Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 268

Qiye felt a ruthless betrayal.

"I surrender and stop fighting."

Qiye dropped the racket on the table, and he raised his hand to surrender to the girls.

If you continue, there will be no change. Instead of continuing to resist, you should surrender and let the girls punish.

Qiye knew very well that this group of girls would not just let it go after giving herself such a big set.

"If you have any arrangements for follow-up, please go directly, I will not resist."

Qiye said in a self-deprecating way, but in fact, he is not a disadvantage.

After a few games, everyone's bathrobes were a little messy.

No, it might be more appropriate to describe it as scattered. If you use an animated picture to describe it, you can use the idiom "radiant".

Well, the holy light full of screen.

Although Shion as a teammate gave Qiye more benefits, not only visually, but also tactile.

But other people gave it good, although they were all uniform yukatas, but because of the difference in body shape, they all have their own advantages.

Even the most conservative Miss Lane and Sierra, they will show various benefits when they play.

Qiye finally found out God's compensation for Serra's sluggish milk volume-a pair of white and jade-like long legs.

If you really want to say it, it should be a good product of the Leg Play Year series.

Sierra's legs are indeed good, but it's a pity that Miss Lane's legs are not inferior, let's compare her upper body...

Sure enough, Miss Lane has no shortcomings.

Qiye feels that this should be the other main reason why she will lose-looking at the welfare area, she has no intention to play the game properly.

In any case, this game can be called a farce.

It's just that what happened next is not just a farce, it can be described as absurd.

"Oni-chan looks very conscious~"

Illiya said to Qiye whose expression became weird: "Since it is the game, the loser must be punished~ Ou Nichan, please be enlightened!"


Qiye took a step back, looking at her expression, he felt that Illiya would make very excessive demands.

Punishment, as Yu Qing's show, Qiye didn't care too much.

However, the premise is not to go too far, it's just that it's too late to say anything, because Qiye finds that he has nowhere to go.

[Can't escape, can't escape.

Qiye plucked up the courage and said to Ilia: "Let's talk about it, as long as it is something I can do, anything is fine."

"Oh oh, you have the courage to Ounichan~ then..."

Ilia suddenly became shy, and she twisted her fingers together behind her back while lowering her head.



"Touch your head, Illiya wants O'Neill to touch her head!"


[Isn't this the same as before?!

"Is this all right?"

Qi Yeyi didn't know what to say for a while, he thought he was going to be forced to jump in a circle on one foot, and he was still singing.

"Because...because I haven't touched enough I want more. Can't it?"

Illiya asked with disappointment.

"Of course there is no problem, such a small thing."

Qiye gently stroked the silver-haired loli's head, and the other party showed a very comfortable expression.

This state lasted for quite a while, until Ilia finally felt that it was enough before signaling Qiye to let go.

"Hmm, oh oh..."

Iliya was extremely excited, and she kept gesticulating victory gestures to the people behind her.

"Cut, what is this kid proud of."

"Relax, weaving. This little girl is still young, we just have to hurry up and press someone on the bed before she grows up."

"Hey, that's not the case at all."

Zhiyuan can only hope that what Shion said is not what he understood.

[In this way, losing the game is not bad.

Qiye saw Yiliya look happy, and his face also showed a gratifying smile.

However, just as Qiye turned and was about to leave, Shishi put a hand on Qiye's shoulder.

"Hmph, senior~" A weird smile appeared on his face, "Where do you want to go? Senior·~~"

"Huh? Isn't it over?"

"Hmph, I'm sorry~" Qiye showed an evil smile with a bad feeling, "Senior, if you think this is over, then you are quite wrong~"

"Is not it?"

"That's just a punishment game for Ilia and her group. You have to complete the punishment game for our group~~"

[So you are waiting for me here?

"What do you want me to do?"

"Hehe, I won't give you the kind of boring tricks that can only be regarded as house wine. Exciting! Interesting! Blood! These are the essence of the punishment game!"

His eyes are shining with excitement at the moment.

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