Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 237

[The Hollywood team will definitely be invited, but will Lin Bao agree?

When I thought that the negotiation of "Kingjing" was so difficult, Qiye felt a trace of worry.

[Maybe we can bring Jiufeng over?Ziyuan should like such a big investment movie.

Qiye feels that he can refer to the previous cooperation model of "Brother Killer", but these things are estimated to wait until the "Kingjing" trilogy is released.

"When are you going to release the movie?"

"It is estimated that "Remains of Pain" will be in March. As for "Spiral of Contradiction", we will save it until the end of next year."

Taking "Overlooking the Scenery" as the ** and ending with "The Spiral of Contradictions", this is just a complete story.

Although Mushroom once stated in an interview that the idea of ​​"Kingjing" was composed of all seven chapters when it was serialized on the website, in fact Qiye felt that the structure of the trilogy was the core and backbone of "Kingjing", and the other chapters The content of is more about filling the story of "Kingjing" and its characters.

In the earliest conception of Qiye, he planned to finish filming all the stories of "Kingjing" including "Future Gospel", and then use the complete IP of "Kingjing" to obtain the bargaining chip for his own FSN production.

However, Qiye found that her success was too fast, and "King Jing" was no longer the core of her success history at this time, but more like the icing on the cake.

Therefore, Qiye decided to cut down other chapters of "Kingjing" resolutely and ended with a trilogy.

Of course, Qiye will not be idle for the other chapters of "Kingjing". When Fate is released in the future, the audience will still miss the "Kingjing" as an extra chapter.

As long as the title of the two ceremonies is hung on the prequel, postquel, or middle pass of "Kingjing", Qiye believes that "Kingjing" will be as prosperous as the "Godzilla" or "Zatoshi" series.

[In the future, "Kingjing" may be directed by Zhizhi and starring in Shiji. This may become the standard feature of "Kingjing" in the future.

Qiye couldn't help but think of the scene in front of him.

"I thought you would come in January." Li Wenshu was a little surprised.

Old Li's voice made Qiye come out of his original thoughts. He shook his head and replied: "No, it takes time to announce, and now in the award season, the studio's work is on the "Brother Kill" award. "

The award-winning work of "Brother Killer" started last month, and Qiye has focused on major Japanese film awards.

It seems that Lin Bao intends to hit the North American awards season, but Qiye is not optimistic about their results.

Not only is the type of commercial film "Brother Killer" not suitable for award-winning, more importantly, it is the sequelae left by the film critic of the chief executive when "Brother Killer" was released.

At that time, relying on this film review "Brother Kill" won more than 300 million box office, but it also left a bad impression on the North American entertainment circle.

Although compared with the corn head, the gentleman with arrears in IQ has at least not become an enemy of all the people.

But for guys like him who are aggressive and advocating war, most people in Hollywood don't like him very much.

For the movies this gentleman likes, it is estimated that North American filmmakers will be angry.

But Qiye has nothing to complain about. Without the help of this gentleman, the box office of "Brother Killer" would not be so high. It can only be said that everything is difficult to have the best of both worlds.


pS: Yesterday everyone’s birthday wishes were the birthday that Michan received the most blessings in this life. Thank you so much!?(?'ω'?)??

Chapter 170-It's the End of the Year Again

Although Mr. Qiye was not very optimistic about Lin Bao's actions, he did not stop them.

After all, what if?

If you can win a few technical awards at the Saturn Awards or Oscars, it will be a profit for "Brother Kill".

Human beings are such creatures, even if the probability is almost 0, there will always be a fluke before the final result comes out.

In order to cooperate with "Brother Killer" in the United States and Japan, Lin Bao launched the "Brother Killer" DVD series.

Yes, the DVD of "Goblin Slayer" is a series.

Just like what Hezhi promoted before Qiye, he produced the pg-13 and ng-17 versions.

ng-17 has more naked scenes and plasma plots, and for those who like to stimulate movies, it will be more exciting than the original "Brother Kill".

As for the pg-13 version, Qiye has learned the coding techniques of future Japanese new fans and the style of the all-age version of "Deadpool 2".

Not only did the plasma in the movie be wiped out, but the girls who were not wearing clothes took the initiative to put on clothes to prevent them from catching cold.

Qiye also made some changes to the goblins insulting the girls.

For example, in the scene of the female martial artist, Qiye subtracted the scene of being stripped of clothes. After the female martial artist was knocked down by a large goblin, she was beaten with a wooden stick by the little goblin and ended.

In this way, it is as if the female martial artist was only beaten up by the goblins, instead of accepting something that is not human.

Although in this way the goblins in "Goblin Slayer" seem to be just grumpy brothers in the all-age version, this is enough for children.

Of course, Qiye certainly couldn't sell the three versions so honestly.

Under the setting of Seven Nights, the types of "Goblin Slayer" released on DVD include the original film compact version, ng-17 version, pg-13 version, original film hardcover version (with a set set), and a three-in-one set version. (Comes with goddess official figure) suit.

Qiye said very intimately that we only do this so that every guest can choose their favorite version.

However, the hardcover version was released half a month later than the hardcover version, and the suit was released half a month later than the hardcover version, exposing this guy's bad attempt to let the iron fan buy it several times by himself.

Fans can only scold Jiufeng and Lin Bao for being black-hearted while crying for money.

After all, the set and the figure are unique to their respective versions, and if you want to have one, you can only buy a disc.

"Look at your project, we have been scolded badly recently."

On December 28, Tokyo Railway Station.

Shion, who was waiting for everyone to gather with Qiye, complained to Qiye while waiting.

Because it is outdoors, Shion is rarely seen wearing a checkered scarf.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the hem of Shion's coat swayed gently with the wind.

This gave her a breath of youth that was rare.

"Even if you say that." Qiye sneered, "but you still don't make less money, right?"


Shion nodded and admitted, "Thanks to you, the final performance in December was good. Everyone can have a peaceful year."

Qi Ye said, he dragged his suitcase to observe the pedestrians coming and going around.

Because near the end of the year, the station can be said to have a constant flow of people.

Looking around Qiye, there are streams of tourists everywhere.

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