Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 239

The two ceremonies beckoned to Qiye: "You guys came very early, obviously there is still half an hour. Is it possible that you are too excited so you arrived early?"

"I just don't want to be late." Qiye replied to Shishi first, and then he bowed to the Hanai couple: "Teacher, mother, hello."

The Huajing couple originally planned to travel abroad this year as they did in previous years, but after hearing about Qiye and others' itineraries, they decided to visit Qiye’s hometown together.

Mrs. Hanai is a very intellectual woman who can tell that she must be very beautiful when she was young.

After seeing Qiye, she hugged Qiye hard, and then joked: "Oh, our family is really getting more handsome as Qiye gets longer. I really don't know how many young girls will fascinate her."

Because Mrs. and Mrs. Hanai have no children, Mrs. Hanai almost dotes on Nanaya and Ori as her own children.

"Mother, don't always make such jokes..."

Qiye said with a wry smile.

"Well, this is not necessarily so~"

Mrs. Hanai looked at the girls present and smiled happily.


Qiye hadn't spoken yet, and there was another greeting in the distance.

"Senior, how are you guys!"

"Why are you here too?!"

What's new this time is Rin, who has said before that she will not follow Qiye back to her hometown, and beside her stands a girl who looks exactly like her but has a different hair color.

"Hehe, because the plan has changed." Rin pulled over the blonde girl, "Come on, senior introduces. This is my sister Ai Lei, she will go with us this time."


pS: Ai Lei is on the stage, although in the plot of returning to her hometown this time, she is basically playing soy sauce.2333

Chapter 171

Regarding the reason why Rin changed her mind and chose to go to Shimane Prefecture to celebrate the New Year, she gave an unexpected answer for Qiye.

"It's because Ai Lei, she wants to write a script about the Japanese countryside, so she wants to come to your hometown to collect materials."

Rin pulled his sister and introduced, "Senior, you shouldn't mind, do you?"

"No, anyway, so many people are not bad for you two."

Qiye really doesn't mind adding two more pairs of chopsticks. After all, the number of people has reached this level, and there is not much difference between two more girls.

"Please give me your advice, I'm Toosaka Ai Lei."

I don't know if it is because of fear of living or by nature.

Ai Lei is not as lively as her sister, she looks a little shy.

"Good morning everyone."

Miss Ji Yongzi in casual clothes also appeared from the end of the hall. She carried a small suitcase and walked over with a light smile.

"Morning, Miss Yoshinaga."

"Huhu~ this day is finally here." Ji Yongzi said meaningfully to Qiye, "Please don't let me down, Mr. Director."


Qiye was confused, but Ji Yongzi walked towards Ai Lei.

"I heard you are a screenwriter?"

"I'm just a screenwriter professional. The screenwriter is too far behind." Ai Lei swallowed softly, not knowing whether she was deterred by Zi's momentum or her figure.

"Yeah, I like to write too. Let's have a good chat on the train later."

Ji Yongzi didn't have many expressions on her face, but her tone was still very kind.

Everyone waited on the platform for a while...

"Ah, everyone, sorry. We are late."

"There is a traffic jam on the road, sorry!">People<

The Wei Ting sisters also arrived, and a figure who looked like an old housekeeper was behind them.

"Hello everyone, this is Cruzo, the steward of the Weiting family."

The old butler in a neat suit bowed his greetings to everyone.

"Hello there."

Because the other party looked very cautious, Qiye and others had to salute him.


Butler Cruzo suddenly posted in front of Qiye and looked at him up and down.

"Are you Kiryu Nanaya-san?"


Qiye couldn't help taking a step back.

"Then, Miss Lane and Miss Lily will trouble you to take care of them this time."

Cruzot straightened up again: "Then when I come back, I will come to the train station to meet the two ladies. I wish you a pleasant journey."

"Cruzo will have a good year~"

Lily smiled and waved goodbye to the other party, but Ryan nodded gently with a calm face.

"Well, I will."

The old butler replied solemnly. He seemed to regard Lily's farewell message as his next task to perform.

"Oh, what an elderly person is. I just let him relax."

Looking at the back of the old butler leaving, Lily said helplessly.

Then she was dragged to the crowd by her sister and bowed.

"Everyone, because of my sister's willfulness, I'm causing trouble to everyone."

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