Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 254

His tough approach may be a bit arrogant, but Qiye's parents did not raise objections, instead they have been working hard to help him.

In order to make up for Qiye's first expenses in Beijing, Qiye's father almost sold the land.

Fortunately, Qiye relied on her own efforts to apply for the scholarship. Although she was burdened with a lot of debt, with the help of the teacher, Qiye finally made it through.

Qiye knew that he had two couples' love in this life, and he couldn't repay it all his life.

One is the Hanai couple, they helped Qiye take the first step in this industry;

The other pair are the parents of Qiye's life. It was their silent dedication that gave Qiye the opportunity to leave the village.

Qiye has developed in recent years, and he also wants to repay his parents.

Originally, Qiye was planning to take the second elder to Tokyo. After all, with his current ability, buying a house in Tokyo and settling down completely is not a problem.

But the two elders themselves did not agree. They lived in the mountains all their lives and had no idea of ​​living in a big city.

Therefore, Qiye can only follow the old man's thoughts and pay them to rest the house again.

For Kiryu and his wife, their son’s success is the best reward for them, and they are very proud of this child who has been very competitive since childhood.

"Qiyao, who is this?"

Mrs. Kiryu saw Shion when she opened the door, but seeing her son, whom she hadn't seen for several years, made her focus all of her attention on Nanya at first.

Now Mrs. Kiryu finally has time to look at the beautiful lady.

The other party looked very, very beautiful, and there was a trace of extravagance between the expressions, but it was rare that they did not have the squeamishness of those eldest ladies.

This woman looks very close to Qiye, but there has never been any close contact between the two.

Mrs. Kiryu, who has lived for most of her life, still has a very vicious vision. She can see through the relationship between the two at a glance.

But this also surprised Mrs. Kiryu. It is rare for her son to go home with his girlfriend without any problems.

But the relationship between this girl and her son has not yet reached this point, and there is a problem.

"Oh, I'm really embarrassed." Shion smiled and bowed to Mrs. Kiryu. "Aunt Kiryu, my name is Jiufeng Shion. Let's be a colleague of Qiye."

"Ha ha."

Qiye sneered twice.

Colleague, I can't explain it to this lady.

Although this sentence is not wrong from a certain point of view, to Qiye, he has a feeling that Shion is evasive.

However, Qiye nodded slightly when her mother asked her for confirmation.

"Mom, the door to a room at the hotel is broken, so Zi...Jiufeng can only stay at our house during this time."

Qiye explained the causes and consequences in the most concise terms, and Shion twisted the back of her hand.

"What the hell?

Facing Qiye's questioning with her eyes, Shion just glanced lightly.

Mrs. Kiryu didn't care about the minor actions between the juniors. She reproached: "You child! Why don't you tell me such an important thing in advance! Our guest rooms have not been cleaned yet."

"I'll do it myself..."

"No!" Mrs. Kiryu interrupted her son directly, "It's rare for you to come back, so let's rest. And..."

Mrs. Kiryu groaned slightly: "Your child is frivolous, and he never cleans carefully. I don't worry about letting the house you cleaned live in the house that you have cleaned."

"Oh, Aunt Kiryu would just call her Shion."

Shion's ability to climb along the pole can be said to be Max. She walked into the room and took Mrs. Kiryu's arm and said sweetly.

"Okay. Then, Shion can call me Real Aya."

Mrs. Kiryu giggled, she took Shion's hand and walked into the room.

"My dear, a guest is here, come out quickly!"

Being thrown at the door by two women for seven nights was very depressed: "How do you feel that I am superfluous."

Seeing that the two ladies were not returning, Qiye could only sigh and drag her and Shion's luggage into the room.

"I'm back."

When Qiye entered the door, she happened to see her father Kiryu Kenichi walking out with a cleaning tool.

"Yo, old man."

Compared to her respectful mother, Qiye seemed more casual towards her father.

"Put Miss Jiufeng's suitcase in the living room, and take your own to your room." Kiryu Ken ordered Qiye.

"Also, don't hide in the room as soon as you go home as before. Give me a good treat to Miss Jiufeng."

Qiye curled his lips, he took the suitcase to the living room.

Although the appearance of the old house has been completely new, the internal structure has not changed much, and the layout and furnishings of the rooms have basically maintained their original style.

The only thing that makes Qiye feel different is that all the walls of the room have been refreshed, and home appliances such as TV sets have also been updated.

"They are finally willing to spend money. They used to talk about frugality or something, and even if I work, I don't want to change the TV."

When dragging the suitcase into the room, Qiye said to Shion.

Shion was already sitting in the kotatsu at this time. She groaned and replied: "But they still left the old things behind. Is that your thing?"

Qiye looked in the direction of Shion's finger and found that she was pointing to the DVD cabinet under the TV. There were various video tapes and various notes written by Qiye himself, many of which were posted on the video recorder.


Qiye nodded. He didn't have a computer when he was in school, so he could only use video tape to show the film.

Different from the convenience that video files can watch a plot repeatedly in the future, the video tape pull is very inconsistent.

Therefore, every videotape is written with Qiye's notes, in order to provide convenience for pulling the film again in the future.

"You are really easy to learn."

Shion moved her knees to the cabinet, and the dense handwriting on it indicated how many times she had watched these videotapes seven nights ago.

"I think it's more convenient to watch videos on the current computer. Every time I want to watch two episodes that are far apart, just rewinding will be troublesome."

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