Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 426

He said unconvincedly: "You are very confident."

Ying Yanran smiled: "Of course, I know him well. At best, a woman like you is just a girlfriend. If you want to get married, he would definitely choose me to be gentle and virtuous."

"I didn't see it!"

However, Rin still kept Sakura's words secretly in his heart. The other party had known Qiye for more than ten years, and he must know Qiye better than himself.

[Not only intelligence, maybe this woman can use it...]

"Do you think you are sure to win?"

"What do you mean?"

Sakura was very upset with her dignified smile.

"You should be very clear, how many people are staring at this piece of fat?"

"Do you want to cooperate with me?" Sakura waved her hand directly, "Forget it, I can do it alone."

"Not at all."

Even though Sakura rejected herself, the other party's little nervous expression let Rin know that the other party had taken the bait.

"Want to hear it? My suggestion."

Rin showed his signature little devil smile.


It is estimated that no one will know what Ying Lin said in the room.

Anyway, when Qiye finally woke up from bed and came to the hotel restaurant for breakfast refreshingly, the two women were already sitting in the dining room.

However, Rin looked like the spring breeze was blowing, with a smile on her face, while Sakura stared at Qiye with a black face and walked into the restaurant from outside.

[Um...what's the situation?

Qiye, which Sakura has been watching, is a bit stressful.

Qiye suddenly felt even more pressured when she saw the dazzling wink at herself sitting next to Ying.

So in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Qiye deliberately stayed away from the two minefields of Rin and Ying, and sat beside Shion.

"What would you like to eat?"

Shion pointed to the surrounding food.

"Fried egg sandwiches will do."

Today, Qiye is more concerned about another thing than breakfast.

"Has the statistics for the premiere come out?"

Qiye asked casually, but his heart was still very tense.

After all, this is the most critical movie in the Seven Nights Project, and it is impossible to say that Qiye does not care.

Fortunately, Rin came over to accompany him last night, otherwise he would definitely have insomnia at night.

Shion went to the fetching area and took two slices of bread, and then sandwiched an fried egg.

She put the plate on the table and asked casually: "Do you want soy sauce?"

"Is there soy sauce? Then some."

Qiye didn't expect to provide soy sauce in hotels in New York.

A smirk appeared on Shion's face. She took out a bottle of soy sauce from her pocket, unscrewed the lid, and poured it on the omelette sandwich like tea.


Qiye was speechless by Shion's trick. He looked at the sandwich that had become completely black and didn't know what to say.

Shion smiled and put the plate in the middle: "You are welcome, I let someone buy it from Chinatown. If it is not enough, I can add more."

"Enough! Enough!"

Qiye said hurriedly.

Shion smiled faintly, and she whispered in someone's ear: "You slept well last night, right? This is a reward for your'hard work'~"

Shion held on to Qiye who wanted to get up: "Don't deny it, just the rosy face, as anyone with a little experience knows."

"Eat this sandwich, I will tell you the first day's box office."

Seeing Qiye hesitating, Ziyuan coaxed like a child.

"……I know."

Qiye resignedly said, he picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

[Well... the mouth is full of salty taste.

Qiye's entire face was distorted.


Rin laughed directly, she hurriedly picked up a water glass to cover up, but was choked.

Even Sakura, whose face had been black, didn't press her mouth so tightly.

"Okay, that's enough. One bite is enough."

Seeing Qiye preparing to take a second bite, Shion stopped him.

"This is water, rinse your mouth."

Qiye was too late to thank, he picked up the cup and poured boiled water into his mouth.

"Also, this is the box office statistics you want for the premiere. Take your time."

Shion handed a piece of A4 paper to Qiye.

Qiye didn't have time to wipe off the water stains on the corners of his mouth. He held the water glass in his left hand and picked up the paper in his right hand to read quickly.

Instead of looking at the specific statistics of the various data above, he jumped directly to the bottom of the paper and looked at the total data.

[The North American premiere box office totaled $8.05 million.]

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