Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1777

The two films were released two months apart, and the heat on the opposite side would have long since been gone when "The Final Chapter" was released.

But "Superman vs. Batman" is a good thing for Jiufeng.

After all, DC Cinema Universe is a direct competitor of its own Marvel Cinematic Universe. Of course, Jiufeng, whose ass is on Marvel’s side, hopes that the opposite is the better.

Having said that, Jiufeng Entertainment has no time to continue to pour dirty water on the DC movie universe.

As the release time approaches, the publicity of "The Final Chapter" has entered the final sprint stage.

At this time, Jiufeng Entertainment is busy promoting its own movies and it is too late, so there is no time to care about others.

pS: It is said that following the cinema version and the director's cut version, "Superman vs. Batman" is about to launch a 3-hour ultimate version.

This version will be exclusively launched on Warner’s streaming media platform HBO Max.

Although Mi Jiang does not have a high evaluation of "Super Bat", the director's cut version is already a very complete movie.

The current version always feels a bit superfluous.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 972

A month before the release of "The Final Chapter", Jiufeng Entertainment and Marvel organized a theme exhibition related to FGO in New York.

Many actors such as Qiye, Lily and Gavien also appeared in the opening of the painting.

In name, Qiye and others are to help out the art exhibition, but in fact they are to promote the film.

With the creation of Marvel cartoonists, the styles of the followers in the exhibition are very diverse.

There are not only typical European and American styles, but also Q version of cute styles, similar to live-action stills, and even paintings imitating Japanese styles.

This gives the followers a different look, which looks very interesting.

However, the biggest highlight of this exhibition is the storyboard draft created by Kiryu Qiye for the Fate movie over the past ten years and the original set of the characters in the movie.

At the same time, this exhibition also arranged a lottery on-site, from small gifts to official servant toys.

And the most exciting prize is of course the entrance ticket to the premiere of "The Final Chapter".

Use all available situations to promote the film.

Both Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment are unswervingly implementing this strategy.

After all, even Qiye, the director with the most box office in North America, cannot guarantee that his movie will be enjoyed by the audience.

The time when audiences would walk into the cinema because of a certain filmmaker is long gone.

The current audience's requirement for commercial films is entertainment.

The audience only hope that a movie can bring themselves the simplest and purest joy.

If you can do this, it is a good movie in the eyes of most audiences.

It's not that there are audiences who walk into the cinema and try to study philosophical speculation through a movie, but one in a thousand people of that kind is not bad.

Anyway, as a "Kiryu Seven Nights Fan", William does not think he is one of them.

He thinks he is the most exciting audience.

Otherwise, it would not have been in the pit because of the movie "Goblin Slayer" that exudes excitement from beginning to end.

In fact, William had always hoped that Kiryu Qiye would continue to produce a sequel to "Goblin Slayer", but until now Kiryu Qiye has not revealed any relevant news.

"It looks like that man should have gotten into Fate's big hole and can't get out."

William shook his head helplessly.

Although Fate is indeed great, after all, "Saint and the Brave" is number one in the world, isn't it?

But complaining to complain, William he still got tickets for the premiere.

But this coupon does not come from the employee benefits of Jiufeng Entertainment.

The premiere of "The Final Chapter" is so popular that even Jiufeng Entertainment has already lost its head.

William's premiere ticket was drawn at the Fate exhibition.

This made him compliment his good luck.

This time, the team that William went to the premiere was not the usual "3+1" combination.

Robert Downey Jr. took his wife Susan directly to the premiere as a guest.

The guy Ed went back to Japan to find his wife and daughter.

However, William heard that Ed's daughter Xiaoqian is also a fan of Kiryu Qiye, so the family will watch the advance show in Japan.

I used to watch movies with someone with me, but today there is only one person, which makes William feel a bit lonely.

"Forget it, it's rare for me to watch a movie by myself, so I have to go back after enjoying it!"

With this idea, William walked into Lincoln Square in New York.

At the same time, media and movie fans from all directions gathered in Lincoln Square for the same purpose.

The premiere of "The Final Chapter" was held in the AMC theater here.

After getting off the car provided by the film sponsor, Qiye randomly selected a few fans to sign, and then walked through the long red carpet.

And behind Qiye, "Altria" Weiting sisters, "Musashi" Aragaki Yui, "Medusa" Scarlett Johansson, "Gilgamesh" Gawain, "Iskandall" Dawn Johnson, "Solomon" Leonardo DiCaprio, "S.H.I.E.L.D. Director" Samuel Jackson, "Da Vinci" Jiufeng Shiyuan and others also appeared one after another.

In addition, many other stars came to join in.

It can be said that all the stars of Hollywood who are well-known have participated in today's event.

The premiere scene of "The Final Chapter" can be described as starry.

The fans on the scene were also very powerful, the screams went up and down, and the atmosphere on the scene was so hot that it might explode at any time.

Among them, Lily Weiting is the most popular.

She drove a blue Ferrari sports car that pulled the wind directly onto the red carpet, arousing the madness of journalists and movie fans.

This sports car was specially designed and sponsored by Ferrari for the "Final Chapter".

In addition to Altria's blue, there are Gilgamesh's gold, Qin Shihuang's light blue, Musashi's red, and Solomon's coffee.

These five cars are indeed very cool when placed together. If there are not too many stars on the scene, it is estimated that everyone will keep staring at these sports cars.

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