Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 312

For Kiryu Nanaya, who has been focusing on commercial films for a hundred years, they may not be directly criticized, but there are still situations where Qiye is obliquely belittled.

In addition, some time ago, Kiryu Qiye and Lin Bao had a job-hopping turmoil.

This made Junichi Ishida's evaluation of Kiryu Nanaya drop one level.

As a straight-forward man, Ishida Junichi looked down upon Qiye, who abandons his old club for money.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Ishida Junichi said.

There is only one chance to withdraw from the bodybuilding industry. His age will certainly not allow him to return to the bodybuilding industry after a failed attempt to transform.

Ishida Junichi was calm, but his cousin was anxious.

In Sugiyama's view, this is an opportunity that must not be missed.

Missing this time, it would be difficult for my cousin to enter the showbiz again.

As an idol, Sugiyama knows the environment of the Japanese entertainment industry better than Ishida. Muscular men like his cousin are not popular in the Japanese entertainment industry.

So this time, it may be the only chance for his cousin to become a well-known actor in his lifetime.

After all, he is a cousin who has been taking care of him since childhood. Of course, Sugiyama hopes that Junichi Ishida will succeed the better.

Who wants to see his cousin spend his entire life in the stalls of second- and third-tier actors and end up doing nothing?

"Brother Shun Yi."

Sugiyama said very solemnly: "The person who sent you the director this time is 80 billion director Kiryu Nanaya!"

"Actually, you should know that your career as a bodybuilder has come to an end. After all, as an Easterner, the gap between you and Western players is too big."

Sugiyama fixed his eyes on his cousin: "If you can become an action movie star, your reputation will be countless times higher than that of an international bodybuilder. Now this opportunity is in front of you, do you plan to always Do you mix to death in bodybuilding circles?"

"If Shunyi's goal is just this, then so be it. If I am passionate, I will give you such an opportunity for nothing. From now on, you will develop in the GV world like Billy Harrington. "

Sugiyama added another sentence.

He knows the pain points of his cousin very well, and it has always been his dream to be famous.

Otherwise, Shanshan would not win this opportunity from Qiye.

"But, the director Kiryu Nanaya..." Ishida Junichi was still hesitating.

Sugiyama thinks that his cousin probably has trained both muscle and steroids in his mind.

He didn't go around the circle, and directly explained: "Director Kiryu is a very thoughtful director. Although he is a commercial director, he is very similar in thinking to Hollywood directors. Only the style is different, so he will be spurned by those old film critics. "

"It's not his film, but his character."

Sugiyama was angry with this sentence and wanted to punch him.

"The reasons for the breakup of Director Kiryu and Lin Bao are complicated. Among them, it is difficult to say whether Director Kiryu was right or wrong. After all, this is a commercial dispute."


Sugiyama exclaimed: "As a director, he is very responsible and takes care of the old actors who have worked with us. Although he was a bit strict on the set, he is undoubtedly a good director!"

Junichi Ishida closed his eyes, he was making the final decision.

The showbiz is a huge vanity fair, and a firm foothold in it means that fame, wealth and even beautiful women will be flooded in.

Except for those who are really indifferent to fame and wealth, ordinary people can hardly refuse the temptation.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s path is here, and all he needs now is to seize this opportunity.

He became famous when he was young in the bodybuilding circle, and of course he has experienced the taste of being famous.

Even the small circle of bodybuilding circles, the fame it brings is intoxicating, so what about the larger showbiz circle?

It’s exciting to feel that you will be elected as a bodybuilder and accept the award.

"Sasuke, tell the director for me, I will participate in the audition tomorrow."

Ishida Junichi finally agreed to the invitation from the fate crew.

"Great, brother Shun Yi." Sugiyama jumped up happily.

"and also."

Ishida restrained his cousin with both hands.

"You dare to curse me for shooting GV, you are not brave!"

"Spare my life~"


"Um... OK.... I get it."

Qiye put down the phone, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Good news from Shanshan?" Zhizhi asked with a smile.

"Yes, Archer's role is basically determined."

Qiye nodded.

He has seen photos of Junichi Ishida provided by Sugiyama, and there are indeed similarities between the appearance of the two as cousins.

For two related characters, Shiro Weimiya and Red A, this situation is really appropriate.

The hair needs to be dyed silvery white, but this is not a big problem.

As long as the opponent faints without seeing the camera, the Archer character is basically Junichi Ishida.

"Get another one."

Qiye threw the script of Red A aside, and picked up the script of the next character to be determined.

"Now, Sakura." Qiye asked, "Do you have any relatives? Introduce one to me."


The named Sakura made the sound of a frightened little rabbit.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... I want to ask if you have any male relatives of about the same age. I'm thinking about the candidate for Tong Shinji."

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