Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 370

"How is it possible, I really have something." Qiye scratched the tip of her nose, "Didn't I let Luvia come over to help you?"

"That's the problem..."

Rin's voice suddenly became quieter, and she blushed and said, "It's not a good idea to find Luvia. Our exhibition has become her personal show..."

"Then what do you gain?" Qiye asked.


Rin didn't expect Qiye to ask that.

Qiye nodded: "Yes, how do you deal with fans in North America? Have you learned any language skills?"


Rin found that she was patronizing and angering Luvia. Although she had a heart to surpass Luvia, she seemed to have only this idea.

"You... shouldn't you think that I'm looking for Luvia, just to get you guys out?"

Qiye narrowed his eyes.

"This one……"

Rin was embarrassed to say, that's what she thought.

"Hey, I know you and Luvia don't deal well with each other, but have you really got to know her?"

Qiye coughed a few times, and then continued: "Luvia can stand firm in Hollywood in such a short period of time, not just by her face."

"I know this matter may be more difficult for you, but I still hope you can learn from Luvia."

Rin looked a little unhappy. She just told Luvia that she would surpass her, but now she was going to post her cold ass again, which made Rin accept it.


Qiye said in a tone of elders teaching younger generations: "After Fate is broadcast, Trier's activities will gradually start to tilt towards Europe and America."


Rin was very surprised to know that Japanese female idols may still be popular in East Asia, but they don't have a good reputation globally.

Because most of the female idols are young girls under the age of 20, they are often criticized by the Western media for playing childish (sè) love.

This statement can’t be said wrong, after all...

Even Kiryu Nanya would not go to see an old idol over 25 years old.

Except for the woman named Xiaya Sakura.

However, the capacity of the idol industry in Japan is so large, and the development of Trier has reached a bottleneck.

There are only two roads before Trier. Either wait for the volume of the Japanese idol industry to rise and take another step up; or open up overseas markets.

The former is not without a chance, but Japan’s idol industry breaks out again at least 5-6 years.

This is not only because of Qiye's memories of the previous life, but also because of Jiufeng's market research.

The new generation of young Japanese has begun to gradually shake off the prejudice of their elders towards the idol industry.

But these people are still students and lack purchasing power.

At least it will take a few years for these people to enter the society and have money to consume before they may have enough purchasing power.

So Trier definitely needs to get out of the Japanese cultural circle, unless it just wants to stagnate.

But compared to other Japanese idol groups, Trier has two advantages.

One is that the team members are relatively older, and the younger members are Lily and Yumi.

Sunsuki Yumi currently does not need to go abroad for development, it is enough to lay a good foundation in Japan.

Lily is British and can minimize the disgust of European and American entertainment circles.

The advantage of Trier is that successful films can make the most of it. For a star, having works and not having works are completely two concepts.

If there is no work to support a star, it is Rootless Ping. Even if it can get up for a while, it will be beaten back to its original shape when the heat passes.

Stars who have works will have their own loyal fans. If this work is still a series of fire, then relying on this series can eat for a lifetime.

Therefore, in the seven nights plan, the success of the fate series is a signal for Trier to enter the European and American entertainment circles.

If the fate series fails, then Qiye will not be able to protect itself, how can it be Trier!

"So Rin, you need to get used to it as soon as possible. You can go to Luvia to talk tonight. Ask her how to develop in the European and American entertainment circles. Although the two of you are not dealing with each other, I think you can really ask for advice. She will definitely not I will refuse."

Qiye pressed her hands on Rin's shoulder and said solemnly.

[Of course she will be happy, after all, this is my head down...]

Rin felt awkward at the thought of making a request to Luvia.

But Qiye had already said it for this reason, and she wouldn't know what to do if she didn't listen.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, we will start the press conference soon."


Rin walked to the dressing room in a daze, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Ah! I was fooled by the senior! What I want to ask is where he has been hanging around these days!"

Rin stomped her feet hard, and she realized that she was so inexplicably distracted by Qiye.

As for Qiye, he drove Rin to the dressing room and then left.

He wanted to ask Mark and Scarlett to say something, only to find that they were standing with Lily.

"Oh~ Sister Scarlett, Uncle Mark, long time no see~"

Lily didn't recognize birth at all, she hugged Mark Ruffalo first, and then she threw herself into Scarlett's arms.


Mark felt that his already good face was paralyzed again.

Although in terms of age, Lily can't be wrong when calling herself uncle, but it's a bit too much to put together with Scarlett's "sister".

Isn't it that you are a generation older than Scarlett?

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