Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 270

Qiye sat alone in the room secretly hurting himself. He looked like a garbage bag that was thrown away after being used up, completely broken by those girls.

"I always feel as if I have lost the most precious thing as a man, obviously I am no longer a virgin."

In the dim room, Qiye whispered alone, and he looked so gloomy that he couldn't tell.

"Anyway... go take another bath."

Qiye felt that now probably only the hot spring can make him forget the troubles at this time.

What's more, just now it was a photo of table tennis and women's clothing. He sweated several times, and it would be too uncomfortable to go home and sleep like this.

So, three minutes later, Qiye appeared in the bath again.

"Huh~ relax."

Qiye made a comfortable sound, and when his body was immersed in the hot water again, he felt that all his troubles seemed to disappear.


Qiye seemed to hear the sound of the hot spring water being stirred in the smoke not far away.


Qiye looked up, and he saw that there seemed to be people shaking at the other end of the pool.

"Is anyone there?"

Qiye made a suspicious question.

"Hey? Learn... Senior?"

In the smoke, Qiye found a looming shadow with long black hair.

Qiye didn't react at first, but soon he realized who was standing in front of him.

Of course this is not the point. The point is that the black-haired girl showed Qiye's back which was as smooth as jade.

In other words, this elementary school girl from Qiye is now in a state of not wearing a swimsuit, at least the upper body must be like this.


Rin let out a shy cry, and she quickly dipped her body back into the water, and hurriedly covered her chest with both hands.


Qiye hurriedly turned her back to Rin, and the relationship between the two must have not been familiar enough to meet frankly.

At this time, Qiye had never been so grateful that the heat in the bath had the effect of blocking his vision, at least not allowing him to see something that he shouldn't see.

"Senior, you can turn around now."

With Rin's permission, Qiye turned around at a very slow speed, and he found that an extra bath towel was wrapped around Rin's body at this time.

"Rin? Why?!"

"Well, I was sweating just now, so I want to soak again..."

[That is to say the same as me?Wait a minute, this is not the point.

"Uh, I mean why it's naked... ahem, why don't you wear a swimsuit?"

"That..." said shyly, wiping his hair, "because I saw no one in the bath, so I just..."

"So that's it..."

[I didn't understand at all.

Although she didn't figure out why, Qiye still felt that it would be better if she didn't know how to pretend at this time.

"That means...haha~"

Rin also laughed awkwardly, and only after seeing that Qiye was also embarrassed, did she slowly stop her voice.

The awkward and tense atmosphere permeated the two people like the heat in the bath, and they did not speak for a while, whether it was Qiye or Rin.

Time passed so slowly, and the two of them seemed to be under a petrification curse. They were so quietly separated at the two ends of the pool, soaking in the hot springs silently.

Qiye felt very embarrassed at this time, he didn't know whether he should leave here, so he could only spend time embarrassingly like this.

At this tense moment, Qiye felt that the time was so long, but the surrounding environment made him feel very clear.

Especially Nanya and Rin's state at this time.

Although Nanya wore a bathing suit and a bath towel wrapped around Rin's body, both of them were immersed in the translucent milky white liquid (hot spring).

However, a strange feeling of shyness spread in Qiye's heart. After all, in a relatively closed environment, there were only two people: herself and Rin.

And I'm still doing a particularly imaginative thing about taking a bath.

Obviously before, everyone didn’t feel this way when they took a bath together, but now...

[Is it because there are only two people?

Qiye looked at Rin, but the result happened to meet Rin.

There was clearly a white wall called Reqi between the two, but Qiye was able to see every detail on Rin's face clearly.

Even her cheeks that became flushed with hot springs became clearly visible in Qiye's eyes. It looked like a red apple, which made people very eager to take a bite.

Rin obviously noticed this too.

"Um, senior...please don't keep staring at them..."

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

Qiye quickly turned her head to the side, as fast as a magnet attached to the same pole.

[It's becoming so embarrassing again, why don't you try to say something to improve the current situation?

[No, Rin, this is an opportunity you have finally grasped, and you definitely can't just waste it in this way.

Qiye and Rin simultaneously turned their heads and looked at each other again.


"Why don't you talk first?"*2


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