Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Foster Plan Chapter 249

Unlike nearby Tokyo, where clouds and fog will only make people feel gray and dirty, the mountains and clouds in Shimane Prefecture are intertwined, but they are distinct.

This not only reflects the majesty of the mountains, but also makes people feel the mistiness of clouds.

"It's so beautiful, like a fairyland."

She exclaimed. Although she is a foodie, she is not a vulgar person who does not know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

"The temperature this year is not cold. It has already snowed at this time in previous years."

Qiye introduced to everyone, "Although you can't see the snow scene, it's a gain and a loss to be able to see this kind of scenery. But for the locals, this kind of scenery is commonplace. After all, there is a lot of water here, and you can often see it. To."

"Brother, you know well."

The old driver laughed.

"I am a native."

Qiye's words brought Shimane's dialect into it, and the few people nearby almost didn't understand what he was saying.

"Oh, that's how it is." Mr. Driver said suddenly, "I said how did you guys go to a place that almost no one knows about. Is that so?"

"Young man, you have brought a bunch of beautiful women to your site. It's a bit unreasonable if you don't find one~ You want to win honor for the people from your hometown~"

The old driver also used Shimane's native dialect. The other party's accent was much heavier than Qiye, and most of the people at the scene did not understand it.

Ryuichi Hanai understands. When he was young, the old man made movies all over the country, and he knew the dialects of various places.

Although he can't speak most of the dialects except for one or two Kansai dialects, there is definitely no problem in understanding.

However, the old man did not translate the meaning of this sentence. He glanced at Qiye and the girls present, without any expression, and completely adopted an attitude of looking upside down.

Of course, the local Qiye understood, but didn't want to translate at all.

Therefore, facing the suspicious eyes of Shion and others, Qiye could only vaguely say "I will entertain you well." It passed.

Of course, several girls knew that the old driver was definitely not saying this, so they condemned Qiye one after another, but Qiye, whose face was thicker than the city wall, was fearless.

At most, Qiye felt very upset by the look at the old driver's [you said that you are just an ordinary colleague?].

Because of Qiye's guilty conscience, the next three-hour drive was completely spent for him.

When the bus finally drove into Qiye’s hometown of Ogu Township, Qiye finally ended this arduous torture.

"Finally out of the sea of ​​suffering."

Qiye smiled bitterly and jumped off the bus. Just now, the group of ladies were ready to tie themselves up, and then scratched the soles of their feet with feathers.

"Oh, is this the hotel in your village? It looks pretty good." The second one who got off the bus was Four Seasons, looking at the antique wooden building in front of him and shouted in surprise.

"Traitor, actually made that kind of excessive request."

Qiye said unhappily, when he was besieged by the girls just now, this guy actually stood by and even made a lot of bad ideas.

The proposal for tickling with feathers was made by this animal. Of course, this guy's original proposal was even more excessive. He asked several girls to take off Qiye's upper body clothes and scratch their chests.

This proposal was finally rejected because Zhiye was afraid of catching a cold in Qiye.

"Don't say that." With a smirk on Siji's face, he put his arms around Qiye's neck and said, "Don't you see those few drooling after hearing this proposal?"

Qiye blushed and lowered her head.

"So where is your home?"

"In that direction." Qiye pointed at the end of the road next to the hotel, "My house turns right at the end of the road and walks for another 10 minutes."

"It's a bit far."

"Anyway, put your luggage first, and then go to visit your uncle and aunt~" Illiya said, pulling Serra hopping around.

"That's the same. I'll take you there. I know the boss here."

Qiye said, leading everyone into the hotel.

However, the boss Qiye knew was not in the hotel at this time, and more importantly--

"What, you say it again?"

Qiye looked at the reception lady at the counter in surprise.

"I'm really sorry, guest."

Because of being watched by a group of people, this little country girl was struggling to come out.

It was probably the first time she met such a large number of customers.

"Because of some reasons, the guest requested a room missing, so someone on your side needs to be aggrieved and share a room with others."

"What?" Siji said boredly, "If that's the case, why don't I just live in Qiye at your house? I remember that your house has a guest room..."

Before the four seasons words were finished, he felt that something was wrong, because he saw the women present showing terrifying expressions.

Although everyone's expressions are different, but in summary it is one sentence.

[I'm asleep in the guest room of Qiye's house!


pS: Mina, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!(@^▽^@)

Chapter 176

There are always unpredictable things in this world.

For example, it was clear when I went out, but the road was blocked by heavy rain within five minutes.

For another example, I think I can get a promotion for my diligent work, but suddenly I was told that my boss' brother-in-law was going to join the company, so I had to fire you.

Also, it was obvious that her little niece was still a baby, but she was told that she was going to elementary school.

In this way, there will always be all kinds of things that people will be caught off guard.

However, it is difficult for people to predict things related to them, and it is also difficult for people to know in advance what will happen.

"Modern society is really hard to predict the future."

Qiye made the same remarks as a sociology professor, but none of the people present responded to him.

Not to say, no one wants to listen to his nonsense now, all of them are watching each other.

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