Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 294

As I heard it, Keishi forcibly took over the shares of Iliya Studio, which made Lori very dissatisfied.

Illiya was still complaining endlessly: "I can't forgive! Absolutely can't forgive, Keiji! Ernie Chan, let's set up another studio to beat Keiji!"

"I said, Illya."

A triumphant smile appeared on Qiye's face, and the confident Kiryu Qiye returned.

"I have an idea, are you interested in working on a big project with me?"

Chapter 199

When Nanaya came to Kirishu's chairman's office again, it was already two weeks after he and Sakura first met.


Qiye pushed open the door of Keishi's office and carried out a surprise attack.

It's a pity that Kirishu didn't do anything to sorry Alice Phil at this time, which made Nanaya feel a little sorry.

"I hope you can be polite."

Kirishu, who was looking through the documents, said with a bit of displeasure.

"It doesn't matter, you can't enjoy it anyway, even if I'm polite."

Qiye walked to the desk and threw the stack of things in his arms on it.

"what is this?"

Keishi discovered that these were all scripts, and he picked up the top script with "Future Gospel" and asked.

Since he decided to part ways, Qiye didn't plan to give Chiayi much face.

So he said nonchalantly, "This is something I spent two weeks writing out. It may need to be refined, but it should be fine in general."

"Is this the script of "Korkai"?" Keishi was a little surprised. "I didn't want you to make so many films at once."

"No, because I won't shoot the "Knight" series again. These scripts should be my resignation letter."

This answer is obviously not the result Keiji wanted.

Kirishu's gloomy face turned into gloomy now.

"What do you mean."

"One meaning, bye bye, goodbye, goodbye, whatever you want to understand. In short, it's just one sentence."


Qiye put his hands on the table, and he said to Kirishi confidently:

"I won't do it!"

"Who talked about Lao Tzu to you brat!"

Keishi took two swipes in his arms, presumably because he wanted to find the model gun to blow the guy in front of him with one shot.

It's a pity that as soon as Keishi put his hand in his arms, he remembered that he didn't bring that thing when he went out today.

"Fortunately for you kid." Chie Si returned to his seat angrily, "Your kid tell me clearly what is going on!"


Qiye said calmly, "I don't want to be bound by the "Kingjing" series, and you don't want me to develop a new IP, so we'd better separate our families."

Not to be outdone, he stared at Qiye and said, "Don't forget, you kid, in your Fate project, many characters are copyrighted in "Magic", especially the part of the Holy Grail War!"

"Is there something wrong with you here?"

Qiye drew his ears and replied: "We are splitting up, and not just resigning. I own 33.33% of the studio shares, so I should be able to take one-third of the studio's assets."

Che Si was somber, he waited for Qiye to finish her words.

"So I will let you all the copyright of "Kara no Realm", but correspondingly, I will take the copyright of "Magic"."

"Don't think about it!"

Cut Si took a sip.

If at the beginning, Kei Si was still considering the development of [Erque Studio] and Lin Bao, and planned to delay Qiye's new IP development, now Kei Si just wants to give a sigh of relief.

"As long as I hold the shares for one day! Your plan will definitely not succeed!"

Kirishu looked like a furious father now, because his son didn't follow the route he planned and fell into a furious state.

"Don't be so unfeeling, you won't suffer anyway." Qiye raised her mouth happily.

The more angry Qiye was, the happier Qiye was now, and the grievances that had been suppressed by Qiye could finally be expressed at this moment.

"From the perspective of current copyright assets, the value of "Kingjing" is at least 5 times higher than that of "Magic". It is really you who have earned it."

To some extent, what Qiye said was not wrong.

After all, no one except Qiye himself knows how successful Fate is, just like Marvel is a rotten asset in everyone's eyes.

From the point of view of interest, it's okay for Kirishu to let go.

But just making Qiye go as he pleases was obviously not what Kirishu wanted.

"I don't think you have this right. As a major shareholder with 66.67%, I have a veto power."

When Kei Si said this, he simply gritted his teeth as much as possible.

"Well, I'm afraid it won't work."

Qiye came up with a supplementary agreement like a trick, and showed it to Kirishu.

"According to the earliest agreement established by the studio, when the studio’s shareholders propose to split up, they have the right to reclaim the studio’s assets equivalent to the shares. This agreement exists as a prerequisite for the studio’s establishment, and your veto is useless. It."


Kirishu looked very surprised. He asked incomprehensibly, "Why is there such a treaty!"

"Well, I didn't know at the beginning, because this supplementary agreement was not in my hands at the beginning." Qiye said happily.

Unlike the duplicate of the formal contract, there is only one original copy of this supplementary agreement.

Qiye has never seen this thing since when she signed it.

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