Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1779

By the way, Cheng Qingsong also mentioned a little anecdote.

At the beginning, "You are a teenager" found the actor who won 20,000 votes.

As a result, the opponent chose "Shanghai Fortress"._

Chapter 973

"This film is really exciting."

Another voice came over, and William discovered that this time it was the reporters around him who were discussing with his colleagues.

"But this movie has a big problem." One of the reporters said worriedly, "I know this "Final Chapter" intends to use the "Avengers" mode, but this is a bad thing for a movie. ."

William thought this was a bit harsh, but he didn't know each other, so he didn't speak.

Another reporter said what William wanted to say: "Isn't "Avengers" commercially successful enough?"

"I admit the commercial success of "The Avengers", but the movie is not a building block."

The reporter still insisted on his idea: "This kind of collective movie has too many characters mixed, and how to integrate the characters is a big problem."

"This kind of movie may feel fresh after watching it, but if it is too many, it will be dull. "Avengers 2" is a typical example. Its reputation and box office are obviously not as good as the first one."

Having said this, the reporter said in a determined tone: "I estimate that the next "Avengers" movie will not be as good as one at the box office. In the end, only "Batman and Robin" can be produced. The box office and word-of-mouth double hit the street."

[This is not the case at all, okay!Don't just talk about you, fellow!

William's senses of the talkative reporter were getting worse.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the famous brand on the opponent's chest from his current perspective.

If you could see it, William vowed that he would never subscribe to the newspaper of this reporter's newspaper in his life.

However, another reporter seemed to be moved by the other party's words, and he seemed to approve this remark.

"Then what do you think will be the box office results of this "Final Chapter"?"

"The enthusiasm of fans of the hodgepodge movie will be consumed very quickly, and I suspect that there will be a box office curve similar to that of "Superman vs. Batman."

The reporter thought for a while, and then gave a guess.

"But with Fate's IP strength, the box office results are definitely not bad. So I estimate that the results will be 80% lower than "Warcraft Battlefront", and about the same as "Camelot."

"It makes sense."

Another reporter nodded again and again. He admired his companion.

William snorted silently from his seat.

Unlike the two reporters, he was full of confidence in The Final Chapter.

Because William believes that Kiryu Qiye will give them a wonderful show.

Like "Warcraft Front", the premiere of "The Final Chapter", Jiufeng Entertainment, has almost been released simultaneously in most countries and regions around the world.

Ma Zhongbo grabbed the tickets for the premiere of Heavenly Dynasty in the first place, and came to the theater 6 hours in advance, just to enter the theater for the first time.

In order to grab tickets, Ma Zhongbo even borrowed a special ticket grabbing software from a friend who is a scalper.

It can be said that in order to watch the premiere of "The Final Chapter", Ma Zhongbo really struggled.

People who have no way of life like Ma Zhongbo can only enter the premiere by grabbing tickets.

But those who have access, naturally get tickets for the premiere movie directly from within.

For example, a rich daughter who has just become a mother for less than a year.

"Ah, I can finally watch the Fate movie premiere in the IMAX hall again."

Asuna leaned back in her chair and looked at the big screen in front of her with happiness.

Compared to his excited wife, Hegu is full of worry: "I don't know if Yui gives it to Dad or they don't matter."

Since the birth of his daughter last year, Hegu, a full-time wife-controller, has evolved into a mother + daughter-controller.

Rather than sitting in the theater to watch a movie, Hegu wants to bring the children at home more.

"I said, can't you just relax?"

Shi Zhifeng leaned Erlang's legs and said leisurely: "This year, I have heard you say that Yui is long and short. Can't you mention your daughter less?"

He Gu Zhen plausibly said: "What's wrong with a man being a daughter?"

Before Shi Zhifeng could speak, he sat in a row behind them and made a sound of approval.

"Yes, yes! My daughter is the cutest!"

"Sure, will there be creatures cuter than a daughter in this world?"

He Gu turned his head and saw that there were two families sitting behind them.

Those two words just now were what these two men said.

He Gu glanced at each other with them.

[This person is of the same kind]*3

The three people had this idea almost simultaneously.

"Hello. My name is Hegu."

He Gu took the initiative to greet the other two.

"Hello, my name is Ed."

"My name is Eimiya Kirishu."

The other two dads also introduced each other.

"In other words, are everyone fathers?" Hegu asked.


Cheesu nodded, and then asked, "By the way, how about your daughter?"

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's cute," Ed said proudly, "cute more than anything else."

"oh, I see."

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