Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 37

So after bidding farewell to Zhiye in a hurry, Qiye rushed to the [Linbao] company headquarters as quickly as possible.

After reporting his name at the front desk, Qiye originally thought that he would be taken to which meeting room, but the front desk told him that the place he was going to was neither a meeting room nor a negotiation room that [Lin Bao] often visited, but he I went to the chairman's office when I first came here.

Walking into the office, Qiye found that everything here was no different from when she came half a year ago, even Longgu Nengcheng's sitting posture was exactly the same as before.

The only difference is that there is an extra thing in the room.

No, this is not something.

" Kiryu."

"Oh, isn't this our big star Mr. Baimucao? Why, how come the great idol of the all-powerful situation has become such a virtue?"

How this guy taunted Qiye before, Qiye ridiculed it back this time.

At this time, the zinnia grass has long lost the spirit of the original, and he knelt down on the floor of the board of directors.After hearing Qiye's words, he had a weak smile on his face and cast almost flattering eyes at Qiye.

But Qiye didn't continue to pay attention to him, but walked towards the chairman's desk.

When Qiye passed by the grass, the other side shrank subconsciously.At this time, the zinnias slumped his shoulders, and his skin lost its previous brilliance. The air conditioner in the office was clearly working, but he always wiped his face with a handkerchief.Qiye felt that he might want to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, but the actual result of this behavior was to drop a lot of the makeup powder on his own face on the carpet.

[Trash this high-quality cashmere carpet...]

Qiye was a pity for the old man, but the other party seemed indifferent.

Longgu Nengcheng didn't speak after Qiye walked in, but silently sat in the seat, resting his chin with both hands and carefully watching the interaction and communication between the two.

"Director Kiryu, I'm really sorry about what happened last time!"

Just when Qiye was about to walk to the chairperson's table, Zinnia suddenly moved towards him with two legs, his awkward posture looked like a zombie with a broken leg.

Nanaya reacted instinctively-kicked the face of Hydrangea.

However, what surprised Qiye is that Mozambique, who had previously cherished her face like his life, suffered Qiye a kick this time, and then took the initiative to hug Qiye’s thigh.

[Damn, let me go!It's a tumor!

Because there was still a big guy in the room, Qiye, who didn't dare to yell, could only shake her leg hard, but the other party didn't seem to let go.

"Director Kiryu, only you can save me now. After your movie was successful, I was abandoned by the J family. Don't you think this is too much?"

[It's my shit!

"Abandoned? Are you not their current idol?"

Nanami's rhetorical question made the whole hundred eyes grass stiff.

"With the failure of my movie, the J family no longer invests any resources on it. I am completely useless for the J family."

"What then? What are you looking for? My movie succeeded, your movie failed, so you have to come to me? What is the logic?"

Although the grass is very pitiful, Nanya is not touched at all.

Qiyexiang is an old fox who sits in a chair and doesn't say a word from beginning to end, wanting to get answers from the other person.

Longgu Nengcheng groaned for a while, then slowly said: "Of course, after all, the J family wants you more than Kiryu than this already useless person."

"I'm not an idol."

"It should be your ability to direct movies. No matter what kind of popularity you rely on, if you don't have a good work to support, these things are rootless. You have the most to make big-selling movies, and the J family wants to cooperate most. Object."

"So this person who had conflicts with me was abandoned like this? If this guy continues to circle the singing circle, he should be able to generate benefits." Qiye felt that it was a little unrealistic, and she should not have reached that point.

"The current boss of the J family has a quick temper. In her eyes, there are only useful people and useless people. After the failure of this movie, he became a useless person. A useless person. People actually offend useful people. In this case, how would you choose? More importantly, this useless person actually stumbles on the film project of the cooperative company, which is even more taboo."

"So that's the case." Qiye nodded his head. He felt that J's family should be more afraid of offending [Lin Bao]. The little director himself probably only incidentally.

"Come on, Chairman Longgu. Please forgive me, this naive child! As long as you speak, I should get another chance!"

Bai Mu Cao put his hands on the high-quality cashmere carpet, and kept kowtow to Longgu Neng.

There was an obvious impatient look on Noeng Cheng's face. Qiye estimated that 80% of him was distressing his carpet.After all, it’s not too much to clean up if it’s just a drop of fans; but now the current actions of the Thymegrass have all the fans everywhere, and cleaning up will become very troublesome.

"Kiryu, he will leave it to you. This is the condition we said before."

Like a toy that has forgotten to wind up, the hundred-eye grass turned around and looked at Qiye after a meal.The pale face has turned into an abnormal iron blue, and the silver hair on that end seems to have been out of maintenance for some time, and it looks dirty and messy.The face that was originally extremely self-confident, now when he looks at Qiye, only flattery remains in his eyes.

Qiye took the initiative to take a step forward, and he took the opponent's chest and pulled the person from the ground.

There was a glimmer of hope on the face of Hydrangea, and he thought Nanaya had forgiven himself.

However, he was wrong.

An expression of disgust appeared on Qiye's face, although in the most difficult time before, Qiye did have the idea of ​​seeing the other party again and wanting to beat him, but now he is no longer interested.

However, this does not mean that Qiye will let him go.


Qiye's fist hit the opponent's face fiercely. Counting the previous kick, the other party's face that was once called handsome by the media has become a little puffy.

A look of surprise appeared in Zinnia's eyes, a trace of anger flashed across his face, but it quickly wilted.

Now he has no right to be angry anymore.

"This punch has nothing to do with my personal grievances with you! This is what I fought for the other staff of the crew of "The Realm of the Sky", you guy who plays with other people wantonly, what do you think of everyone's hard work and dedication?! "

Qiye grabbed the guy's chest once again, and abruptly lifted the opponent's feet off the ground.Thinking that Qiye would be hitting himself again, he kept making fearful noises and covered his head with his hands.

"Hundred eyes grass tushin! Listen to me! I am indeed a hillbilly who crawled out of the ravine, but because of this, if anyone dares to shoot at me, I will fight back! If you do it again next time Dare to show up in front of me or come to our troubles, even if I get caught by the police, I will punch you out! Have you heard it? Get out of me, I will never forgive you!"


Zinnia made a painful whimper, looking like a child who had been bullied.After Qiye let go of his hand, he knelt down, his head drooping like a broken, and the whole person seemed to lose vitality.

At this moment, the popular idol was completely lost to the hillbilly director.


pS: The film "Paint Drying" is about a wall with white paint on it, and then watching the white paint dry a little...

Well, there is nothing else, the camera position and depth of field have not changed.The paint dries, and the set has 10 hours.

This film is a film made by a British brother to protest against the British film censorship system.

Because the British film censorship system is very cheating.A film costs 101.5 pounds first, and the rest is charged according to the length of the film, 7.09 pounds per minute.

So this little brother crowdfunded the audit fees from the same dissatisfied netizens on the platform, intending to spend money to let the reviewers waste 10 hours of their lives as revenge.

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