Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 219

In the past, Qiye thought that this company was slowly brought down by the huge financial pressure after the failure of "Nexus Ultraman".

If the failure of "Nexus Ultraman" is avoided, Tsuburaya may be able to continue.

However, after learning about the actual situation of Tsuburaya, Qiye discovered that it is not so much that Tsuburaya was dragged down by "Nexus", it is better to say that Tsuburaya itself has been messed up internally. It is supported by the "Ultraman" series. With.

The reason for the collapse of Tsuburaya in the last life is not clear to Qiye, but he has been able to guess it in his life.

The internal seizure of power is a very serious internal struggle, and this struggle has reached a fever pitch.

Even though Tsuburaya is very calm on the surface now, the series of "Ultraman Goss" produced by him is still broadcast on tbs TV station.

However, the struggle under the water level has been very fierce.

When Qiye came to Tsuburaya this time, he could feel the smell of gunpowder in the air.

This can be seen from the confrontation between the high-level leaders of the Tsuburaya Company who have always welcomed them.

"Sorry, I disturbed you today." Qiye greeted everyone present.

"Very welcome, Director Kiryu."

As the current president of Tsuburaya, Kazuo Tsuburaya held Nanya's hand very excitedly, and he still values ​​the director very much.

When Nanaya and Tsuburaya collaborated to produce "Magic Girl Ilia", Tsuburaya believed that the other party took advantage of her.

But then learning with the Hollywood special effects team gave Tsuburaya a taste of the sweetness.

Among other things, the level of special effects of "Ultra Gauss" is much better than the previous "Ultra Gaia", and the cost of special effects is much less.

Originally, Kazuo Tsuburaya wanted to build a good relationship with the director of inestimable future.

But I didn't expect that after only a year, it became the point where Tsuburaya would actively ask for cooperation with the other party.

Thinking of this, Kazuo Tsuburaya couldn't help but sigh with emotion and fear.

But Tsuburaya is not a loss after all. After all, with previous cooperation to base, the relationship between himself and the other party is also very good.

"Director Kiryu, everyone at Tsuburaya welcomes you."

"Hello, Mr. Kazuo Tsuburaya."

Because there were too many people surnamed Tsuburaya, Qiye could only call each other's full name.

"Oh, Director Kiryu can come to Tsuburaya Company, it is really brilliant."

Behind Kazuo Tsuburaya, a middle-aged man took the initiative to hold Qiye's hand.

"My fellow Masahiro Tsuburaya, please advise."

"A lot of advice."

Qiye also shook hands with the middle-aged man who was full of spring breeze. He knew very well that the middle-aged man in front of him had already gained the upper hand in the internal struggle of Tsuburaya.

However, Qiye didn't show much enthusiasm, although he knew that this middle-aged man was the successor of Kazuo Tsuburaya.

Tomorrow, in 2003, he will replace Kazuo Tsuburaya as the new president of Tsuburaya Corporation.


Masahiro Tsuburaya was in power for less than a year before he was ousted from office in embarrassment for harassing female employees.

Although there is definitely a power struggle factor, it is obviously not as simple as being framed to be able to get evidence and be brought to court.

We must know that more than one or two female employees harassed by Tsuburaya Masahiro have been exposed, and they have been harassed by their power for more than seven consecutive years.

It can only be said that this guy Masahiro Tsuburaya has lost the faces of his father Tsuburaya and his grandfather Eiji Tsuburaya.

So Qiye didn't want to have too much contact with this guy, what if someone mistakenly thought that he and the other party were the same?

When the time comes, how does Kiryu Qiye hook up with female stars, right?

Of course, his younger brother Hideaki Tsuburaya, who replaced him, was not a good bird.

In order to consolidate power, this guy implemented the [N plan] led by "Nexus Ultraman" regardless of Tsuburaya's already rotten company operating conditions.

As for the result, everyone has seen it.

If you want to comment on Seven Nights, "Ultraman Nexus" is indeed a good work, but it is definitely not the work that the already riddled Tsuburaya needs.

At that time, Tsuburaya needed more popular and popular works like "Tiga" or "Taylor".

Even if it doesn't work, it should promote a work that can be commercialized.

The ultimate goal of an enterprise is to make money, and projects that cannot make money are hooliganism.

It can only be said that at that time, the brains of the entire company's senior management were not normal.

It is said that the Saint Seiya will not fall twice before the same move, and Tsuburaya has planted three somersaults on the depth of the plot, which is simply magical.

After all, the lessons of the failures of "Seven" and "Leo" in the Showa period are not without the lessons. The probability of success of such a dark work has long been foreseen.

There may be a reason why Tsuburaya Hideaki was too rigid for his own use, but there may also be the possibility of factions deliberately supporting him in order to get him to step down.

This is also the reason that Qiye doesn't want to have too much contact with Tsuburaya right now, and all kinds of monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods dance in the current Tsuburaya. If you get caught in it, you will probably make a mess.

Especially with the Tsuburaya family currently in full control of Tsuburaya, Qiye Kiryu, an outsider, could not make any suggestions that could change the status quo of the company.

You know, the Tsuburaya family is not Shion. Shion will seriously consider the feasibility of Qiye's proposal, but the Tsuburaya family will only follow their own ideas.

From the Eiji Tsuburaya period, the Tsuburaya family has the characteristic of not hitting the south wall and not turning back.

Moreover, looking at the bad appearance of Tsuburaya, even if he escaped the pits of "Nexus", it is estimated that he will fall into other pits.

Therefore, Qiye feels that it is better to watch Tsuburaya use "Nexus" to make a gorgeous self-destruction, at least it's dead and more heroic.

What Nanya has to do is to end the turmoil in Tsuburaya in the fastest way after Tsuburaya falls into a financial crisis, and retain the vitality and spirit of Tsuburaya.

Let Tsuburaya get reborn from the fire, and turn it back into the Tsuburaya that can launch various classic Ultraman images.

It's not like the original, that mess is left there and moldy, causing all kinds of brain drain.

Until the end was nothing bad, TYO and Bandai ended up cleaning up the mess.

At that time, Tsuburaya was really an empty shell, except for an Ultraman IP.

In the end, he can only use the old Altman's popularity to eat his own money, so as to survive.

"Well, I want to discuss with Li Wenwen about the specific effects of "Kingjing". I wonder if it is convenient?

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