Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 21

Seeing nothing, only two white legs.

[Cut, the angle is wrong.


Feeling Serra's malicious eyes, Qiye immediately hit a spirit.He immediately put on a look of listening, although he looked very weird with his whole body upside down, but no one said it.

Illiya shook her finger and said, "Big brother, you are so useless. When you encounter such a setback, you feel depressed. You see, even Sister Serra who cares about you can't stand it anymore."

"Wait a minute, Miss! What does it matter to me!"

Facing Serra's questioning, Illiya deliberately made a surprised expression: "Hey? It's not Serra that you really can't see it, so you plan to use a shoulder fall to wake up the big brother?"


Seeing that everyone was watching her, Sera took a step backwards blushingly, and then she realized that she was in the eldest lady's suit.

Qiye got up from the ground, and he said to Elia cautiously: "Sorry, Elia. I am indeed a little ugly."

Ilya nodded her head vigorously: "Well, big brother finally has energy. Well, Illiya has a gift to give to big brother~"

Speaking of which, Ilia took out a small book in her arms and handed it to Qiye.

"Passbook?, two, many zeros?!"

As soon as Qiye opened the passbook, he was attracted by the amount above. Looking at the deposit of nearly 10 million yen, he knew for the first time what a real Fuloli was.

From the deposit date above, it can be seen that this passbook should be for Little Lori's pocket money.

[This gap is too big, right?Obviously, when I was a child, my pocket money was calculated in hundred yuan.

Illya said with great pride: "The money belongs to Illya's own. With this, there should be no problem with Big Brother's movie! During this time, Illiya has learned from the crew of Big Brother. A lot of things, this is a gift from Ilia~"

[This gift is too heavy!I feel that I can shoot the whole movie again.

Qiye still hesitated, he didn't think that he and Ilia had become acquainted to this point.

Yi Liya preemptively said: "Big brother don’t have to refuse. This should be regarded as Yi Liya’s investment in his elder brother. Big brother must agree to Yi Liya, if this movie is successful, he must make an Yi Yi in the future. A movie with Liya as the protagonist~"

Qiye looked at Little Lori's firm eyes, and finally nodded and agreed to her investment: "Okay, I see."

However, Qiye explained: “I only need a budget of 5 million yuan here, and no amount of budget is of much significance.”

Qiye was of course very happy to be able to invest in herself on her own initiative, and because of this, he didn't want to live up to this hard-won trust.

With limited time, Qiye couldn't make a new movie again. His current job is to replace the face of the woman in the previous scene with the new heroine after completing the remaining plot.

According to the budget that Nanaya has just done, these tasks should be completed within 5 million yen, and more importantly, his new heroine does not need to spend too much film pay.So Qiye quoted the budget price she needed, no matter how much she was greedy.

Ilya originally wanted to tell Qiye that he could get some more budget, but after seeing Qiye's firm eyes, Illiya gave up this plan.


Qiye grabbed Liang Yizhi's hands: "Now there is a very important thing for you to do. The only people I can trust now are you!"

"Please speak..."

Although his frantic eyelids told Kori that this was definitely not a good thing, he decided to listen to seniors to explain.

Qiye leaned in front of Zhiye, and he begged in a too sweet tone: "Shizhi, for me, for everyone, and for this movie, you will play the role of the two rituals!"

"Just don't...!!!"

Zhi exploded Mao directly.


pS: No one can deny the greatness of "Shawshank's Redemption", but no one can deny its commercial failure.Although Mi Jiang also feels it is a pity, this is the reality of the film industry.

The same treatment is also given to the "Blade Runner" series. No matter how good the plot is and how profound the intention, the slow narrative rhythm is destined to make them unlovable by theater audiences.Mijiang estimates that there have been two box office tragedies in "Blade Runner", and it is estimated that it will be difficult for a big investment science fiction movie with such a good theme in the future.

Chapter 18 The New "Female" Protagonist

"Absolutely not!"

Ori directly rejected Qiye's request. He stared at Qiye with what he thought was very serious, trying to show his determination.

However, Zhi's action had a counterproductive effect. In Qiye's eyes, this look was like a copy of his own Chinese-style sister, which strengthened his desire to invite Zhi to participate in the movie.

"Wei, haven't you directly appeared in my experimental short film? Your performance of the two ceremonies in it left a deep impression on everyone. If you don't believe it, you can ask the domestic manager."

"Yeah... Indeed, Liang Yizhi's acting skills are indeed very good, and he can fully bear the burden of the heroine." Haichi originally wanted to say something fair for Zhiye, but he found that Qiye was watching with threatening eyes. So he could only change his words and express his opinions along the meaning of Qiye.

"Look at it, you become the protagonist of "The Realm of the Sky" because of heaven's hope." Qiye continued to persuade her sincerely, "The reason why I created the story of "The Realm of the Sky" is also because of your relationship. It was originally the prototype of the role of the two rituals. It is really appropriate for you to appear."

In fact, Qiye only thought of creating the script of "The Realm of the Sky" because he saw Zhiye. However, Qiye wouldn't explain it clearly.Anyway, this parallel world has neither Takeuchi Takami nor Nasu mushrooms, so he is justified.

Zhizhi screamed frantically: "Won't you design this character as a male, senior?"

"Nonsense, how did the male protagonist cheat the otaku money these days? Of course it is better to be a girl... No, it is the role of the two rituals that represents the self-improvement and charm of women. These days, the drama of men saving women has been seen enough. It's the 21st century now, and it's time for the heroines to rise! You know that women can top half of the sky!" Qiye looked awe-inspiring, wondering if he really thought he was a female liberator.

"I always feel that what you want to say, senior, doesn't mean it at all."

After listening to Qiye's explanation, Zhiye was full of black threads, and he didn't want to play this role more and more.

[I always feel that if I get on the camera, I will lose something important... It's still a big deal.

So Zhi shook his head and replied, "Absolutely not, Senior. Don't think about these things anymore."

"Hey?! Just one time, as long as you pass this time! Even if I have a chance to shoot a sequel in the future, I won't ask you to play.

Facing the aggressive weaving, Qiye adopted the method of retreating. He learned how Illiya acted like a baby, staring at black eyes and begging to look at each other.

This trick was named "Bright Eyes" by Ilya, and according to her, it was her unsuccessful trick.

Of course, Qiye obviously forgot that she was not a cute little loli, but a pseudo-uncle who was nearly 30 years old.As a flashed weaver, he couldn't fail to feel the sincerity of his predecessors.

"No way, no way!" Weaving hurriedly avoided sight.

"Just this time, you only need to put a few poses on the camera!"

Qiye, who thought that he had achieved the result of the battle, quickly continued to follow up. No matter which side Zhiye turned, Qiye always turned to the front of him, staring at his eyes with the eyes that made Zhi feel bitter.

[Unexpectedly, the predecessors can be more annoying than dog skin plasters. What have you learned in the past few years!Give me back that gentle and elegant senior!

Zhi wants to find other like-minded people for help, but everyone present is not like Haeuchi who thinks Zhi is competent for the heroine and stays silent, or is like Katsura Mako and Ilia who plan to watch a good show.Regarding Zhi Na's begging sight, everyone unanimously chose to ignore it.

The unavoidable woven eyes closed, and a blind eye came.

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