Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 233

If possible, Qiye certainly hopes that the appearance, figure, acting skills and skill of his actors are the best.

But as that sentence says-everything in the dream.

However, the reality is that there is no such perfect actor in this world, at least Qiye does not have it.

The heroine of the two ceremonies has a perfect face and a, although not as good as those with melons on her chest, she is outstanding among the Orientals.

The acting skills can only be said to be so-so, relying on the affinity with the character of "Two Ceremonies", it can barely pass.

However, this girl's skill is simply terrible and can't be worse.

Although this is not the fault of the two rituals, in order to make the scene as good as possible, Qiye and Li Wenshu can only toss this girl twice.


pS1: Actually, Michan really likes the movie [Fast and Passion: Special Actions]. As a summer action film, it does it, but it's only cool.

If possible, Michan hopes that this series can be one step closer, because this kind of simple cool audience is the most fatigued.


pS2: Speaking of [Quick Ruan Biography], by the way, the "little cheap" Ryan Reynolds who appeared in the movie, this actor makes Mi Jiang feel more and more like Uncle Depp.

It is not that he will become a superstar like Uncle Depp, but that the two people are currently on a very similar path.

After Captain Jack, Depp slowly embarked on the road of acting like a captain.Whether it was the Mad Hatter in [Alice in Wonderland] or Gellert Grindelwald in [Fantastic Beasts 2] recently, the uncle played these roles as Captain Jack.

Ryan Reynolds is now on the same path.

As a fan of the two actors.Mijiang hopes that they can get rid of the inherent impressions of the audience like Captain Jack and Deadpool as soon as possible, and break new paths, otherwise their future path will only get narrower.

Chapter 168 Tips on How to Make the Actors' Expressions

A young girl in a kimono walked towards the elevator door with a dagger in her hand.

Suddenly, the elevator doors opened suddenly.

A few shaky dolls came out of the elevator. They moved stiffly and roared, looking like zombies.

These dolls approached the girl and raised their hands to attack her.

Facing these monsters, the girl frowned slightly.

Then, in the next second, the girl rushed out like a cunning rabbit.

The dagger in her hand drew a few cold rays, and the doll was easily cut into pieces.

The young girl moves agilely like a dexterous cat, but her neat skill and fierceness are like a well-trained dog.

Her movements are smooth and flowing, without any fancy or extra moves, and every knife is clean and tidy.

Throat, head, chest, lower abdomen.

The dagger flashed gracefully and accurately in these places, and disintegrated the dolls one by one.

"Old Li, you did a very good job."

Looking at the results on the screen, Qiye praised Li Wenxue without hesitation.

With the results submitted by Li Wenshu this time, Qiye believes that he is fully capable of acting as the FSN's action director.

For Lao Li himself, being able to act as the action director of "Kojima" and FSN, this may become a key resume for him as President Tsuburaya in the future.

Even if Li Wenshu finally abandons the presidential election of Tsuburaya, his past experience will at least become one of Japan's best action guides.

"Let's do this part of the scene." Qiye stopped playing the scene, and he was quite acceptable to the result.

At this time, Qiye and Li Wenshu are now proofreading in Lin Bao's drawing room, and Qiye is reviewing the footage that has just been cut out.

Because these shots have not been added with special effects, they look very crude, but under the editing of Qiye, they have already had a prototype.

"Although it is not exactly the same as I thought, these can be solved by special effects."

Qiye squeezed her chin and commented.

"I thought you wanted me to remake it."

Li Wenxue said jokingly.

"how come."

Qiye shook his head. He patted Li Wenwen's shoulder vigorously and said, "You have done a good job. Let me solve it next."

"Although you said that, my team still needs to do the special effects part of the movie? Wouldn't I want to take over?"

There was a drop of cold sweat from Li Wenshu's temple.

"It seems to be the same. Then, Lao Li, please come on! Haha!"

Qiye laughed without conscience.

When filming the dock scene before, Qiye found that both the actor and Li Wenshu were in a very good state of action guidance.

Coupled with the gaps of other actors, Qiye simply revised the original filming plan.

He focused on shooting the action scenes of the two films "Remaining Pain" and "Contradictory Spiral" in advance.

Except for a small number of shots involving a large number of special effects, Qiye personally took the shots, most of the shots were shot by Li Shushu.

What Qiye does is more about supervision and gatekeeping.

Although it seems that Qiye is lazy, the director's original position in the crew is to be the coordinator of the head.

If all the shots have to be shot by the director himself, why should all film awards separate the director's award and the photography award?

As a director, it is more important for him to maximize the work efficiency of all members of the crew than to shoot the picture with a camera in person.

If you do everything yourself, Qiye estimates that she will be in the Mediterranean before she is 40 years old.

So, for the sake of her hair, Qiye decided she still had to try to let go.

In the previous shootings of "Overlooking the Landscape" and "Goblin Slayer", almost all of them were shot by Qiye himself, making him almost overworked.

Therefore, Qiye feels that it is better to try to learn to be lazy, so as not to buy Zhangguang 101 before the age of 50.

What's more, shooting action scenes is a very tiring task in itself, even if Qiye does not take control of it, it is a lot of co-ordination.

And because of the special nature of action scenes, all kinds of accidents are inevitable.

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