Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 411

I just don't know what Mapo and Ryunosuke summoned.

It seems that there are no possessed servants of Karen?

I always feel that this brain hole can write a paragraph of FZ fans.(w)

It's a pity that Michan couldn't do that._(:з∠)_

Chapter 263 Premiere Red Carpet Admission

This day is a very important day for movie lovers.

When people look back on the past, there is only one sentence in their minds--

"I fucking shouldn't have watched this movie in the first place!"

This is the cry from the heart of countless people who eat soil in the future.

But now, the Holy Grail War is not the "Krypton-Gold War" in the eyes of movie fans, and everyone's concept of fate has not been linked to liver and wallet.

In addition to cheering the stars, fans are also looking forward to the upcoming movie.

As time passed, the sky in New York began to fade.

But the red carpet at the entrance of the AMC theater was still illuminated by lights, as if it was still in the daytime.

One star after another walked across the red carpet, countless fans cheered, and the spotlights in the hands of the reporters kept flickering.

Live TV reporter zai always described him/her as the most dazzling star tonight when he or she walked by, but the next moment she slapped herself in the face again.

An extended Lincoln stopped at the entrance of the cinema, and four people got out of the car.

When everyone around saw their faces, they immediately boiled.

Lily, Rin, Sugiyama, and Ishida appeared on the red carpet in dresses that represented the colors of their characters in the movie.

The most attractive is Lily in a blue knight dress. Perhaps considering the convenience of waiting for the premiere event, Lily did not wear armor.

But even so, her debut still made fans extremely excited.


In the crowd, someone shouted at Lily with a tweeter.

Immediately afterwards, both sides of the red carpet seemed to explode, and fans cheered like boiling hot water.

"Saber! Saber! Saber!..."

The cheers of the crowd gradually changed from clutter to order. This scene is like the legendary British people congratulating their new king when King Arthur drew the sword in the stone.

"Really, I am obviously the heroine."

Seeing that Lily is so popular, Rin said with some jealousy.

Sugiyama smiled bitterly and said, "Well, after all, Miss Lily is the most popular in North America."

Ishida nodded and said, "After all, she is white, and she is still a beautiful woman. Especially the muscle lines are very beautiful."

"You two..."

Rin felt depressed for a while.

But her unhappiness on the red carpet was immediately comforted.

"Rin, long time no see."

Standing at the entrance of the theater, Qiye stepped forward to hug her.

"you look pretty today."

Qiye praised sincerely.

Rin's face became the same color as the dress on her body, and she shyly pinched the corner of her skirt.

"Thank you……"

"You're welcome."

Qiye wanted to say a few more words, but was pulled away by Lily.

"Well, director Qiye, what about me?"

Lily pointed to herself and asked.

"Lily is also cute."

Qiye performed a touch of Dafa that he hadn't used for a long time.

"What's this attitude of charging for phone bills?" Lily clutched her head shyly.

"Okay, you guys hurry in." Qiye thought of something, he reminded Rin, "Luvia has already gone in, I hope that the premiere of "Brother Killer" will not happen again tonight!"

"Are you jealous of Luvia?"

The brilliant smile on Rin's face immediately rose to a level, and she touched Qiye's face while others were not paying attention.

"Don't worry, I am not a kid anymore, so I won't be as familiar with that muscular girl."

[Dead girl, dare to molest your man.

"Fuck you." Qiye cursed with a smile, unwilling to show weakness, "When I can't hold one of my hands, you can tell me that you have grown up."


Stomping her feet shyly, she walked into the projection hall with a cold snort.

"Did something happen between you and Rin? I always feel that this period of time has changed a lot."

Lily approached Qiye and asked, "Suddenly, she shook a lot, always smiling with a sense of superiority."

"It's okay, you take care of yourself."

Qiye was shocked, and he hurried Lily into the theater.

Lily and their group of four are the finale of the entire red carpet project. As the four of them enter the theater, the red carpet of the Fate premiere has also come to an end.

However, there is still some time before the film begins. After all, in addition to the actors, the audience participating in the premiere also needs to enter the venue one by one.

"This is a gift for the premiere. Please keep it away. I hope you have a good time tonight."

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