Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 247

Rin first gave Qiye his boiled beef, and then put a piece of roast beef.

"What, like this, if I don't act, doesn't it mean that I'm giving up people..."

Rin murmured and whispered, although she tried to behave more naturally, her hands kept shaking.

"Huh?" ⊙?⊙??

Qiye looked at Rin who hadn't taken the beef away after several clips. The frequency of his shaking hands reminded him of the canteen aunt of the university in his previous life.

Shion leaned back in the chair, and she looked at her little idol with a superior expression.

"I don't think you can eat that piece of beef even tomorrow."


Rin clipped the beef again, and she seemed to be crying anxiously.

Not only was he ashamed in front of his senior, but he was also seen by his boss.

"Let me do it."

Qiye feels a little sympathetic to her own primary school girl. She obviously just wants to follow the crowd, but her boss makes her unable to come to stage.

"Rin, don't move."


Hearing Qiye calling herself, she subconsciously turned her head and looked over.

Then in the next second, Rin felt a soft object in his mouth.

[Tsk!It turns out that there is still this hand!*2

"Hey hey!"

[Is this feeding?!No way!This one!This one!and many more!This is his chopsticks, which means...indirect kissing?!

Nanaya's actions caused Rin to react fiercely like a PH test paper in contact with the liquid.

"You don't need such an exaggerated expression?" Qiye thought that Rin was just shocked. "I haven't eaten these chopsticks. If you feel uncomfortable, I can give you the chopsticks."

"No! No! Don't do that, I just got something in my mouth suddenly, so I was taken aback."

Rin said and grabbed Qiye's hand: "Senior, please use these chopsticks? Please!"

"no need."

Shion took the chopsticks out of Qiye's hand and handed it to Lin, "Take it, I have spare chopsticks."


Despite some regrets, Rin took the chopsticks and sat back on the seat.

[Not bad, at least the chopsticks used by seniors.


Ai Lei whispered to the giggling Rin there, "You look like a fanatical slut."

"Ahem, you talk a lot today, Ai Lei."

Ai Lei said solemnly: "I just think that if you really want to grab a man's heart, it's definitely wrong to make it like a pervert."

"What do you girl know..."

Ai Lei said, "Forget it, elder sister. You look like a mimosa now, anyone who reads it will know it."

"Now, Elei. I remember you haven't been in a relationship like me?"

"Sister, did you forget? I wrote love stories." Ai Lei said proudly, "I still know the little things like love."

Rin was convinced of her sister. She folded her hands and prayed to Ai Lei: "Please, Lord Ai Lei. Please ask the little girl."

"Sister, do this first..."

Ai Lei peeked around, then whispered in Rin's ear to teach her.

However, Ai Lei and Rin did not notice that all the communication between them was heard by Ilia.

Little Lori was eavesdropping on the communication between the two elder sisters, and she nodded her head in a serious manner.

"Yeah. I'll eat one piece too."

Four seasons, the animal that is most familiar with is booing. He grabbed a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yes, yes." Four Seasons said vaguely, "I'll have another piece of beef tongue."

"Fuck off! You are not a beauty, one piece is enough."

Qiye guarded her food and prevented the Four Seasons from succeeding.

"Cut, meanie."

Qiye ignored Siji's complaints, and handed the lunch to Ji Yongzi in the corner.

"Miss Yoshinaga, you can come here too."

Zi Naga replied with a spring face: "No need, I'm already full, thank you Director Kiryu for his hospitality."

"is it?"

Qiye looked at Ji Yongzi's untouched lunch, feeling very strange.

[This hasn't moved at all yet?


pS: Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. What kind of mooncakes do you want to eat?

Mijiang wants to eat ice cream~(??﹃??)

Chapter 175

In the end, the battle for lunch on Qiye ended in a peaceful (?) atmosphere.

It seemed that everyone had a tie, but after careful consideration, there was still half a win.

For Qiye himself, it didn't matter. After all, although there were not a few pieces of beef and tongue left in the end, everyone gave him a lot of dishes.

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