Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 442

The reason is simple, because there are many yellow people in Lily's team.

"This is probably the so-called American arrogance." Qiye sighed.

Zhizhi looked very surprised: "Hey? I thought it was a different aesthetic relationship between East and West?"

"Tsk tut."

Qiye wiggled her finger, and said in the voice of the person who came over: "Weaving, I thought you have been with me for so long, and you should know this kind of thing very well. I didn't expect you to be so sweet~~ How about you? Can I trust you with big projects?"

"This has nothing to do with big projects!"

Zhihong defended his face unconvincingly.

"How could it be okay." Qiye said pretendingly, "Our [Erque Studio] is now an international film and television studio. As an important director of our studio, how can you not understand the preferences of European and American audiences? ?"


Zhizhi was speechless, and after a thought struggle, he could only bow his head and admit defeat.

"So what's the matter?"

"Hmph." Qiye said triumphantly while sipping wolfberry water, "Since our little Zhizhi has asked sincerely..."

"It's so noisy, hurry up!"

Qiye curled her lips helplessly at Zhizhi's irritability, and then began to explain.

In fact, there is not much difference in aesthetics between the East and the West when it comes to the beauty of the Orientals or the yellow race.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that on some indescribable websites in Europe and the United States, sorted by downloads, the leading actresses of Oriental females in the first few films are all biased towards our own aesthetics.

So in terms of aesthetic concepts, the difference between the East and the West is really not too big.

As for Eastern female stars from Europe and the United States, it seems to us that their looks are so bad that they are mostly due to the blindness of Westerners.

After all, when solving physiological needs, everyone only needs to look for beautiful faces. As for who the protagonist is, it is not very important, unless it is a particularly famous person.

But as an actor or celebrity, there is no way to simply follow the appearance as a preference standard.

Because of the needs of the propaganda party, no matter how high or low the appearance is, you always have to let people remember the actors you launched.

Otherwise, when a few stars are stupidly unclear, the problem will be even greater.

"So, when Europeans and Americans choose, they choose not what they think is the most beautiful, but they will never admit their mistakes." Qiye made the final conclusion, "If you really want to say it, this is also a disguised form. Strong [BEEP——] Aesthetic."

"I always feel so sad." Zhizhi said weakly.

"Don't say that, we ourselves often don't know the difference in appearance between Westerners." Qiye snorted, "It is also a big vote to treat Gandalf and Dumbledore as the same person in the East. "

"Nani? Aren't they the same actor?"


[If there are foreign actors in the crew of the future weaving, should we give him a special assistant to prevent him from admitting the wrong person?

Qiye carefully considered the constructiveness of this question.

At the time Qiyehe Zhichat, the half-time signing meeting in the morning was over.

Several actors looked listless during the lunch break, although when facing a fan, they didn't need to yell or make strange moves.

Just shake your hand with your fans, have a brief chat, and then write your name on the title page of the book.

In this way, interacting with a fan is not so tiring, but when this number is multiplied by a few hundred, it is a very torturous job.

Several actors not only had their throats dumb, their hands were also sore, and even their legs were a little numb because they kept maintaining the same posture.


Scarlett leaned back in the chair with no image, she was so tired that she didn't care about her image.

Anyway, there are no fans around, she just broke the jar.

Others are not getting better, even the two male idols who often participate in similar activities, Sugiyama and Setant, are tired and don't want to move.

"It's already pretty good. If it's a Japanese idol handshake meeting, you probably have to pick up one more in the morning."

Qiye's words made Rin's expression very strange.

[Qiye, you actually use the proper noun directly, do you really treat this as a handshake meeting?

Scarlett said uncomfortably: "Huh, no wonder people have always said that Japanese idols are a profession that violates human rights, so it seems so."

"Um... my hands are sore."

Lily lay down on the table listlessly, rubbing her wrists and complained.

As the most popular one, she was so busy in the morning that she didn't even have the opportunity to drink water. She only took a 5-minute break during the halftime.

"Here you are, hurry up."

Rin, who had already experienced handshake meetings, threw two dog skin plasters to her.

"I don't really want to post it, it's ugly to say."

"If you don't want to have a swollen hand tomorrow like a radish, I suggest you stick it on." Rin said hard.

Probably it was rare to show the majesty of the captain, Lily could only put the plaster on reluctantly.

"Okay, Lily. It's Rin for your own good." Qiye said and distributed the remaining plaster to others.

Everyone put on plasters one after another, even a few male actors were no exception.

"It's a rare experience for me to experience the thrill of being a star. This is the only trouble for big stars."

Mark joked and wanted to enliven the atmosphere, but he was obviously not very successful.

"Rin, come out."

While everyone else was resting, Qiye hooked her finger at Rin, "I have something to look for you."


pS: [Department] is the unit term of the idol handshake meeting, one part is one and a half hours.

A hand shake will cut a few pieces, it depends on the popularity of the idols.

It is said that at the time when AKB was the hottest, those core members all had six games a day, and finished 18 games for three consecutive days.

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