Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 202

"What, it turned out to be weaving you..."

Qiye breathed a sigh of relief, if it was her junior brother, there shouldn't be a big problem.When I was on the teacher's studio, I slept in the same room with Zhi because of the tight schedule...Of course I slept in separate beds.

However, when Qiye moved his gaze upwards, he immediately realized that something was wrong, because the expression on Zhiye looking at him was an expression of shame and tears he had never seen before.

More importantly, because of the loose and messy kimono on her body, Qiye can see the scattered white straps and bulging...


Qiye felt a moment of confusion, did she switch the world line when she was drunk?

"Don't turn around now!"


Qiye didn't have time to think, he immediately crawled around in a circle.

Then Qiye heard the sound of rustling clothes rubbing behind her, and the other party seemed to be tidying up her clothes.

"Kiryu Qiye, if you dare to look back, you are dead! Even if you are my brother's senior, it's useless!"

A solemn warning sounded behind Qiye.

"Is it a formula..."

Qiye breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't look like she was crossing again.


Qiye hurriedly opened the sheets wrapped around him, and only after seeing that his trousers were wrinkled but still worn on him, he was relieved.

If something really happened last night that shouldn't happen, then the trousers will definitely not stay on their legs.

Close-fitting trousers such as trousers and jeans are the most taboo clothing when [that kind of thing] happens, because it is not only difficult to take off but also difficult to wear.

I really wanted to take it off, in that case Qiye thought she would never put it on again.

[Fortunately, it seems that it was just a Japanese-style bed for one night, nothing happened...Wait!What was the thing I just pinched?!

The cold sweat on Qiye's body began to come out again, and he felt that he was dead.Even if the two rituals let go, weaving will never let go.

"Okay, you can turn around."

Following the order of the two rituals, Qiye slowly turned his head.

But the pause made Qiye look like a nozzle pliers that hadn't been oiled, causing the joints to rust.

Shi has neatly arranged her kimono, and now she is kneeling on the bed very solemnly.

But she didn't tie the breast wrap back again, but wrapped it up.Because there is no bondage between the chest, the style looks more now than last night...

"What impolite thing are you thinking about?" Shishi put the breast wrap into her arms, and she squinted at Qiye suspiciously.

"Nothing!" How could Qiye admit such a terrible thing, "I'm just curious, shouldn't you return to Kyoto? Also, Ori? Why is he not with you?"

"Well..." he fluffed his hair and said very relaxedly, "I left him in the car by a little bit before the train departed, and I got off by myself."


Qiye feels that it is better not to ask the [subtotal].

"But I didn't see it... Kiryu Qiye, you are so courageous~" There was a dangerous light in Shishi's eyes, "You dare to do this to me just now!"

"It was...!"

[It's miserable, I must have touched something that shouldn't be touched just now?

"Really, you are a man! How can you touch other girls casually! Even if you think of me as a younger brother. No, that's worse!"

The style seems to have entered the old mother mode, and she taught Qiye Yitong.

"I'm really sorry!"

Qiye honestly bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Shishi pouted and said, "You should just admit your mistakes! As a man, you luàn a girl's belly casually!"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't touch your belly...Ahhhhhhh, belly?" Qiye blinked.

"Yes, luàn (luàn) rubs his stomach without talking, but just squeezes it at random! Do you think that is plasticine?!"

"Fortunately, it's just the stomach..." Qiye patted her chest.


"No, I'm really sorry!"

Even just the stomach is a very bad thing. Although it does not constitute a substantial harassment, you should still apologize.

"So... how?"

Shishi's face suddenly reddened, even if there were only two of them in the room, she still said very quietly.

"How about what?"

"Feel! Didn't you touch my belly?! I'm asking how you feel?!"

She slapped herself on the bed, she said defiantly.


Qiye was frightened by the momentum, and he subconsciously expressed his feelings.

Originally thought that he would be severely beaten by the opponent, Qiye covered his head with his hands for this reason.

However, the style is to hold the head with both hands and shout to the ceiling with despair: "Ah! I know! I already have fat on my stomach! I have eaten too much recently! The maximum value of the weight scale data is estimated again. It's going to be updated! That guy weaving is definitely going to make a weight loss plan for me! This is troublesome now! I still have a lot of things to try! Ah!"

[This woman... is completely hopeless.

Qiye suddenly felt that her little junior brother was really great, she had to manage the [Erque Studio] and at the same time take good care of this top sister.


The familiar melody suddenly rang in the room.

The two ceremonies immediately panicked, and she took out a mobile phone from her arms.


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