Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 334

"Is 5 minutes enough?" Qiye didn't say much. "If it is not enough, I will shoot other people's scenes first."


Rin patted his thigh. Although he was only hung for 10 minutes, the feeling of his feet off the ground was still very bad.

"I can do it, Director." After waiting for the legs to not feel soft, he replied in a serious tone, "I will adjust as soon as possible."

"Continue in 5 minutes."

Qiye nodded. Since Rin said so, he didn't ask any more and turned around to confirm the other set of the set.

Some time ago, whether it was Rin, Sugiyama, Sakura or Ishida, Qiye had already discussed enough with them about the character content and mood.

The rest is to rely on the actors to comprehend it, and that's what Qiye can do.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Qiye sat back behind the monitor on time.

He said to the scene: "Go ahead."

"Scene 36, Act 4," Chang Ji stood in front of the IMAX camera lens holding the sign.


Rin returned to midair with the help of the machine.

Facing the blue follower behind her, she didn't have the slightest fear, but excited.

The war that I have been waiting for for 10 years has finally begun.

Just when Rin was about to touch the ground, she suddenly widened her eyes and shouted.

"Archer, I beg you on landing!"

"Cut! Very good, you have found the feeling!"

Seven nights complimented him, but before he could relax after landing, he immediately added: "You are still a little short of your peak state. I believe you can do better. So first go to apply makeup, and then take a rest. Minutes, continue!"

Rin's face suddenly collapsed.



pS: The prototypes of Dasuke and Jasmine are the male and female protagonists of the dog food comic [Two Xiao Fu Wu Gu].This is a super dog food comic, single people read carefully.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 222 The Killing of Kiryu Seven Nights

In the temporary rest area for the actors on the side of the playground, Setant, who had just put on makeup, caught the whole process in his eyes.

He squeezed his chin, pretending to be very familiar, and analyzed: "It seems that our director has a feeling for his school girl~"

"Setant, don't chew your tongue." Sugiyama reminded him by patting his shoulder, "It's better not to mix things up with Mr. Kiryu."

"But this time the seniors are indeed a bit stricter than before."

Zhizhi agrees with Setant's words, "The predecessors said that as a commercial film, you can't be too critical."

Previously, the predecessors had not always had very high requirements for the performance of the actors, as long as they reached the passing standard, there would be no problem."

"But this time it's an exception." Zhiye looked at Qiye who was communicating with the props group thoughtfully, "This time the attitude of the predecessors is much stricter than before. Fortunately, there was no such thing in the "Realm of the Sky". Do it."

When I thought of that, if Qiye asked herself like this, she would probably be tossed to death.

Thinking of this, Zhizhi couldn't help but shiver.

Qiye didn't know that her little junior brother had begun to slander herself again, at this time he was commanding Lin to hang into the air again.

Although UBW's action scenes will be intense, the role of literary scenes is also important in movies.

Qiye needs to establish the image of more than ten characters within 5 hours and leave a deep impression on the audience.

To be honest, Qiye himself is not very confident, so he can only do his best to make everything in the movie perfect.

Especially the acting skills of the actors, if the actors perform well, it will make the character lack the soul, and then make the character image not full enough, and ultimately affect the entire movie.

Many people always like to separate the plot and the characters when evaluating a movie.

But Qiye is very clear that the characters and the plot are always inseparable.

Real narrative masters use characters to drive the plot, and then use the plot to shape the characters.

On UBW, Qiye plans to do the same.

Use the story of the Holy Grail War to shape the characters, and then use these masters and followers to build the moon world.

Therefore, for each role, Qiye must study thoroughly.

This even greatly affected the speed of shooting, but Qiye still had no plans to compromise.

If it were the goblin slayer in "Goblin Slayer", Qiye would probably let Rin take a few handsome poses at most.

But this is Rin Tosaka, as the second female of Fate, the first female of the UBW movie, Nanya must use the strictest standards to require Rin to complete this role.

As a result, Qiye finally said that it was possible to go through this scene of falling from the sky after hanging Rin up seven times.

For the last time, Rin got off Wia and ran into the toilet in the teaching building and threw up.

"Am I going too far?"

Qiye said with hindsight.

"Yes, it's not wrong at all." Lily nodded and said, "If you didn't know who you are, director Qiye, outsiders really seem to be targeting her."


Qiye looked in the direction where Rin was leaving, a little worried.

"Go if you want." Lily urged, "I've seen it for you, now there is no one in the women's toilet."

"Hey, don't tell me I seem to be abnormal..."

Qiye complained, but he still walked into the teaching building.

"Tell the others, prepare for me in advance, and I will be back in 5 minutes."

Lily nodded: "Hayi~ You can go without worry."

"Really, do I create opportunities for her like this... But my sister, she refuses to take the initiative to attack... It looks troublesome..."

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