Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 403

Shion leaned back in her chair, and she looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"Really gaffe."

Shion grumbled at the empty conference room.

"Obviously, I just wanted to remind him, but I lost my temper unconsciously. But should I be happy? With his personality, if Rin tied him, don't you need to worry..."

No one can answer Shion's question.

For a long time, Shion lit the table and muttered, "Sure enough, I'm still a little jealous."


The black giant is rampaging in the cemetery like a heavy tank, and his opponent, the blue knight girl, is swaying hurricanes at the giant while evading the complicated terrain.

Then the screen switched, and this time it became a white shooting star across the sky. On the shooting star, a sexy woman with long purple hair was looking down at the school building on the ground.

Then, the white meteor (Qiye blurred the Pegasus in the trailer) swooped straight down.

When the screen was completely occupied by white, the Fate Stay Night logo flashed across the screen.

"As expected to be the old thief Kiryu, the picture really doesn't say anything."

Shi Zhifeng is sitting in front of the computer. This is the first time he has watched Fate's 30-second preview of the Super Bowl.

Although this version of the trailer has not been officially aired in Japan, relying on the convenience of the [See Moon] website, Shiori Kaede can enjoy this trailer countless times.

"I really want to see the whole film soon, why isn't it released yet..."

Shi Zhifeng leaned his head on the table and complained.

"Listen to that guy Hegu, there seems to be another round of audience screenings? I don't know if I can win."

As early as the first time Jiufeng announced the news of the Fate screening, Shi Zhifeng signed up on the Internet.

Shi Zhifeng's colleagues and Gu also signed up.

Since sharing [See Moon], Shi Zhifeng and Hegu have become friends who often share their experience of watching movies because of their hobby of watching videos on the Internet.

By the way, Shi Zhifeng also learned of Hegu's hidden otaku attributes, but this not only did not affect the friendship between the two, but made their feelings go a step further.


Of course it is because Shi Zhifeng, who is a special chef, is more or less half an otaku.

Although participating in the trial screening will have to sign a lot of confidentiality agreements with Jiufeng to ensure that the plot content that should not be revealed before the movie is released.

However, being able to see the full version of Fate is enough to satisfy Shi Zhifeng.

It's a pity that Shi Zhifeng and Hegu didn't get a spot for several audience screenings arranged by Jiufeng.

This makes Shi Zhifeng, who thinks he is a die-hard fan of [Erque Studio], feels very depressed.

After the bored Shi Zhifeng once again used Fate to predict Wangmei to quench his thirst, he logged into 2CH and posted his guesses on the plot of the movie on the message board.

"Speaking of which, during this period of time, the uncle party has disappeared again. I don't know if that kid got the qualification for the screening party because of his relationship?"

Shi Zhifeng murmured after finding that a certain bulldozer was offline.

If Qiye knew that Shi Zhifeng had this problem, he would definitely answer that he not only got the qualification for the screening, but also every time.

From the trial screenings of the theater representatives and the media people to the audience trial screenings in every subsequent show.

And carefully record the reaction of the audience below at each trial screening.

These records are not to edit the movie again, but to find the promotional point when the movie is promoted.

The audience's excitement is the focus of the publicity department.

Not only Jiufeng and Qiye, but even the actors of the crew have begun to participate in various activities in high profile at the request of the Jiufeng publicity team.

And no matter what activities they participate in, the actors must mention "Fate Stay Night" to create momentum for the movie's release.

Even in the end, a few actors even formed a conditioned reflex and got the achievement [Come on Zhangkou].

"Hello everyone, this summer, "Fate" filmed by Japan and the United States will be officially released, and I will play in it..."

Qiye's mouth twitched and looked at Rin, who was already asleep beside her. She was reciting the lines in a skilled and mechanical tone.

"This girl is broken..."


pS: Some readers said that the catalog suddenly became only a few chapters. This is due to platform conventions. Just refresh the catalog.(??Ω?)?

Chapter 259

Except for the animal Qipapi, who was scared by her sleep talk on the rare and dignified night, the promotion of "Fate Stay Night" was proceeding in an orderly manner.

At present, all the trial screenings have ended, and the publicity and distribution departments of Qiye and Jiufeng have also received the feedback they want.

There have been several trial screenings before and after, and thousands of fans in North America and Japan have watched the film, and many media reporters, film critics and theater representatives also enjoy this treatment.

Judging from the reaction situation, the audience generally gave good comments on the film. As loyal fans of commercial films, the summer film they most hope to see is such a large-scale special effects production.

The film critics have a slightly worse tone. As representatives of the high coldness of the film industry, although they have expressed their recognition of the technical means shown in the film, they also have no small controversy.

For example, film critics feel that the most regrettable thing about the movie is that the heroes in the movie did not conduct in-depth role exploration, but instead focused the main perspective of the movie on the young man named Shiro Weimiya.

In their view, going deep into the hearts of these ancient heroes can bring the artistic quality of the film to a higher level.

In this case, Fate movies will not show the vulgar plot routine of ordinary people saving the world like it is now.

However, even if Qiye has basically heard of this kind of people, if he really wants to take pictures as these people think, then the Holy Grail War will become a gathering of heroic PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) patients.

Despite the complaints of film critics, under Jiufeng's strong public relations (money), they did not write too much in their film review column.

There are also media who do the same. Compared with film critics who have a little bottom line, the representatives of these media are less disciplined.

They have expressed that they will write movie reviews in accordance with the public's ideas.

In other words, if the public praise Fate, they will follow suit.

But in the same way, if the public scolds, then these shameless guys will also scold along with them.

Qiye is not surprised by this result. After all, the media is nothing but clutter. They always want readers to see what they want to see.

However, compared to ordinary movie fans and film critics, the most important theater representatives have more controversy here.

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