Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Development Plan Chapter 405

Although these two people are not as unmatched as they were at the end of the 20th century, they still have a strong box office appeal.

Although "Fantastic Four" is mediocre in terms of director and cast, the movie character itself is the biggest selling point.

After all, the Fantastic Four in Marvel comics are the most popular characters second only to Spider-Man and the X-Men.

"They are all powerful enemies."

Shion suddenly discovered that Fate seemed to be squeezed into an awkward time.

Was I so fascinated by this guy (mí) soul soup that I chose this time to be released?

Thinking of this, Shion's eyes turned towards Qiye with resentment.


pS:AMC—American Multi-Cinema is the second largest chain cinema in the United States.

On May 21, 2012, Wanda acquired 100% of the company’s equity for US$2.6 billion and became a vassal of Wanda.

This is our second largest overseas acquisition case since Geely Automobile acquired Volvo.

Chapter 260 The calculated dream factory


Shion's tearful eyes made Qiye feel guilty.

So he could only turn his face to tell himself not to look at Shion's expression.

Regarding the schedule, there is actually a part of Qiye’s pot.

When choosing the schedule, Qiye stared at the movie she had an impression of.

After choosing to evade, the only noteworthy "Batman: Hour of War", Qiye took it for granted that the movie was released on July 1.

Anyway, the only movie worth watching in North America in early July was "Fantastic Four", and Qiye, who has already known the quality of the movie, is fearless.

So the problem is that Qiye, who only pays attention to the July movie, subconsciously ignores the movie at the end of June.

"World War" is such a movie ignored by Qiye.

As far as the quality of the film itself is concerned, the production level of "World War" can only be said to be average, and it is average in the works of Spielberg and Atang.

It's not bad, but it's really not too brilliant.

From the fact that Qiye, a traveler, can ignore it, we can see the position of this film in commercial films.

However, in the current first half of 2005, almost everyone regards this movie as the second seed in the summer except for "Star Wars."

No wonder outsiders think so.

As a commercial film, "World War" has the premise that all the movies of big stars, big directors, and big productions are selling big, and the story of aliens invading the earth is everyone's favorite science fiction theme.

However, reality is often cruel.

From the box office point of view, "World War"'s US$218 million in North American box office and 528 million in global box office are indeed not failures.

But it is far from a success.

You must know that the production cost of this film is 120 million US dollars, and the sharing agreement signed between DreamWorks and the distributor Monpella is particularly harsh.

Therefore, "World War" is definitely a blood loss for the producer DreamWorks.

Coupled with the fiasco of another DreamWorks movie "Escape from the Island" in the summer, DreamWorks was sold to Monpella at the end of this year, which can only be said to be an inevitable result.

However, no matter how miserable Spielberg is, it has nothing to do with Qiye. For him, the more miserable "World War", the better. Only in this way can his fate have a bright future.

[Is there anything I can use?

Qiye suddenly thought of something, and he said to Iioka: "Iioka, do you have a "World War" announcement plan in your hand?"

"I don't have it on hand, but there is it in the publishing department, and it can be sorted out if necessary."

"Then it will be troublesome. By the way, the "Escape from the Island" also needs it.

When Iioka walked to the door, Qiye added another sentence.

"Do you think there is a place to start?" Shion asked.

"I have heard a little bit of wind, and I won't know the details until Iioka gets the materials."

Seeing Shion's anxiety, Qi Ye Qing couldn't help holding her hands.

In Shion’s surprised expression, Qiye comforted softly:

"Relax, nothing will happen. Even if we can't do something about "World War", you have to have faith in my movie."


Shion took out his hand coldly, "You should go and talk to Lin directly for this kind of love. In this way, the girls can be coaxed to bed by you in a daze."

"I don't mean that."

Qiye quickly explained.

"Don't say you haven't thought about it that way." Shion teased.

Seeing Shion's mocking expression, Qiye replied subconsciously: "Then have you thought about it yourself?"

"Your kid is itchy, right?!"

Qiye originally thought Shion would answer herself in a teasing tone as usual.

However, Shion did not do this, she just blushed and hesitated.

"It's impossible to be held by you..."

[Ma, is this shy?

Qiye stared at her female boss in surprise.

Shion now does not have the posture of the strong woman called "Jiufeng's Female Fox". She looks more like a teenage high school girl.

Qiye regrets that she molested her boss at will, now she is in a dilemma.

"Boss, Director Kiryu, I brought the materials."

Iioka rushed into the office with a stack of documents, his appearance broke the silence between Shion and Nanaya.

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