Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 353


Qiye made a vague voice in her mouth.

It sounded like roaring and howling.

"On the sixth day of the Holy Grail War, you are the first to come here."

Yanfeng Qili said without any emotion.

Qiye hurriedly raised his head, his bloodshot eyes looked up at the priest standing in front of him.

The priest frowned.

"Are you here to seek asylum?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I am here for?! I have lost my followers!"

Shen Er, who has lost his followers, is in a very bad mood. What he fears most is that outsiders look down on him.

The priest in front of him asked normally, but inadvertently poke the most vulnerable part of Shen Er's heart.

"In other words, boy, do you want to give up fighting?"

The priest said this very calmly, as if he was just stating a fact.

But this solemn sound was like a drop of cold water poured into hot oil.

"Of course, do you want me to die!?"

Shinji's words seemed to vent to Yanfeng Qili, but also seemed to be self-comforting.

"Anyway, if there is no follower, there is no fighting power. Who wants to be a master!"

"I, I'm just an ordinary human. Being involved in this war for no reason is a completely innocent victim, right?"

"This is murder at all, right!"


Shonan called to stop.

"Qiyasang, your tone is too anxious~"

"Sorry." Qiye stood up straight and said, "Let me take a look at the shots taken just now."


The staff sitting in front of the monitor hurriedly gave up his seat.

After checking the footage, Qiye said, "Well...start from the scene where you looked up."

"Don't you want to continue wrestling anymore~??!"

Qiye retracted the right foot that had stepped on Shonan's foot.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Qiye turned his head and praised Matsushige-fung who was still standing there and said, "Well done, uncle. You can just keep it on. I am the one who is holding back."

"I think it should be Qiye-san, your attitude is a problem~??" Shonan looked at the monitor and reminded, "The expression is full, it looks too exaggerated."

"Indeed, director Qiye is not suitable for excessive expressions, you look like the second fool."

Lily approached from the side, she clicked the slightly funny expression of Qiye on the screen and said.

"It's really bad, not even as good as me."

"Because I'm a director, not an actor." Qiye tapped Lily on the head.

"Um...I'm reminding you, Director Qiye, that you are not suitable for an overly exaggerated expression, your face is distorted."

"I know."

Qiye also felt that her face on the camera was not good.

"Everyone rest for 5 minutes, and then we will start."

Qiye felt that she needed to adjust her emotions. In addition, everyone in the crew had fallen with her from the morning to now, and she also needed to relax a little bit.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Qiye stood in front of Matsujutoyo again.

This time, Qiye's performance was somewhat restrained, which made him look a little emotional, but it was much better than the previous exaggeration.

"So be it."

Qiye sighed. This was his most comfortable performance after several times.

As he said to Lily before, Kiryu Nanaya is a director and not an actor.

He may be able to direct how actors perform, but it is a bit difficult for him to let him play.

"Sure enough, I'd better be a behind-the-scenes worker honestly."

"Don't work hard anymore?"

Lily blinked and asked.

"Never mind this time, it takes too much time." Qiye took the wakame off his head and threw it to the assistant nearby.

"I have time in the future, I will come to a self-directed and self-acting movie to sharpen my acting skills."

Qiye didn't want to look at his bad appearance anymore. He estimated that his acting skills were definitely the most embarrassing among all the main characters.

"Well, you can bring your sister to the show together. The performance of the two of you is half a catty, so you can make a pair."

Lily licked the lollipop while making bad ideas.

Qiye raised his eyebrows, and he took out his phone and glanced at his mailbox.

"It's ready, you can bring people over.

"Ah, very good."

Qiye nodded in satisfaction, Lily had been screaming since the beginning, and it was time for her to pay the price.

"Come on, Lily. It's time for you to play, go to Miss Gui to change clothes."


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