Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Foster Plan Chapter 204

[I have it, but Chiriji and Nengcheng do not have them!

When I remembered, the two people poured wine into themselves, Qiye hated their teeth.

[Those two are definitely on purpose!Just want to see me drunk and make a fool of myself!You have to file a complaint with Ilia next time!

Qiye has no evidence, but is there any evidence needed at this time?

"Then, senior. I'll ask a question."

Zhiye, who was taking care of Qiye's clothes, suddenly pinched the tie with her hand and pulled it down.

"Um—knit, let go! I'm almost out of breath—"

"Isn't this great? At least you can tell me the truth, senior."

Ori's smile is sweet, but Qiye can feel chill.


"We did everything~"

The two ceremonies suddenly joined Zhiye and Qiye. She took Qiye's arm and smiled and said: "We two slept for one night, but Qiye touched me hard~ Zhiye, it is better to come and meet Your new sister-in-law~"

Probably to make herself look more bold, the two rituals deliberately narrowed her eyes to look at Zhi, but Qiye felt that she was now a highly myopic patient.

Qiye felt that the two ceremonies would do this in the hope that he could share the firepower of the weaving, but he didn't think it was a good idea.

In Qiye's view, this is no different from adding fuel to the fire.

"So, what have you done?"

Looking at Qiye and his sister, Zhiye's expression on his face was a bit ambiguous.

"Yeah yeah."

Weaving hardly lit his head.

"No, don't talk nonsense!"

Qiye shook his head vigorously.

"Hey~ Qiye, you can't turn your face and deny you after sleeping! Didn't you say that you are responsible to me?"

"Nothing at all!"

[We are indeed sleeping together, but we really are sleeping together!Let me stop eating meat, I don’t even smell the meat!

Qiye wanted to explain it clearly to Zhi, but the other party spoke first.

"I've slept..."

Weaving smiled contemptuously, "You treat me stupid? You don't even rub your breasts after you really have to sleep! Two rituals, you can, you have learned to lie, right?"

[Master Zhiming!At this moment, Qiye really wants to give Zhizhi a thumbs up.

The formula was a "puff", she said without a word, what should not be said: "Isn't you the person who tells lies the most in our family?"

This sentence directly smashed the big basket, Zhizhi stopped talking nonsense with his sister, his face was crossed, and he pulled her away by directly pulling the kimono on his body.

"Can a girl's chastity be joking casually?! I will never let you go this time. Give me enlightenment!"

"Ghost... Demon..."

"How dare to say that my dear brother, it seems that I need to teach you the etiquette of the Liangyi Family!"

It is rare for Zhizhi to show his dignity as a younger brother but the head of the family. He lifted up the back collar and walked out the door.

"Now we are going to catch the train. I don't have so much time in the United States to make international jokes with you. When we get on the train, we have time to communicate well~"

"Don't... Qiye save me~ We slept all night, you can't be so heartless!"

Qiye just smiled and waved goodbye to sister and brother Liangyi, now he wished them to go a little further.

"Senior." Zhi suddenly stopped, and he glanced back at Qiye.


"What happened last night, I will confirm it with you after I get back. If you really do something out of the ordinary... I'll take your stomach out of the throat and tie a knot and stuff it back!"

"I did not do anything!"

Although Qiye answered very firmly, his heart was still up and down.

[It shouldn’t be a big deal to touch your stomach, right?

But even if Qiye wanted to boldly ask, there was no chance, because Zhiye had already carried the suitcase in one hand and her sister and left.

Looking at the open door of the room and the quiet corridor, Qiye sighed.

"It's finally over..."

"Qiye? I just saw Liang Yisang drag her brother over with a ferocious manner... Are you arguing?"

Shion poked his head in from the door frame.

It is estimated that she did not sleep well last night, and Qiye actually saw a rare tiredness on her face.

"No! And he..."

Qiye didn't continue speaking, he suddenly thought that in Ziyuan's eyes, the one who accompanied him last night was weaving, and the type was the one who came to catch the rape this morning, bah, came to find himself.

"Forget it, anyway, the relationship between you and their two siblings is too complicated, I don't understand." Shiyuan scratched her head, and she finally gave up thinking, "I'm going to the restaurant below for breakfast, do you want to come?"

"I... I'll go."

Qiye originally wanted to refuse, but when she thought that she had something to ask Shion, she quickly agreed.

"I have to wash, wait for me a bit."


Ten minutes later, Qiye and Ziyuan sat face to face in the corner of the coffee shop on the first floor of the Four Seasons Hotel.

Qiye picked up the coffee and asked cautiously: "Sorry, I drank too much last night, but why did Trier join a new member of British nationality? What about Luvia?"

Generally speaking, except for special teams like Gavien, there are generally very few foreigners in the idol team, and there is only one.This is to maintain the difference between team members.

This girl named Lily Weiting overlaps too much with Luvia's attributes. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to organize her into a team.

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