Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 428

Now that home theater is not popular, going to the cinema is the only choice for most people to enjoy the audio-visual feast.

Especially the extreme enjoyment of the IMAX hall, which is beyond the reach of a home theater of much money.

[Go to the IMAX hall to watch a real IMAX movie.]

This is the exclusive slogan of IMAX for "fate".

When all the crew members are interviewed, they will tirelessly promote to the outside world how awesome IMAX is. If you don't watch it, you will definitely regret it for a lifetime.

The effect of this kind of publicity is also obvious. According to IMAX's records, all the IMAX halls in the United States were full on the first day yesterday.

You must know that the number of IMAX halls now is not the same as the two or three kittens it used to be.

After the popularity of "Goblin Slayer", IMAX has rushed to expand the number of its own theaters around the world.

For the audience, although the IMAX cinema is still luxurious, it is not as hard to get a ticket as before.

It's as if the Lafite was reduced from 1982 to an ordinary Lafite. Although it is still expensive, it is not as unattainable as before.

The saddest person is probably the scalpers in North America.

You must know that during the "Brother Killer" period, a ticket in their hands could sell for several times the original price, and this time "Fate" can only double at most.

"It's okay to build a movie theater."

This is probably the thinking of the scalpers at this time.

However, Qiye didn't bother to care about these guys' complaints, anyway, no matter how much the scalpers made, they would not give themselves a dime.

So it's better to let IMAX make the money on its own, or at least give itself more share.

"And one more thing."

Shion took out a newspaper and threw it to Qiye, "The Propaganda Department is unsure of what to do with this matter, so I threw it to me. Take a look."

Qiye curled his lips: "Your Propaganda Department is about to be replaced. It's not a small matter."

"Because they have never encountered such a thing." Shion said amusedly, "After all, this is something you caused."

"What the hell is it————!"

Qiye saw the contents of the newspaper directly sprayed out, because the big headline read-"Shock!The men are fighting in the theater because of her!

"Damn! Which guy from the UC shock department has come to North America!"


pS: Bad news, Mijiang has been abandoned by her mentor. Her old man wants Mijiang to make sure that the changes are perfect before showing her...

Damn, do I need to find you if I know how to write perfect?(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Tomorrow is the last day of the instructor’s internal audit, and the text version of the opening report must be submitted to the school tomorrow, otherwise it will only come again next year.

Plus there will be classes tomorrow...

In short, 80% will be overnight tonight._(:з∠)_

Chapter 272 The Majesty Who Stands for a Long Time

As we all know, before opening up the world...

Bah, before the 21st century, King Arthur was always male.

Even Nasu Mushroom, creator of Altria Pendragon, thinks so.

You know, fate was also the first love story of a girl falling in love with the prince.

Why did the fsn riaser, which was released in 2004, become Altria? There have been divergent opinions.

One of the more reliable statements is that Takeuchi asked Nasu Mushroom to be painted as a girl because it would sell better.

After all, fsn is still R18 galgame, no matter how good its script is, it cannot change this fact.

Everyone buys games to watch the shameful passages of various beautiful girls.

If you want to watch strategy boys, why not buy Otome games?

However, no matter what the opportunity of Altria's appearance is, from the result, it may be difficult to find a Japanese two-dimensional character that is more successful than her.

After all, there are a lot of fans paying for the change of clothes, except for Altria, Tony Stark has this charm.

Of course, the early Xing Yue was very cautious about changing gender.

Except for Altria, all the characters respect their original gender, even Mordred is a boy who looks the same as Altria.

And Xingyue first tried to introduce more girly characters in fate extra.

However, he was also very restrained, except for Nero, who was popular with Altria, there was only Captain Drake who was not too important.

The real large-scale maidenization of Xingyue, the period when oneself enters the era of large-scale maidenhood is in fgo.

The reason is also very simple. Men’s cards are not as good as women to cheat.

Anyway, things like motherhood have been taken for granted in Japan by that time.

After all, since 1978, Tang Seng has been played by women in all versions of "Journey to the West" in Japan.

When entering the 21st century, all walks of life in Japan have begun to develop nymph culture.

Fortunately, mascots, boats, cars, guns, and various other girly products emerge in endlessly.

Nianghua is like a synonym for personification.

The girly heroic spirits in the fate series are basically a simple result. At least the prototypes of these girls are humans, not strange species such as cockroaches and spiders.

But for Western societies in Europe, America, this kind of nymphomania seems unacceptable.

After all, the understanding of personification by Europeans and Americans only reaches the level of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Therefore, when Saber's real name about Altria was exposed, some people must accept that it was impossible, and conflicts must be inevitable.

Imagine that someone would fight in a movie theater because of the sentence "Looks like a lioness". Of course, it is inevitable that they would stage a martial art in the theater because of the gender issue of King Arthur.

Qiye quickly scanned the news and found that there were more than one theater where the brawl incident occurred. In fact, this happened in several theaters.

The culture of Europe and the United States has always been a relationship of conservative and open. It is normal for Altria's attitude to show two extremes.

"So, what does the publicity department mean to call this back?"

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