throne, but he will use Matthew's shield as a weapon.

But because Renwang did not use long-range attacks, Lixiang himself was not a master of martial arts.

So the final battle of this "final chapter" will not be very gorgeous.

Having said that, Qiye didn't plan to fool this scene casually.

It would cost millions of dollars just to make CGI, the king of humanity, Getia.

Besides, the focus of this battle has never been the action, but the concepts of both sides of the battle.

In Qiye's plan, this should be a shocking battle.

No gorgeous light effects, no cool explosion flames.

Some are just two brutal fights with their fists in front of the unmanned throne.

But Qiye believes that this will be a scene that all Fate fans are very concerned about and care about.

After experiencing so many FGO movies, fans must have established a deep relationship with Lixiang.

Because of this, his ending will affect the hearts of countless fans.

Although the production of this scene will be very troublesome, there is not much problem with the shooting.

The entire set is made up of green screens, and the only actors involved in the filming are Takatake Inugai and Leonardo DiCaprio in a motion capture suit.

"Finally I have a common view with you, Fujimaru Tatsuka."

Standing on the steps placed in front of the green screen, Leonardo DiCaprio wore a green head-to-toe dress, said the dog in front of him.

"I won't let you go back alive, you just disappear with me here."

Knowing that his time is running out, Leonardo speaks a little hurriedly.

"My dream is shattered."

Leonardo walked towards the dog feed: "Being in this temple, the huge time spent is all meaningless."

Inuji said calmly: "You lose, Getia."

"Yes. I lost."

Leonardo nodded and admitted.

"The band of light disappeared, but the fire became ineffective. When King Solomon was eliminated, my great deeds disappeared instantly."

Qiye made a gesture outside the field, and the two cameras slowly landed on Leonardo's head and started shooting around him.

It can be seen from the monitor that this camera is making a circle shot of Leonardo, as if it is showing the audience a 360°.

"Now I am no longer a seventy-two pillar demon god. It is its residue, like the last remaining'result'."

Leonardo clenched his fists.

"No matter what I do here, I cannot change the fate of defeat. Even if I kill you, the ending will not change."

Hearing this, the dog breeder did not relax, but made a guard,

"This kind of meaningless battle, if it were the former me, is absolutely impossible to choose. But—"

"If I were you, I would make the same choice."

Inujii picked up the big shield that had been standing around him and placed it right in front of him.

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