Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 300

"Kiryu Qiye."

It was Serra, her trembling voice seemed to indicate that she was in a state where a volcano would erupt at any time.


Even through the earpiece, Qiye felt the courage of Sierra, and he straightened up and responded loudly to the opponent.

"What you heard just now, will you forget it immediately?"

"Which sentence?"

Qiye returned subconsciously.

But in the next second, Qiye really wanted to give herself a mouth.

"Of course it's about the part where the eldest lady described me and Ligelite's figure!"

"Okay! I have forgotten."

Sierra was very satisfied with Qiye's attitude: "Very good. If you haven't forgotten, I will use physical means to assist it."


"So what happened to Elia?"

"Well..." Sierra looked a little hesitant, "It's actually nothing, Missy, her body has begun to develop twice."



"I'm so stupid, so stupid."

Qiye lowered her hair and said with broken thoughts: "This is a real world without magic and magic, and I have never thought about Lori's physical development."

Because of the inherent concept, Qiye has never considered the possibility of little Lori's physical growth.

On the other hand, Illiya still kept Loli's body in junior high school, which made Qiye forget the fact that Loli in reality has a shelf life.

Therefore, when she woke up one morning, Illiya suddenly found that her body, which was similar to Serra, began to become fuller.

The first thing that began to change was that her little butt began to become rounded, and at the same time, there was a fat accumulation in her chest.

Although it is far behind Ligelite and Alice Phil, there is also a trend to get rid of loli tablets.

This is a good thing for Iliya herself, after all, long legs, big breasts and butt are the pursuit of every girl.

Seeing her figure approaching her mother, Illya was of course very happy.

But while she was happy, Illiya also had some concerns.

Because, according to the script designed before Qiye, she needs to play a loli in it.

And now, she has only the last period of shelf life left for her own loli.

This made Qiye very uncomfortable. He didn't know how long Elia Lori could keep her time, nor did she know how long Elia would grow up this time.

[I can somewhat understand how crazy Warner was when the Harry Potter trio grew up.

Qiye looked at Illiya, who already had a girlish taste in front of her, scratching her head helplessly.

"Euny sauce, sorry."

Illiya was crying, she felt that she was not good at losing the chain at this critical moment.

"Nothing, no one can say something like this." Qiye comforted little Lori's head while rubbing her head.

The matter of development is the same as the aunt, and it is not something you can refuse if you want to.

"That... Ooni sauce."

Ilia wanted to say something, but Qiye took the initiative to calm down.

"It won't be a problem, I can modify the relevant script. It's just that if you do this, you will probably have very few scenes."

Qiye didn't think about modifying Illya's persona, because Illya's future is in a kind of uncertainty, and rashly modifying the settings is likely to cause bigger problems.

But Qiye couldn't wait for Ilia to fully develop before starting filming. You must know that Shion has already started to pay the third-party credit account of the movie project.

Investors will not allow Qiye to use this reason to delay the start of auctions, which are all real dollars.

So the solution Qiye can think of is to compress Ilia's scenes, and then seize the other party's last time while Lori is still filming.

Fortunately, for Qiye to modify the script is not too much trouble.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely unaffected. Let alone the re-arrangement of the shooting plan, it is also a question whether the choice of route can be accepted by the audience.

Taking into account the acceptance of European and American audiences, Qiye chose the Fate line at the earliest.

In this way, having an Englishman (Lily) in the movie as the heroine can make the audience in Europe and the United States more accepting, and also start Qiye's saber pit money plan by the way.

And now, in order to minimize the plot volume of Illiya, Qiye can only choose the Ubw line.

In this way, in order to increase the acceptance of European and American audiences, Qiye feels that it needs to make more detailed changes to the plot.

As for the option of replacing Illya, Qiye Da didn't think about it from the beginning.

Although this may be the simplest and most practical way, although it is often said that which actor in which role is irreplaceable.

But the reality is that no actor in this world is irreplaceable, especially for films that have not yet produced results.

It's just that this kind of thing shouldn't happen to Ilia.

This little loli who has been supporting her career since the very beginning, Qiye felt that if she abandoned her at this time, it would definitely be a beast.

Although the compression of the scene is not much better, this can be seen by the disappointed eyes of little Lori.


Illiya lowered her head in frustration. She also knew that there was no way to compress the plot, but she was still unwilling.

"Now, Illya."

Qiye squatted down, and he took Illya's hand and said, "Although you need a small sacrifice this time, I promise you that next time you will be the absolute heroine. How about?"

Illya's physical growth may not be a bad thing, at least Qiye found out that she won't have to worry about Alice Phil's actor in FZ.

"Well, this is what you said on your own."

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