Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Training Plan Chapter 330

Of course, Qiye believes that if he proposes to the other party as a director, the other party will probably not refuse.

It's just boring in that case, and it might even drop the favorability.

Therefore, Qiye still gave up on this kind of stealing chicken and losing rice.

Then Qiye chatted with several other actors from the United States. These actors are not even as famous as the current Scarlett Johansson, otherwise they would not be united around Scarlett.

And looking at the name, there is no actor worth investing in the future.

So Qiye just greeted these actors formulaically and even passed.

Finally, Qiye came to the team with equipment.

"Long time no see, Director Kiryu, I'm from IMAX company..." The familiar Mediterranean uncle just wanted to step forward.

"I know, it's Uncle Mediterranean, right?" Qiye said casually.

These words made Uncle Mediterranean's expression suddenly become distorted, as if he had suffered an internal injury.

"Director Kiryu, I have a name, my name is..."

"It doesn't matter such little things."

Qiye's eyes were not on the Mediterranean uncle at all. His attention at this time was all on the equipment brought by the IMAX team.

Others on the IMAX team saw their leader look constipated, and they really wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

However, Qiye did not have so many worries. Among the many investments Ziyuan made in the entertainment industry in North America included investment in IMAX.

Although only a small shareholding in IMAX was held due to cash flow problems, Qiye ignored the dissatisfaction of Uncle Mediterranean.

"This is it?"

Looking at those big equipment boxes, Qiye's eyes shined brightly.

He looks like a child seeing Christmas presents, full of anticipation and excitement.


Uncle Mediterranean found that he finally found a place where he could show his presence. He proudly introduced Qiye, "This is our company's latest IMAX digital camera and supporting equipment."

"It's amazing."

Qiye said excitedly, stroking the shell of the equipment box excitedly.

Since the success of the IMAX version of "Brother Killer", Hollywood filmmakers finally began to notice this huge screen with a special format.

For the IMAX company, which has been struggling to support it since the 1990s, it is a long drought.

It's just that those Hollywood filmmakers are businessmen. They want to take advantage of the popularity of IMAX, but they don't know much about the IMAX movie itself, and don't want to know it.

So the IMAX movies produced in the past few years are basically looking for "Goblin Slayer" to learn from, hastily made a 12.0 channel and released it hastily.

This result made IMAX a little discouraged. They felt that their technology was a kind of visual art. Although they did not object to the commercialization of their technology, Hollywood's rude usage made them very disappointed.

It just so happens that Qiye is going to shoot UBW now.

He hoped that this vital movie would be perfect, he specifically applied to IMAX company, hoping to use IMAX cameras to film part of the battle plot.

This incident made IMAX very happy. The deeds of "Goblin Slayer" have made IMAX understand the importance of an influential commercial film for its technology promotion.

So almost without a second of hesitation, IMAX agreed to Qiye's request.

In fact, in the history of Qiye’s previous life, IMAX has followed this route.

The movies that helped it quickly promote are Nolan's "Dark Knight" and James Cameron's "Avatar".

In order to make Qiye's shooting process as smooth as possible, IMAX company sent two IMAX digital cameras from North America, and also sent a technical team to the Fate crew.

The purpose is to guarantee the operation of the expensive IMAX camera and maintenance during the shooting process.


pS1: When the widow was young, she was controlled by a famous uncle. Of course, it may be because the uncle can bring her a sense of security.

The other actors mentioned in the article, Anne Hathaway, are not many people in China, but they are basically hated by people abroad.

Associating with scammers, British accent issues, etc., how much we hate traffic stars, foreign countries hate this big sister.

The big cousin "Jennifer Lawrence" will not say much, so-and-so should be her life's dark history.

Of course, this matter has little to do with the big cousin herself, after all, these photos are all private photos of her boyfriend.

But the whole world knows your sexual addiction, it’s kind of...

As for Rachel McAdams, the reason for not choosing her is very simple. She is not as big as a widow.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 220 I've never made a movie in two lifetimes

With her new actors and new equipment, Qiye returned to Kobe with satisfaction and continued filming.

Once the members of these IMAX companies arrived in Kobe, they began to play with their own equipment.

IMAX's equipment is not just a talk, no matter from which aspect, shooting with IMAX cameras is an extremely troublesome thing.

Through the final stage of this actor's holiday, Qiye also played with the IMAX staff together with these instruments to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of these strange equipment.

Although I like watching IMAX movies, it is really fucking first time to use this device for Qiye.

This thing is too expensive, except for those rich crews, ordinary small crews simply can't use it.

Qiye didn't get out of it at all in his previous life, and it was the first time he saw the real object of the IMAX camera in his two lives.

It's really big.

This is Qiye’s first reaction to seeing the cameras. These IMAX cameras are several times the size of ordinary cameras.

To use an intuitive analogy, the difference between the two is probably the difference in milk volume between Lily and her sister.

You can feel the difference with your eyes without using your hands.

Therefore, how to make good use of the Hulk in these cameras and shoot the most shocking images is the first question Qiye needs to think about.

With current technology, it is impossible for Qiye to learn from Marvel's "Infinite Warfare" and "Endgame", making the whole process in IMAX format.

Not only is it because the funds cannot be burned, but more importantly, the current IMAX equipment simply cannot do that.

Therefore, how to use the good steel of IMAX on the blade is Qiye's first consideration.

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