Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 444

Although the signing event is indeed tiring, Rin is more concerned about her popularity than tiring.

You must know that Lily's quota for signing has been fully cut, and even the quota for the afternoon has been given out.

And Rin Tosaka still has half of her spots empty.

In fact, besides Lily, there is another person whose quota has already been fully allocated.

That person is Ishida Junichi.

This result surprised Qiye. He originally thought that his popularity would be affected to a certain extent because of the plot of Archer at the end of the movie.

But I did not expect that Ishida's popularity would be so high, and even some girl fans hugged him after seeing Ishida.

If it wasn't for the security guards nearby, Qiye guessed that these crazy guys might lick his biceps directly.

For this reason, Qiye learned a little bit about the fans' thoughts, and found that most fans think Ishida's looks are very cool and very masculine.

Especially when the opponent is of a small but muscular body type, it can bring a strong sense of security.

[Sure enough, in Europe and America, are muscle men more popular?

Nanaya suddenly felt that it was great that she let Ishida participate in fate.

However, the actor's route is obviously not suitable for Rin, and even if the muscle girl's route can be useful, Rin will not be able to use the muscles of a certain seiyuu who can beat a cow in an hour.

"It shouldn't be a big problem today. It shouldn't be a problem that your quota is sold out in the afternoon."

Qiye shrugged and said.

Anyway, Lily will no longer increase, and it is only a matter of time before Rin catches up under such circumstances.

"What we need to pay attention to is the future." Qiye touched Rin's back and said softly, "Behind you, you have to find a way to get your popularity as close to Lily as possible."

"Don't make trouble, just talk well."

Rin knocked down Qiye's hand impatiently.

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

Qiye's words made Rin's eyes look at him even more wrong.

"Fuck you, you will die on your own desire sooner or later."

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't move now, she would definitely kick Qiye down.

Qiye was a little embarrassed. He said awkwardly: "My idea is to let Lily take you as much as possible."

Lily's current popularity is in fate, and to be precise, it is already Yiqi Juechen in Jiufeng's Trier system.

This is both good and bad.

You must know that the name of the idol team is Trier, not "King Arthur and her Knights of the Round Table".

One person in the combination is too bright, and the final result is to cover up everyone, and finally lead to the result of a group of people.

This is definitely not what Qiye and Shion want to see, but it is impossible to suppress Lily's popularity. Qiye counts on this girl to make money for herself.

Since it can't be suppressed, then Lily can only pull other people forward as much as possible.

Qiye plans to carry out a series of publicity plans based on fate's plot content.

The core of this plan is Rin, not Lily.

After all, Lily's popularity is high enough, and Altria's mass production plan is already on the agenda.

After Lao Xu's HF line novel is finished, Qiye will still use Saber (Alter) to test the market reaction.

If Lily is given a chance to promote, Qiye feels that Trier and others will really become Lily's exclusive footwasher.

However, Qiye still had some doubts about whether Rin would accept this proposal, so he pulled Rin out alone to ventilate.

After listening to Qiye's general plan, Rin's face became weird.

"Does you guy just want us to love each other like this?" Rin said with a deep skepticism, "couldn't you, do you really have a big and small idea?"

"how is this possible!"

Qiye immediately denied that, at this time, if you really have an idea, you can't say there is.

"I'm just here to discuss with you. If you have concerns, you don't need to do it. Don't rush to answer. You should think about it first. Now you can take a good rest.

The man patted his girl's ass.

Then Qiye helped her adjust the cushion seat under her body in the shameful and angry eyes, and then left the lounge.

"Cut, really cunning..."

Rin grumbled in the lounge where only her own.

Wait until the lunch break is over, when all the members gather.Rin who reappeared in front of everyone looked much better than during the lunch break.

But no one doubted her, or that everyone didn't have the energy to guess other people's gossip.

Because the signing meeting in the afternoon has already begun, they need to devote 100% of their remaining energy to dealing with fans.

At the end of the last day, all the actors were in a state of burnout. Even the most energetic Lily was as spiritless as the eggplant that Shuang beat.

As a result, Qiye didn't arrange anything at all on the evening of Qiye, only let everyone have a good rest.

Of course, he was not so kind to think about everyone. His purpose is to hope that the crew members will not affect the important activities of the next day.

Today’s signing event can only be regarded as a warm-up and appetizer. The real purpose of Qiye is still for the second half of the "fate stay night" film press conference the next day.

The purpose of other companies holding San Diego conferences is usually just to increase the topic and popularity of their works for the next period of time.

Therefore, in order to ferment and brew enthusiasm, they often use the exclusive content of the press conference to attract the media and fans.

Fans who cannot rush to the scene can only learn about the results of the conference through media reports and drool over the exclusive content.

However, the "fate" conference held by Qiye this time is different. Although the promotion of next year's movie is also one of the purposes, the direct purpose of Qiye is for the box office of the current movie.

Therefore, for this Jiufeng Entertainment conference, Qiye simply opened the webcast of [See Moon], so that all fate fans around the world can see the full content of the conference.


pS: When thinking about Altria's mass production plan today, Mi Jiang suddenly thought of it.

Altria is a very beautiful girl, so many people are obsessed with her, and even don't hesitate to eat dirt (krypton gold).

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