Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 206


"You guy, wouldn't your ancestors be European?"

Qiye looked at Ziyuan. He felt that this woman was really lucky. The first time she was engaged in a movie project, she would encounter her own traverser. Anyone who recruited idols could meet a second-generation expensive.

[Will she go to the street to buy some food, she will meet the sweeping monk, right?

Qiye felt that Shion's luck was too good.

"How is it possible, my ancestors were all Japanese for generations~"

Shion snickered with a folding fan covering her mouth.


Qiye would not believe it.

"Okay, I know. Anyway, I will arrange it here."

Qiye drank the coffee in one go, he grabbed two pieces of bread with his hands and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Please~ I hope your next movie will be a hit~"

"Thanks to you."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Shion patted her forehead with a folding fan, and she said with a look of gratitude: "Sisters Weiting are your fans. If your new movie is outstanding, it will be beneficial to you to pursue Miss Lane."

Qiye staggered under her feet, who had already walked two steps towards the door.

"I said, I won't pursue Miss Wei Ting!"

Shion pretended to be surprised and said, "Is it because of the relationship between Liang Yisang? Sure enough, you are the true love... Yesterday, it was the right choice to hand over you who was drunk to him."

"I have nothing to do with Zhizhi! Thank you for the breakfast, I will leave first."

After Qiye left this sentence, she hurriedly ran away from the cafe, leaving Shion snickering in her seat.

"Oh My God."

When Qiye's back disappeared from Shion's eyes, her expression gradually became serious.

"Lin Bao...Lin Bao... Qiye, you are really hard to dig."

Shion felt uncomfortable when she recalled the exchange between herself and Alice Phil last night.

The honeymoon period of Jiufeng and Limbao is almost over. When the cooperation of "Goblin Slayer" is over, there is only competition between the two companies.

Jiufeng, who wants to pan-entertainment, will certainly not be satisfied with drinking soup behind Lin Bao, it will definitely enter the entertainment market under its own name.

For a company with strong capital like Jiufeng, money and admission tickets have never been a problem. The problem is how to gain a foothold after entering the entertainment industry.

This requires a talented and accomplished cadre like Kiryu Qiye to replace the Jiufeng platform.

It's just the kindness of Dragon Valley being able to pair with Qiye, plus Ilia's assist.As a latecomer Jiufeng, it was really difficult for Qiye to abandon Lin Bao and put him in his arms.

Especially when Lin Bao had noticed that he was going to dig a corner, Alice Phil made it very clear yesterday.

However, Jiufeng is not without any advantages.

Apart from other things, a big production like "Goblin Slayer" is simply not something a Japanese company like Lin Bao can do.

It's not because of inability, but because Lin Bao did not have the idea of ​​investing hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie at a time, but this is Jiufeng's advantage.

Jiufeng invested hundreds of millions of dollars in "Brother Killer" (cost plus publicity). This kind of courage is definitely not owned by Lin Bao.

In addition, Jiufeng can be regarded as the world's top special effects technical team, these are conditions that Lin Bao cannot provide.

"Seven nights, Limbo, who only sticks to Japan, can't afford your big Buddha. The world is your stage."

Seeing the traffic coming and going on the street, Shion took a sip of coffee in silence.

She suddenly discovered that maybe Qiye directed "Korkai" this time is an opportunity. After having a production experience of tens of millions of dollars, Qiye should be very unaccustomed to those only a few million dollars.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

Maybe next time, the opportunity for himself and Jiufeng will come.

Before that, I just need to wait.


pS: People often say that if you don't want to be drained of your life, you can marry her grand-niece.(However, in fact, no one has said that.)

Chapter 153

The box office performance of "Goblin Slayer" in North America has dropped significantly. The box office performance of the latest week has reached the early stage of 10 million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that it will only be a few million U.S. dollars in another week.

However, this is the normal box office expression of a commercial movie. A movie like "Titanic" that can win the weekend box office for 15 consecutive weeks is unique in the entire film history.Even if Qiye is a traverser, it is impossible to change the laws of the market. After all, he is neither a magician nor a murderer.

But the good news is that Goblin Slayer has made enough money in North America.

According to the predictions of professional box office evaluation agencies, the final box office of "Goblin Slayer" should be about 320 million US dollars. This achievement can surpass "Star Wars" and become the runner-up in the North American box office list.

Qiye estimates that his second child's ranking should be able to hang until the end of the year, because in his memory in the second half of 2002, there is only one movie that has the ability to surpass him at the box office. There is Peter Fatty's "Lord of the Rings 2: The Twin Towers". Raiders.

Affected by the fire in the North American market, "Goblin Slayer" also has very good results at the global box office.If there are no surprises, the global box office of "Goblin Slayer" alone should be able to reach 550 million US dollars in the global market that has been developed.

Especially in Japan, "Goblin Slayer" has won the weekly box office championship from the week it was released, and according to the current situation, it is estimated that Japan's weekly box office championship will not change for a long time.

It should be understood that the box office curve of Japanese movies is completely different from the box office curve of North America that quickly fell after the outbreak.

Perhaps it is strange to describe the box office as long and long.However, from historical experience alone, when a super popular movie appears in the Japanese film market, it is likely to be loved by Japanese audiences for a long time, even for several months.

Of course, there are two other reasons why "Goblin Slayer" has such good results in Japan. One is the popularity of Japanese-directed films in North America, and the other reason is that Limbo is the distributor. The role played in it.

You know, the film market in Asia is completely different from North America.

Because of the anti-monopoly policy in North America, the Seven Hollywood giants cannot participate in or control theater chains in any form.

However, Asia is different. As a Japanese film distribution and production giant, Lamborghini has many theaters.Relying on the method of exclusive screening, the filming rate of "Goblin Slayer" in Japan has always been maintained at a very high level.

The benefits of this are obvious. Most of the audiences who enter the Linbao movie theaters will choose to watch "Goblin Slayer". Only those who have already watched or are really not interested in "Brother Kill" will choose others Relatively unpopular movies.

However, such audiences are completely in the minority, and will not have a decisive influence on the continued dominance of "Brother Killer".

"The current results of "Goblin Slayer" are very good, and the box office in Japan should exceed 10 billion yen. Boy, you are doing very well."

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