Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 274

Although Rin finally appeared, the scandal between him and Shiji (?) was finally washed away.

But as a price, Qiye had to be asked by Shion and others what happened in the bath with Rin.

Because every time this issue was mentioned, Rin would become blushing, so several girls doubted whether there was any substantial progress between the two.


pS: Let's go! Let's go!

Chapter 188: Sudden Accident

In the next few days, the performance between Qi (qī) Ye and (hé) Rin was normal.

Or it looks normal.

After all, there is such a little secret between the two people, it is impossible to think that it has never happened.

At least Qi (qī) Yefa (fā) shows that (zì) I am looking at Rin intentionally or unintentionally in his free time, observing her every move.

Watching how she joked and laughed with other people, watching how she ate, and even when taking a bath together at night, Qiyefa (fā) realized that the girl who stayed the longest with her eyes was still Lin.

A smile will enter Qiye's eyes, and then Qiye finds that this elementary school girl is indeed very cute.

However, Rin showed a self-assured expression, as if she hadn't noticed Qiye's behavior of chī.

Only occasionally when talking to Lily and others, she showed a trace of triumph.

Although Qi (qī) Ye is very good at covering up, of course he can't hide Shion from his small movements.

"You said nothing happened with Rin."

Shion stared at Qi (qī) night, she was considering whether to pick up Rin and throw it on the bed of Qiye.

If Qiye really fell in love with Rin, it would be an easy task for her.

If this allows Qi (qī) night to follow her, Shion really doesn't mind being a child of Tianshan.

Using a small idol to trap a big director, this business is no longer a question of cost-effectiveness, but a question of where to find such a good thing.

"No! I just think Rin is very similar to one of the heroines in my new movie."

Qi (qī) Ye Yi righteously denied Shion's statement, and blamed it entirely on his movie.

[I am not lying.

Thinking of the fsn that will begin preparations in the next year, Qiye suddenly felt that this was an excellent excuse.

It's a pity that Qiye didn't know Shion's true thoughts, if Shion told him clearly.

It is estimated that this animal will probably choose between accepting it, accepting it or accepting it.

All in all, Qiye is very happy this year.

Although the mountains lack modern facilities, there are many things to play in.

In addition to hot springs, Qiye also took a few people to go fishing in the mountains, picking mushrooms, and picking fruits in the greenhouse.

From the perspective of the farmhouse, the eldest ladies all had a great time because they experienced many novel things.

Shishi even suggested that he planned to live in Otani Village.

Qiye sneered at this, this girl is definitely only good for Ye Gonglong.

After all, they are only experiencing it from the perspective of play. If they really want to beg for life in the mountains, that's definitely not the case.

Seven nights staying here for more than ten years is very clear.

After eating the New Year’s Eve dinner on New Year’s Eve, Qiye first watched the red and white song with everyone, and then took them to visit the only shrine in the nearby mountain.

By the way, at Lily's request, everyone also experienced a witch costume.

"It's a superb view."

Qiye praised with satisfaction, he felt that it was not unacceptable to see such a scene and die on the spot.

Every girl present put on her own unique taste in the witch costume. It can be said that every one of them just hit the cute spot of Qiye.

Of course, if Nanaya really wants to evaluate it, it's probably that Lily and Rin are the most suitable ones for witch costumes among everyone.

In comparison, although Miss Lane and the others have a unique taste, they still don't match the witch costumes.

"You kid, this is what you wished. I remember your kid was obsessed with witch costumes before."

The god of the shrine secretly gave Qiye a thumbs up while others were not paying attention.

"How lucky it is for our shrine to find so many beauties of all kinds to put on witch costumes~"

Qiye suddenly found out that she seemed to have found someone in the same way.

"Then you used to be straight-faced? Ming Mingying is also very suitable for witch costumes."

The god master said without concealment: "Why don't you have no money? You want to get involved in serving God's clothes without offering them."

[Could it be said that this is the so-called "One hundred thousand yuan, I care if you are a human being"?You see money so open, does your family god know?

But thinking about a certain red-and-white maiden that can be bought for 100,000 yuan, Qiye suddenly felt that seeing money opened her eyes might be a common characteristic of clergy.

With this thought in mind, Qiye took out a pile of Fukuzawa Yukichi and used them to buy the witch costumes worn by the girls.

While full of joy, Shion looked at Qiye with a suspicious expression: "I always think that you have bought these clothes for special purposes."

"How is it possible! How can someone as honest as me have such nasty thoughts. This is your New Year's gift."

What Qiye said seems to be true.

"I will treat you like this."


Qiye realized that this woman was really getting smarter. No, Shion had always been smart, but she had never paid attention to such small things before.

For the next two days, Qiye was overwhelmed with eye addiction.

I don't know who made the proposal, but a few girls have been wearing witch costumes without changing them.

Such a big welfare package made Qiye almost ascend to heaven.

The only regret is that these Miko sisters can only watch and can't touch, which makes Qiye a little depressed.

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