Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1783

But the surprise that Kiryu Seven nights brought to everyone continued, and the audience saw countless meteors falling to the ground into their familiar figures.

Camelot, Uruk, FSN and FZ...

Even online dramas and game-limited followers appeared on the screen.

Altria, Gilgamesh, Iskandar, Dilumudo, Medea, Weber, Kojiro... everyone was there.

None of the followers in Fate's history are absent from this movie!

Qiye even put X Mao and BX in the Star Wars world. When the two aliens light up their lightsabers, all the theaters in the world are boiling.

"All are here! All are here!"

The audience kept cheering and applauding because they didn't know what other means they could use to express their current state.

From the 2003 FSN release to the present, all the past touches and all the accumulated emotions completely broke out at this moment.

Even fans who don't understand the Fate movie very much are infected by this scene.

They got goosebumps because of other people's emotions, and then joined the carnival.

Many viewers began to cry loudly, only they knew why they were crying.

Not sad, but moved, moved for the one who has been chasing Fate since ten years ago.

Kiryu Nanaya knew exactly what the audience wanted to see in the finale movie, so he took these shots.

All the followers gathered in front of the two masters, Lixiang and Miaoxiang, who had become attached to them.

At this moment, they will do everything for the master.


The two masters took the initiative to stand in the forefront, the Demon Pillar still seemed invincible, but they were no longer afraid.

"To recapture the future of mankind!"

In Lixiang's high drink, the followers rushed towards the Demon God Pillar almost simultaneously.

The battle for the final chapter begins.

pS: The assembly of followers of "The Final Chapter" should be Mijiang's favorite part.

Mijiang doesn't really like the plot of 2.5.

After all, the previous plot of FGO has been shaping that although Lixiang (the player) is an ordinary person, it can save the special existence of human reason.

This is a kind of pride in the journey of FGO.

As a result, you tell me now that I am not special?

Mijiang knows that this is to create the role of captain.

Facts have proved to be very effective.

But for Mi Jiang, this kind of demeaning the protagonist to deliberately raise the supporting role is really not very good.

Especially in this kind of game script with a strong sense of substitution._

Chapter 975: I Love Watching Women Fighting The Most

Although in epic movies, it is not uncommon to see scenes of large-scale army battles between the two armies.

For example, the "Lord of the Rings" movie showed the scene of the army rushing into battle more than once.

But at this time, the legion melee that appeared on the screen of "The Final Chapter" was really something the audience had never seen before.

Because even in "Lord of the Rings", the audience does not know every character in the Legion.

However, in this battle between the follower and the demon pillar, many viewers were able to name everyone from the follower side.

Even if they are just fans of Fate movies, they know the backstory of most of the characters.

So when this battle happened in front of you, the audience watched not only the shocking war scene, but also the role played by each character in the battlefield.

Despite this battle between the Servant and the Demon Pillar, Qiye refers to the final battle of "Endgame".

The obvious example is that the followers who were related before have a dialogue with each other.

Or greetings, or complaints.

The ultimate goal is to arouse audiences’ memories of previous movies.

But Qiye didn't intend to reproduce this battle, let alone, the duration of the two battles was different.

The battle between the follower and the Demon Pillar will last for most of the movie, and the melee will only be felt by the audience that this movie is very chaotic.

Therefore, after a few minutes of fighting between the two sides, the servants discovered that the demon pillars were constantly reborn.

So after the battle situation entered a state of anxiety, Lixiang recalled the initial battle plan.

"Jan of Arc!"

Lixiang shouted to the servant who had been guarding him: "We must find a way to break through the outer seats one by one so that we can reach the original holy gate of the ceremony!"

Bai Zhen kicked a tentacle that wanted to attack her, then turned to Iskandall and said, "Your Majesty, please open the way."

"No problem. Is the kid ready?"

Iskandar turned to look at Webber, who was standing with him on the chariot.

"Of course."

Weber directly slapped the feather fan in his hand, putting various buffs on the Conquer King.

Although out of consideration for the rhythm of the movie, Dou Sen did not practice his own magic when playing this period.

But it doesn't matter, there are people in the cinema who help me read it.

"Forensic eyes, military adviser's advice, military adviser's command... you have been strengthened, come on!"

From the beginning of the melee, Shi Zhifeng was happy from ear to ear.

Before the movie started, he had imagined what the fighting scenes of the final chapter of FGO would be like.

But when the official announced the trailer, there was hardly any action scene.

This made Shi Zhifeng feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but also some expectations for the finished movie.

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