Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 317

Chapter 212 Ziyuan: Let's do our own distribution

"July 2005..."

Shion nodded.

"Fortunately, you are set in 2005. If it is 2004, it would be a little troublesome."

"what happened?"

Qiye felt a little strange when she saw Shion's rejoicing look.

Shion explained indifferently: "Because in 2004, it is estimated that the Jiufeng Distribution Company has just been established, and it would be messy to get started directly with such a large project."

"Form a distribution company... You mean that Jiufeng will do the distribution work for Fate's global market?!"

Qiye's eyes widened, and his gaze at Shion became a little strange.

Originally, Qiye thought that Jiufeng was only cooperating with the seven major Hollywood releases, but she did not expect Shion to be crazier than she thought.

"Are you crazy?!"

"No, I'm sober."

Qiye leaned on the table with both hands and asked, "How can an outsider in Jiufeng get the North American distribution channel?!"

"I have convinced Sony that Eagle Summit and Columbia will acquire MGM together. Afterwards, I will get the distribution department of Lianmei. At that time, I will use this as the backbone to establish the North American and global distribution organization of the Eagle Summit."

As Qiye, who always pays attention to the North American film circle, he understood Shion's plan after a little thought.

However, it is clear that Qiye really has nothing to say about Shion's plan.

So he stared at those red eyes for a long time, before finally suffocating a word.

"You are... crazy."

"This is what you taught me. It's a win-win cooperation." Shion smiled cordially. "It was just a small test on Dentsu before."

Qiye really has nothing to say about this.

Ziyuan’s plan looks complicated. In fact, there is only one core executive, which is to win the North American distribution channel of Lianmei, which is also the ticket for outsiders to enter Hollywood.

There are tens of millions of Hollywood film companies, but there are only seven giants that are truly recognized, which is what people often call the Seven Hollywood.

This argument has been around for a long time. Everyone knows that the Big Seven are strong, but they only have vague concepts.

Qiye is very clear about the real power of the seven majors. The seven majors have three things in common: a huge movie copyright library, global distribution channels and MPAA membership.

The first two are hard power, and the last one is soft power.

The huge film copyright is the cornerstone of these companies, which gives them a chance to make a profit no matter what trough they are in.

For example, at Disney 2000 years ago, although one new movie was worse than one.

However, they have a large number of animation film copyrights, relying on peripherals and various animation DVDs to drag through this difficult thing, and in 2010 they climbed to the top of Hollywood.

Also in the same situation is Sony Columbia. As an outsider, even though it was stabbed several times by the Yankee, there was even news that Sony would sell Columbia.

But relying on the big IP of "Spider-Man", Columbia has always been injured but not dead, as strong as Xiaoqiang.

Therefore, these film copyrights are the foundation for the survival of these big companies and the source of blood production.

The powerful distribution channels are their key converters for realizing these copyrights, and they are also effective weapons for these companies to use small companies.

Those second-rate small companies may still be able to distribute in North America, but they lack global distribution channels, it is difficult for them to get their films out of Hollywood and expand their influence.

But if you want to go out, you can only choose to cooperate with the Seventh National Congress and accept their exploitation obediently.

As for the last MPAA, many people think that this is where the seven great confidence lies, but this is actually more of a manifestation of influence in the entertainment circle.

In Qiye's view, MPAA is more of a mapping of the seven strengths.

It's not that you can become a top seven if you get a ticket to the MPAA, but you are only eligible to enter the MPAA after you are in the same figure as the seventh.

The intuitive manifestation is the future Netflix, after becoming the world's strongest streaming media platform, he has the qualifications to enter the MPAA.

Having said that, returning to Jiufeng itself, as an outsider, Jiufeng wants to enter the North American market. Apart from the copyright library as the content, the first thing Jiufeng needs is the hair style channel.

Think of DreamWorks. At its peak, it was able to compete with the Seven Great Walls, but in the end, it was strangled to death by the Seven Greats due to the lack of distribution channels.

Qiye originally thought that Shion's idea should be to acquire a small North American company and then develop slowly, but he did not expect Shion's appetite to be much larger than Qiye thought.

She intends to eat the top eight Lianmei directly, which Qiye has never thought of.

As for eating up Lianmei, why do you want to kill MGM with Sony?

Of course it is because MGM ate up United States.

In the 1980s, Hollywood was not the Seventh but the Eighth.

At that time, MGM seized the weakness of Lianmei, one of the eight largest companies, and acquired Lianmei in one fell swoop to form MGM-Lianmei Entertainment.

However, now that Feng Shui is turning, MGM, which is already on the verge of bankruptcy, is about to be annexed by Colombia and becomes history.

Correspondingly, the names of the top seven in Hollywood will soon become the top six in Hollywood.

The decline of MGM was apparently due to the failure of Wu Baige's "Wind Whisperer", which completely disrupted MGM's backbone.

But in Qiye's view, "The Wind Whisperer" is just the last straw that crushes the camel.

MGM’s real fault is its lack of attention to distribution channels, which allows them to be controlled by other Hollywood companies even though they have the distribution rights of "Cat and Mouse" and "007".

Let your rivals help you release movies. Do you think that if you are both MPAA members, they won't attack you?

So, who is not dead at MGM?

The reason for this phenomenon is that MGM shut down its distribution department in the 1970s.

At that time, MGM's idea was because the number of films released by itself was too small, and the cost of maintaining the department was much higher than the output of the department itself.

So in order to run the company, MGM directly shut down its distribution department.

However, everyone has seen the result.

In fact, MGM still has a distribution department, which is the distribution department of the United American Film Company that he annexed.

However, this issuance department is basically a stepmother. The parent company does not pay attention to distribution channels at all, and almost ignores this issuance department.

The reason why there is no abolition is entirely because the original company's employees mentioned in the original acquisition agreement need to be retained, instead of layoffs.

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