Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 401

This is probably the advantage of the issuer's own theater chain.

But from the perspective of the long-term development of the film industry, it is of course a better model to completely separate the distributors and theaters in North America.

Because the interests are not related to each other, the distributors can only rely on the quality of the film to make a profit.

Anyway, in the memory of Qiye, the Japanese film model was completely deformed in the end, and Toho has become the Wang Feng of the Japanese film industry.

But the price is a backwater in the Japanese film industry.

However, from the perspective of the producer, Qiye does feel quite annoying for his stubborn attitude towards North American theaters.

Therefore, people are always animals thinking with their butts.

"Seven nights, when the MPAA review results come out, I will conduct a trial screening right away." Shiyuan once again urged, "You must not modify the editing when something happens."

"Well, I have confidence in the current version." Qiye said solemnly.

Shion was relieved by Qiye's answer.

As the first major production of Jiufeng Entertainment, Shion absolutely does not want to see any accidents in the fate project.

There are also Qiye who have the same idea. Fate, his own son, is the first step in his dream of $50 billion Krypton Plan, and he must succeed anyway.

As for the remaining executives of Jiufeng, they can only watch Shion and Qiye, the two adulterers and harlots, begin to sing and assign tasks to everyone.

This is already the norm for Fate announcement meetings.

Shion and Qiye discussed, and the others watched the monkey show.

When the meeting is about to end, take the task and leave.

It seems quite relaxed, but—

We executives don't want face?(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

The executives at Jiufeng felt very uncomfortable being called by two dog men and women who were at most half their age.

It’s just Jiufeng Shion. What do you mean, Kiryu Qiye, an outsider also come to tell me?

If it weren't for Shion's current supreme prestige in the group, and unconditional trust in Qiye, these executives would have long wanted to give a severe lesson to this ignorant kid.

They can only hope now, when Kiryu Qiye, like Lin Bao, fell out with Shion.

Once I lost Shion's shelter, I didn't want to think about Kiryu Nanaya.

With such gloomy thoughts, the executives of Jiufeng left the meeting room one after another.

"Seven nights, you stay."

Qiye, who was about to leave with the others, had to put down what she was holding after hearing Shion's words.

"Ziyuan, are you looking for me for something?"

"It's a little bit personal. It's nothing to do with you, you hurry to complete the task."

Shion saw that other people also planned to stay where they were, and hurriedly waved away.

When only Shion and Qiye were left in this conference room, Qiye asked questions.

"Shion, what's the matter?"

"I'm just looking for you."

Shion's smile Qiye suddenly felt a tremor in her heart.

"Should the matter between you and Rin explain to me?"


pS1: One more shift, 19 more owed.


pS2: It's time for PY trading again. I recommend "I'm the Number One Enemy of My Wife Talula" by [White Hair is not a cyber scam].If you are interested, you can check it out.

Introduction: After traveling to Terra World, Ye Ye is very satisfied with a high-paying job and a very beautiful wife.

But why is your wife a terrorist??

No, I must stop these things.

Doctor, can your Rhode Island send an operator to the integration movement?

Sir Chen, when will your Longmen Guard Bureau eliminate the integration movement?

Hey, Penguin Logistics, I want to know if you can take the task of packing and transporting the integrated movement leader home?

Rhein Life, can you use integrated movement cadres as experimental materials?

Heigang International, if I pay, can you kill other cadres besides the leader of the integration movement?

Deep-sea hunter, or let go of those octopus heads to deal with the integration movement!

My ally Silver Ash, would you like to bring in a group of cadres of the integration movement to dig potatoes in your snowy area?


Everyone: You shut up, if it weren't for you, would the integration movement develop to the present level?

Chapter 258

"Well? What are you talking about?"

Shion's words made Qiye pale, but he still pretended to be calm and bewildered.

"Pretend to me, right?"

Shion's eyes narrowed.

"Did you know? Trier members will conduct physical examinations every once in a while. The last examination was in mid-December last year. At that time, Rin's physical indicators were still very normal."

Shion casually drew circles on the white paper with her fingers, but every time she said a word, Qiye's complexion became ugly.

"But when the body report came out in March, I was stunned. Do you know why?"

"No, I don't know..."

Qiye was already sweating profusely at this time, and his hands were shaking unnaturally, as if he was the head of cos preparing to take off his glasses.

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