Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 261

Not only the main body of the hotel was renovated, but also the bathing area was also greatly changed.

The original bathing area had only one huge bath, half of which was shared by men and women and separated by a large wooden board.

During this renovation, the stove owner originally planned to change the bath directly into a large mixed bathing bath, and then open a small bath for men and women on the side by drainage.

As a result, a brand-new hot spring was unexpectedly dug out when the construction started.

Although the new hot spring cannot be mixed to form a large bath because the trace elements are completely different from the old hot spring, the new hot spring is unexpectedly suitable for making a wine hot spring.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a brand new hot spring less than 5 meters away from the old hot spring. I knew I should have started construction soon!"

"Such a rare Jiuquan can definitely be used as a huge selling point! How much less have I made in the past few years!"

When the stove boss talked to Qiye about this, his face was full of regret.

In the end, with a new hot spring, the stove, who originally only wanted to repair the bath, had to redesign the entire bath.

Although there are still 2 small, 2 large and 4 baths in the end, it looks like there is only one more Jiuquan bath.

However, because of the location of the new hot spring, the layout of the entire bath has been changed greatly from the memory of Qiye.

"I don't know what the open-air bath has been transformed into, I look forward to it a little bit."

After washing her body, Qiye picked up a towel and prepared to go to the open-air bath.

He ignored the small male bathtub in the corner of the bathroom, but brushed the floor and opened the glass sliding door of the bathroom, then opened the curtain and walked outside.

The appearance of the entire open-air hot spring bath flew into Qiye's vision.

"Oh, it looks pretty good."

Qiye couldn't help but exclaimed the scenery in front of her.

The new bathing area is much larger than Qiye's memory, and it looks about half the size of the courtyard of the old Liangyi family house.

In the middle is a huge bath that can accommodate thirty people without a problem.

The entire bath was built of rocks into a gourd-like scoop shape, and a fish-shaped water supply port stood at the position that looked like a gourd mouth. The hot spring water of white flowers poured into the pool from the water outlet of the fish mouth like a waterfall.

There is a slightly smaller bath at a distance, with a big sign with the word "Wine" standing on it, which means that it is the Jiuquan that the owner of the stove is very proud of.

There was a rush of heat in the bath, which looked like a fairyland.

But the most surprising thing is probably the smell of wine in the air. Although there is only a faint trace, it can make people immediately feel the difference between this bath and other ordinary baths.

"Okay, let me try to see if the pool still tastes like it did."

Qiye, who had already washed her body, ignored the characteristic wine pool in the bath, and went straight to the big bath.

"Oh~ it's still the same."

Qiye, who first tested the water temperature with his feet, let out a whisper. After making sure that the water temperature could be tolerated, Qiye slowly soaked herself into the milky white hot spring from her feet.


The water temperature in the bath is a bit hotter than Qiye’s usual bath temperature, but this temperature difference is just right for Qiye.

After all, if it is the same as usual, what is called a hot spring, of course, it is a novel experience that you have to feel different from the usual bathing experience.

Qiye leaned his hands on the raised rock beside the bath, straightened his feet, and slowly adjusted to the water temperature in the spacious, unmanned bath.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect, Qiye has a sense of comfort that all the body is penetrated by the power of the hot spring.

It seems that there is a magical power in the hot spring affecting him.

"It's worthy of being a hot spring in my hometown. In terms of comfort, it doesn't lose to the famous pool outside."

Qiye sent out his own feelings, he completely ignored the fact that he hadn't soaked in other hot springs except this pool.

But it doesn't matter, it's my hometown after all.

With this alone, Qiye was able to add 10,000 points to this pool.

Home race high!

Qiye rested her head on the rock, quietly enjoying the big bath that belonged to her alone.

But this rare silence didn't last long, and soon a cheerful shout came from the women's bathroom.

"Wow! Wow! It's a hot spring! Hot spring!!!"

Eliya, wrapped in a bath towel, rushed out of the bathroom first.

Little Lori happily ran to the side of the bath like a wild horse, and then she tore off the towel on her body and jumped into the pool.



Qiye's face was splashed directly by the huge water spray. If it is a diving competition, this is definitely a score of 0.


Qiye raised her head in a complaining tone and yelled at Little Lori, and glanced at Little Lori.

Well, it is worthy of the surname Einzbern, the skin is very white.

As for the other thing about mixed bathing that everyone will definitely care about...

It is a pity that Ilia is wearing a swimsuit.

Just as Uncle Stoker said earlier, he is in serious business.

Therefore, this mixed bath will naturally not be filled with unhealthy things like some people with nasty thoughts.

At the entrance of the bathroom, there is a huge notice-[Whoever enters the open-air bath must wear a swimsuit].

So, the mixed bath that the driver uncle said before is nothing special, after all, the original pool is a normal mixed bath.

Of course, unless there is only a couple in the entire bath, what will happen then becomes a bit difficult to say.

It's a pity that Qiye doesn't think that some of the girls who are with her will choose to have a pool with herself.

At this time, of course, Illiya also wears a swimsuit well, and it is also a one-piece children's swimsuit.

In Qiye's opinion, the difference between this suit and the dead reservoir water, except that the color is silvery white instead of navy blue, the other big difference is that there is no white brand on the chest.

"Hehe, Oni sauce~"

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