Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 282

However, unlike those outsiders who are looking forward to the final chapter of the third chapter, Qiye herself is now preparing for her new movie.

Because the shots of "Spiral of Contradiction" were shot a year ago, with Tsuburaya's post-production level, it is estimated that it will be completed before May.

It's not that Nanya doesn't want to give Tsuburaya more time to make their movies more sophisticated, but that Tsuburaya has begun to transfer power.

The retirement of Kazuo Tsuburaya has been put on the agenda, and Masahiro Tsuburaya is about to take over

At this point of view, Qiye is not at all assured to let Tsuburaya continue to produce post-production.

What if the head of Masahiro Tsuburaya gets hot and goes to the post studio to push the young lady?

Qiye doesn't want her movie to be tainted by that idiot, so it's better to end it early.

Now that the production of "Spiral of Contradictions" has come to an end, according to her own habits, Qiye has begun to prepare her new project.

In fact, Qiye still has a lot of other jobs, but because this new project is too important for Qiye.

In Qiye’s forecast, he will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on production. This figure is not to mention a big project in Japan, even in Hollywood.

And this project is naturally the "Fate stay night" that Qiye has conceived very early.

Therefore, in order to be as fully prepared as possible, Qiye certainly started planning and writing the project as early as possible.

Thinking about it in Qiye, although this project is very risky, if it works well, the influence of the IP of Fate will definitely be higher than that of "Kingjing".

No, maybe he might reach the level of Marvel in his original world.

You know, the concept of Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong is not unique to the heavens. People all over the world like this story.

Characters from different stories appear in the same story. Such a scene will be exciting just thinking about it.

The Avengers and Marvel movie universe model will be popular, but also based on the audience's love for this kind of cameo culture.

Think about it, the heroes of various eras in history appeared in modern times and struggled for the same goal. Such a plot itself can be said to have a strong story.

It's a pity that when Qiye enthusiastically submitted the "Fate stay night" plan to Kiriji, the other party directly rejected it.


Kirisu left the plan on the office desk blankly.

"I can't agree to this project."

Chapter 193 Jiufeng's New Partner

At the end of April, Qiye came to Lin Bao with fsn's plan and submitted a fate plan to Keishi.

Qiyehui chose this time point for two reasons.

One is that "Remains of Pain" has a box office of 6 billion, which is Qiye's confidence to submit a new project.

And according to the current box office curve trend, Qiye believes that even if it cannot break 10 billion, reaching 9 billion yen should not be a problem.

Sure enough, Japan’s box office curve is firm, but the value is too small. After all, the exchange rate between the yen and the US dollar...

As for the other reason, it was because Lin Bao finally completed the transition from Ryugu Nosei to Eomiya Keishi.

Although the power in Cheji's hands has shrunk compared to the period when he was able to become a success, he still holds the position of Chairman Lin Bao firmly.

And over time, Kirishu might be able to slowly recover those lost powers.

For Qiye, as long as the members of the Longgu family are still sitting in the chairman's position, after all, he has the label of the Longgu family on his body, so he naturally hopes that his own people will win.

"I'm looking for Chairman Wei Gong."

Qiye now is no longer the unknown person who didn't know anyone a few years ago and needs to verify his identity to enter the chairman's office.

In fact, since the success of "Overlooking the Scenery", his face has been remembered by Limbao's receptionists.

Of course, the young ladies are not because they want to hook up with the young and promising director Qiye, but because they need to remember every big person who has a close relationship with Lin Bao, so as not to have some unpleasantness due to their own reception problems. Things.

After getting confirmation from Keiji, Qiye quickly entered the chairman's office under the leadership of a black-haired secretary lady.

"You go out, I want to talk to him alone."

Keiji sat behind the desk, resting his cheeks on his hands and staring at Qiye with both eyes straight.

"Okay, boss."

The serious secretary did not express any doubts, so she walked out and closed the door.

"It's really cold..."

Qiye looked at the gate and said slowly, if he didn't know that the technology is not up to that level now, he would think that the secretary lady is a robot.

"Sit down."

Keishi ignored Qiye's evaluation of his secretary, he clicked on the chair at the desk.

Qiye sat down obediently and looked around the office.

When the previous owner of this office was still there, Qiye visited several times, and he was no stranger to the decoration of the office.

I remember that in the days when Longgu Nengcheng was still there, one of the cabinets on both sides of the office was filled with Limbo’s past trophies and awards, and the other was stacked with Ilia’s toys and collectibles.

Now, these things are gone in the office, replaced by some movie props and various set photos.

Judging from the fact that there is almost Alice Phil in every photo, Nanaya is estimated to be a set shot of Kirishu when he was the director.

He remembers clearly that when Kirji first appeared, he was funded by Alice Phil.

This is exactly the same as Qiye herself was helped by Ilia when she was in "Kingjing".

In fact, Qiye also saw the figure of Kirishu in several of the photos, but the number was not large.

In the photo, Keiji looked much younger than his unshaven appearance, but Alice Phil was still as beautiful as a flower.

Qiye didn't know if it was because Kirishu was too hard to grow old too quickly, or Alice Phil was born with beauty, or Mrs. Alice took care of her well?

"You are very interested in these photos, aren't you?" Keishi asked, and he had been looking at Qiye with confidence.

"What?" Qiye shook her head quickly: "No, I'm just wondering where Ilia's things went before."

"I told Serra to put it home after finishing," Keishi said, "I can't let Ilia stay here for a long time, it will make me unwilling to work."


Qiye rolled her eyes, wondering whether she should say that this daughter is dedicated to her work or lacks self-control.

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