Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 305

Let him use his air-to-ground advantage to bomb Hercules in the air.

However, because of the high requirements for special effects, Qiye had to return to the studio to get it done.

Like other action scenes, this one is no exception. It is also divided into countless fragments for shooting.

After all, whether it is Gavien or Uncle Mark, they are not martial arts actors, they can only take a short shot and then change shots.

The stuntman is better, but because he can't show his face, he can't do a set of moves for a long time.

"I don't know what happened to Lily."

Qiye remembered that before she left Japan, she specifically asked Lily to train in action scenes, so that she could pose a few more poses.

In order to ensure the efficiency of shooting in foggy days, Qiye canceled the live recording of several scenes.

This not only reduces the difficulty of shooting, but also speeds up.

At the same time, it can also make the final picture sound more pure

Yes, pure.

Uncontrollable noise will appear in live recording even with the highest sound recording equipment.

Instead of fighting the unknown noise, it is better to wait for the later stage to adjust slowly, so that the operability is stronger.

However, even without the situation of live sound recording, Gavien and Mark Ruffalo, who are the core of the lens, are still not very good.

After all, neither of them is that kind of muscular actors now.

Mark Ruffalo will be quite strong in the future, but now he has only experienced a serious illness a year ago, and he looks a bit thin.

As for Gavien, let alone, if he is in good shape, Qiye doesn't have to force him to do muscle training.

So although the shooting difficulty of this set of shots is not too high, and the difficulty of the action is not too great, the two people still feel tired after a set.

Because they have to keep their movements in the wind, which is a bit difficult for two people.

Although there is such a small problem, the whole story is fairly smooth, at least there is no major disturbance.

After all, it's not a joke if people really fall from the top of the castle.

"Take a break. I'll continue tonight."

Seeing that Gavien and Mark Ruffalo both started to lose their legs when they came down, Qiye decided to let the two rest.

"This reminds me of the time when I was filming "Kingjing"." Zhizhi walked out of the castle. "The woman refused to jump high-rises."

Zhiye handed the coffee in the thermos to Qiye.

"Here, warm yourself up with some coffee."

"Thank you." Qiye Results Coffee, he replied after taking a sip, "No one dares to challenge me like that now."

Qiye's words revealed a sense of confidence, but now he doesn't need to force the actors to do dangerous behaviors like jumping off the building.

After all, convenient cgi special effects can handle most special action plots.

"The scenery inside is done?"

Qiye lingered for a while, then asked.

"Well, it's done."

Zhi nodded, "The rest is shooting."

"I believe they must be fine."

Qiye looked at the two difficult brothers Gavine and Mark and said.

Zhizhi said with some worry: "I am more worried about Ilia. Can she handle that shot well?"

"It won't be a problem, Illiya's acting skills are already very good."

Qiye is still very confident in Little Lolita.

On the other side, Gawyne and Mark are also enjoying coffee. The scene just now gave them a taste of shared suffering.

"This is the second time I have worked with Director Kiryu. Compared to the previous movie, I think he will be more tossing this time."

Gavin said to his opponent that although the two of them fight to death in the plot, they have a good relationship privately.

"Is that "Goblin Slayer"? I have seen a movie."

Mark said stiffly, the cold wind just now made him feel that the other half of his face was also paralyzed.

"You acted well, but it's a pity that you didn't show your face. Such a handsome face didn't appear in front of the screen. Director Kiryu was really willing."

"That's just the setting." Qiye on the side took another sentence.

Mark winked at Qiye and said, "I think it's more like you are jealous that he is more handsome than you."

"Mr. Ruffalo makes sense. Director, you really don't look as beautiful as Wayne."

Several surrounding crew members followed suit.

"Fuck you, it's all itchy, right?" Qiye cursed with a smile.

Qiye didn't mind this kind of joke at all, Quandang had adjusted the atmosphere.

After resting for about an hour, Qiye got up from the chair when the sky had begun to darken.

He clapped his palms and shouted, "Guys, it's started! End early, leave this ghost place early."

The next scene is the part where Illiya bids farewell to Berserker.

Although he was finally free from the shackles of the Skylock, for Hercules, who had consumed 12 lives, his journey in the Holy Grail War had come to an end.

This scene was the final farewell between him and his master, Yiliya.

Amidst a pile of ruins, Ilia walked slowly towards Mark Ruffalo.

However, what Illia's eyes were looking at was the model of the prop on the other's head-that was where Hercules was after the special effects screen was completed.

Qiye stood behind the monitor, observing Yiliya's expression through the lens, monitoring every subtle expression of Yiliya to prevent Lori from laughing.

This is a very serious and sentimental scene, but because of technology, Illya can only look at a funny prop.

To tell the truth, I really want Qiye to do it by himself, it is likely that he will spend the whole process in a laugh.

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